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You and I, all of us live in a vibrational universe. There is no universe ‘out there.’ You and I are the universe. We are all one. AND you are not just a physical being in a physical universe. You are so much more than that! You’re an energetic, vibrational being. You are consciousness expressed as you. Plus, you’re both sending and receiving energy all the time. Whether you know it or not. You’re always putting out signals, vibrations.

Those vibrations determine what you attract or repel in your life. Napoleon Hill among others pointed out that we are all broadcasting and receiving stations. One of the greatest challenges we face is learning how to navigate this vibrational universe. Our vibrational world. Most people think they’re living as physical beings and believe the story they see in front of them. They think, ‘I’m my body, and live in the real world.’

But what we overlook is how much our energy, our vibration, is shaping this world, moment by moment. The question is what are you attracting or manifesting? You are always attracting and manifesting something. That’s just the way it is. People think they have trouble manifesting. That’s inaccurate. They manifest perfectly, they attract perfectly many things they just don’t want. Crap magnets are what I call them. And I’ve been one.


So, lots of people think they attract what they want, or what they think about, or what they feel. And yes, those are important, but they’re more like side effects. They’re secondary. What you’re really attracting into your life is based on what you’re signaling, what energy you’re putting out into the universe. That energy is WHO you are. Who you are is what you vibrate. Yes, based on your thinking and feeling. Who you are IS your vibrations.

You’re a radio tower, constantly transmitting a signal. Whatever that signal is, it’s a magnetic force pulling things in. You don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are. If you are positive and optimistic you get some good stuff back. If you are pessimistic and negative, worrisome or fearful you attract some of that same stuff back. If you throw a boomerang out you get a boomerang back. Not a teacup. Get it? You attract who you are.

Ever notice when you’re in a bad mood, everything seems to go wrong? You get stuck in traffic, someone snaps at you, your coffee spills. It’s like the whole world is against you. That’s not a coincidence! That’s because your vibration, your energy, was attracting more things that matched that negative vibe. On the other hand, if you’re feeling good, confident, and grateful, it seems like everything flows smoothly. You get good parking spots.


People smile at you, and opportunities seem to fall in your lap. So, the key IS to realize that you naturally attract what’s in sync with your energetic state or who you are. If your vibration is aligned with wealth and abundance, you’ll start to see more of that in your life. But if you’re putting out anger, frustration, or scarcity, then guess what? That’s what’s going to show up for you too. You attract what you’re in harmony with!

Imagine two people. One is financially successful and seems to have it all, wealth, health, happiness. The other is struggling, always complaining about money, and feels stuck. It’s not just about their bank accounts. It’s about the energy they’re putting out there. The successful person has a vibration of abundance, confidence, and possibility. That’s what they’re signaling. The struggling person is sending out different signals.

Signals of lack, fear, and frustration, and the universe is just responding in kind. What things to change. Change your signal. I share this with people all the time in my programs, workshops and training. A lot of my high-end clients didn’t start out that way. They were broadcasting problems until they learned how to change all that and attract love, health, wealth and happiness. The good news is you can too! You can change your signal.


If you want to experience something different in life, whether it’s more success, love, happiness, or health—you’ve got to change what you’re transmitting. It’s like tuning into a different radio station. You’ve been broadcasting the “struggle station,” and if you want to change your life, you need to dial into the “abundance station.” But how do you do that? It’s about shifting your inner state, your thoughts, feelings.

AND most importantly, your beliefs. If you’re someone who constantly says, ‘I never have enough money,’ You’re sending out a vibration of lack, and that’s what keeps showing up. But if you start practicing gratitude and saying, ‘I’m thankful for all the abundance I already have,’ even if you don’t feel it fully yet, you’re slowly adjusting your vibration. As you do that, you’ll notice things start to shift. Change your signal.

I suggest you read my book ‘Life on Your Terms: Create the Life You Want’ so you can more easily and readily make the change you must make to manifest the life you want ON YOUR TERMS. Get the Attitude Activator™ to wire in an optimistic, positive attitude so you vibe high. Check into one of my life-changing programs like Create Your Best Life Using Einstein and Tesla’s Genius™ which is heavily discounted right now.


Remember, life isn’t happening to you, it’s happening through you. You’ re the creator, the signaler, the one who decides what kind of energy you’re putting out. And when you shift that energy, you shift what you attract. You have more power than you realize. So, if you want something new, don’t just focus on what you want, or how bad things seem right now. Start shifting your inner world, your vibration, and the outer world will catch up. Now go ahead and transmit the kind of energy that’ll bring diamonds, not dog crap, into your life. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Blog Article ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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