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“Have you heard the saying ‘Knowledge is Power?’ Do you believe it? Could you have knowledge but no power? What do you think? Do you consider yourself a learner? Do you apply what you know?

Some people run from book to book or from training to training attempting to get more information to be better in their career or live a better life. They learn and keep learning.

To be a life long learner IS a great thing when done correctly. Some people search for information incessantly as if to fill a void in their life. The search it out, find it and then keep looking. Then look again.

The Mind Is As Good As Its Weakest Think

Knowledge is power but ONLY when it is used. If it is not applied there is no benefit in it. Knowledge for knowledge sake is meaningless. It might be interesting but it isn’t life changing.

The point of knowledge is to do something with it to transform. You or I or the smartest people in the world don’t benefit if it isn’t applied. When applied it becomes powerful. It can be wonderful.

When you apply what you know you learn more because you learn from experience. There is no greater teacher than experience. Attempting and failing and attempting again brings wisdom.

Knowledge for the sake of information is dead. Knowledge put to good use is alive, active, and evolves your thinking. It adds to you resource base and increases your awareness of opportunity.

Use It Or Lose It

Put your knowledge to use right away. When you learn something useful or beneficial apply it as soon as possible. THEN keep learning and seeking. Stay open to what else there may be.

Then continue life long learning. Read positive and inspirational material. Take and apply the suggestions. WORK IT. Repeat it. Re-read the material again a few days or weeks later. Then again later.

Write down what you are learning in your own words. Re-read it again at another time. Re-write it again in your own words. You change by applying knowledge. Your understanding grows.

From the application and the re-visiting of the material you evolve. You evolve through trial and error, success and failure. When you revisit and re-write you make the understanding your own.

Skill Comes Of Doing

Do you have to do these things? No, of course not but they help! Learning is not the passive accumulation of tidbits of information, yet, that is what many people think. Application is vital.

The more you learn the more you can learn. The more you apply the more becomes available. Use your learning to make life what you want it to be. Otherwise, what is there? Interesting info.

Share your knowledge. Assist others in learning. Surround yourself with positive people with similar dreams and desire who can inspire you and assist you AND vice versa. DO workshops and training.

Imagine using your knowledge positively in a variety of ways. See yourself doing what you want. Visualize it as if you have already learned it and made it a habit and are benefiting from it.

When Directed Towards A Chief Aim Then Knowledge Is Power

Constructively day dream! Put your new knowledge to work. Take it for a real test drive. Use it!  You will add immeasurably to your overall well being. It will make an important difference for you.

As your learning increases so will your awareness of what else is there to benefit from. Opportunity and advantages become more visible and recognizable. You transform beyond what you know.

Celebrate it and be grateful. You are changing in positive and beneficial ways when you apply your knowledge correctly. You will be delighted at the positive results you can get. Do it; begin now!” Rex Sikes

Discover delight today!


Horizon photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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PSS A great practice is read the posts daily and then go back and re-read from time to time. You will discover things you missed the first few readings. Try it, you will be surprised.

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