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“Recently someone asked me how Napoleon Hill helped me. Here is my brief answer. I write about this in some fashion every day in my free blog Daily Inspiration & Gratitude and in my books and all my courses & programs at rexsikes.com In a nutshell, I learned I needed to take charge of my thoughts and feelings, words and actions. I had to become the leader for myself and my life. That meant making a dramatic shift in my attitude and mindset.

I needed to become a benevolent leader, one with a pleasing personality, confident and competent without being arrogant or boastful. I had to learn to serve others. I discovered if it was to be it was up to me AND through collaboration and cooperation I could accomplish more and greater things uniting with others in a legitimate mastermind focused on a sole purpose than by competing or considering others’ competition. Unite not divide.

I decided to get training and to keep learning to be my best. Conditioning my mind through rigorous application is no different than conditioning the body through proper nutrition, rest and exercise. I attended programs, training, seminars and anything that could help me think, feel and act better to get better results. I learned to put a guard before my lips to speak only what I want to create and not what I don’t want. Speak what you want always.


I found that by edifying and uplifting, adding value to others first and by going beyond what is asked of me, one can be more successful than one can imagine. I began to understand and live by the truth that IF you want to live in a new reality, you must first be able to conceive of that reality. Then you must bring yourself to believe it as Hill said SO you will make it happen. You must develop the certainty you will do it and then do it. Act on it!

Commit, persist and remain consistent while adjusting as necessary to achieve that reality. It is important to take daily steps, hourly steps to create and attract what you want. The mastermind principle is one of the most powerful. No person is an island. We can accomplish more through working together in harmony on an agreed upon purpose. Most masterminds today are not Carnegie’s idea of a mastermind. They’re brainstorming sessions.

I realized not who I listened to mattered greatly. Lots of people say lots of things. I looked for those who were people of integrity and walked their talk. I found lots of posers along the way. Instead of being daunted by that I searched harder for better qualified trainers, mentors and coaches. Working with qualified people and doing what they advised, implementing what I was learning made all the difference in the world. It is superior to discussion groups and coffee klatches about important topics. I acted and made my life different and better. I understood too, that it is all a process. Everyday something becomes old and something else is new. That’s some of it in a nutshell. Celebrate everything!”


PS I offer and conduct training in Think & Grow Rich and Outwitting the Devil, other works of Hill and additional thought  leaders in addition to my other wonderful programs.

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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Blog Article ©2025 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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