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“There’s a meme going around that states, ‘The magnificent universe always provides abundantly when you’re in a state of gratitude.’ I disagree. The magnificent universe is always abundantly providing, BUT it’s only when you’re in a state of gratitude that you’re able to notice that and receive. The universe doesn’t change what it is doing. You change what you’re capable of noticing, knowing, receiving and benefiting from.

Understand this. It’s already always working. You’re living in an abundant universe. Everything IS already provided. Whether you receive or not is up to you. The universe responds to you. When you are open to giving and receiving, when you are feeling blessed and grateful is when you are open to receiving the blessings. They are always there. Just like your keys or glasses are always there. You just can’t see or find them, but they ARE there. Get it? Celebrate how fortunate you are to be living in an abundant universe. Celebrate and enjoy. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

Photograph Royalty Free, Public Domain Image

Blog Article ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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