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I’m personally inviting you to my brand new 5 day FREE book study I’ve created!


JOIN ME and spend five days (an hour each day) studying and learning the principles from Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting the Devil so you can apply them to use in your life and business!


Everyone should read this book. I’ve spent my life studying and sharing Napoleon Hill’s teachings. We’ll discuss this book and some other important aspects of Hill’s work.


I want to share some of my insights with you live, starting July 9. All the details, the dates, times and how this works can be found on at  https://www.rexsikes.club/book-study


GO THERE RIGHT NOW and register: It’s FREE!!  and will take 2 seconds to sign up.  Register for this important event and spend 5 days with me ONLINE FREE!


To your success!

Much love, peace and blessings!


Rex Sikes

Celebrate Everything!

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