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“Have you wanted to make some changes, but something stopped you? Have you tried but then didn’t follow through? It kind of sucks, doesn’t it, to want something, decide to do it and then give it up. Like, maybe you wasted that gym membership. Well, you aren’t alone if you did. Or on a smaller scale, you had that donut you promised you’d never eat again. Or you bought the book but never got around to reading it.

What is it about changing that people just don’t understand?  Why don’t you do what you want to do? Some people just don’t EVEN when it’s in their best interest to do so. Have you done something like this? Boy, I sure have in my life. I’d really, really, really want something but do next to nothing to get it. Too lazy. Too scared. Too many excuses. Too afraid I might succeed and then what. Didn’t want to take the risk. You know, right?

People I wanted to ask out but thought they’d just say no, so why bother? Why put myself out if I was just going to get rejected anyway. Well, guess what? You go where your thoughts take you! You are today, right now, where you are, because of where your thoughts have brought you. You will be, tomorrow, where your thoughts take you. You become what you think about most often. I was lonely but afraid to ask someone out.


Your life is the result of the thoughts you hold in your head. It’s what you think about and what you talk about most of each day. You get what you focus on. I was lonely, shy and insecure until one time when I said something to someone as a joke about going out with me AND she said yes! It was a joke. It was really said to relieve my discomfort and give a false sense of bravado AND she said yes. And we went out and it was good!

Our relationship that lasted about a year, and we were crazy about each other for a time. I learned something by saying that joke. Never assume anything. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. Ask, the worst that could happen is they say no. Don’t take it personally. When I realized my value didn’t come from others, but it was truly what I thought about myself I decided to raise my value. I decided to play the game fully.

When I played it safe and didn’t win, I’d make the excuse I really hadn’t tried. I didn’t go all out. That’s because at one time if I did play to win but lost, I took it to mean something about me and my worth. It wasn’t that I played and lost but I was no good. When I decided to change the way, I thought about myself, everything began to change. It wasn’t magic, but sometimes it did seem magical. At other times it was just ordinary.


But I felt better about myself. I realized if you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you can’t. Whatever you think about yourself, you are right! You cannot escape your thoughts. You either think and talk about what works and is wonderful and what you want OR you talk about what sucks, doesn’t work or what you don’t want most of the time. Your thoughts are either positive or negative. Rarely, if ever neutral.

Not only that but most of your thoughts, however many there are that you think, are either mostly positive or mostly negative. Rarely, is it balanced. AND on top of it all, most of the thoughts you think today, you’ve been thinking day in and day out perhaps for decades. Rarely, does a new thought occur to you. Most are habits. So, your thoughts are either constructive or they are destructive. Either way your thoughts are productive.

You can’t think two thoughts at one time. You either mostly think positive thoughts or you mostly think negative thoughts. Your life reflects what you think about most. What you think about expands. The results you get are produced from your thoughts. Most people with crappy lives have a crappy thought life. It’s not that they don’t dream. They just think about things going wrong, they worry, are afraid, sad, frustrated, angry or hateful.


Not everyone, but most people are really bad at thinking good. They see things going wrong instead of things going right. They think if they do something it won’t work out, so why bother. I sure have done that. Your outer world reflects your inner world. Your mind is only as strong as your weakest think. So, if your life isn’t roses it’s because your thinking is stinking. If you want to c=transform your life you must change your thoughts.

If you really want something, you’ll find a way to do it. Nothing will prevent you if you’re committed. If you don’t want to do something, you’ll find an excuse. You’ll find a reason you THINK is valid. Excuses are repetitive thoughts. Whining, and blaming and quitting are the easiest thoughts to think and to do. Why? Because for most people they’re a habit. Why is it hard to change?  Because we live in our comfortable zone. Yes, I said it.

Comfortable zone. Because when we are comfortable, we rarely do anything to change it. We like it and want it comfortable. When it hurts, we move to avoid the pain. We move from pain far more than we move toward pleasure. When I didn’t ask girls out it was painful. BUT not enough to stop not asking and start asking. Get it? It also didn’t quite seem worth the risk. The payoff wasn’t big enough to stop not asking. Get it?


It wasn’t until I realized some new thoughts about myself did things change. She said yes. I was joking. Maybe others would’ve said yes. If she’d said no, it wasn’t about me at all. There was an epiphany. I could politely ask and accept the answer without feeling threatened or rejected. What a breakthrough. It meant all along I’d been deceiving myself by what I thought. I’d been lying to myself about what I thought was going on.

Whew. I could now relax. Change your thoughts and you can transform your world. Change your thinking and everything changes. So, how about you? What do you want to change that you haven’t but could? Isn’t now a good time to give it your best. Change your thinking and change your life for the better. Think better thoughts. Think, feel and speak your best. When you do you behave differently and get different and better results. It works. BUT you must do it to know that. Go on, do something positive for yourself today. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2024 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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