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“Holidays and post holiday can be a time of joy and a time of stress. Preparations and wanting everything perfect can add pressures where you hope none would exist. The New Year brings pressure as people try to keep resolutions they have made.

To avoid stress and burn out let it all go. Decide to enjoy it for whatever it is. It doesn’t have to be perfect. What is perfect is you have the opportunity to gather with friends and family. Make relationships your priority, not events.

Make Your Relationships Your Priority – Enjoy The Love  

As for resolutions, make one main resolution you intend to keep. Focus on that one. If you make a list of everything you want to change it may be too much at one time. Begin with one you really want and you will commit to. That will reduce stress and more likely ensure your success.

One goal at a time. You can set multiple goals but take care of them one by one. Don’t try to do them all at once. It is easier and much more manageable this way. You are more likely to stay committed the easier you make it. You can combine a few into one. For example, you want to get healthier. Wrap a few changes into one change.

Decide on a reasonable gym or exercise schedule you can keep. Proceed slowly. Take a few days a just walk the track. Water walk in the pool for a week. Sauna or steam. Ease into it. Don’t rush in and pound the weights. Build up to it. It is better to spend 20 minute working out and build to an hour than staring big first and quitting.

The New Year Brings Opportunity To Begin New And Fresh

You can decide you want to eat healthier, too. Choose what you will eat over what you won’t eat. You can eliminate but take it easy. Commit to eating an extra serving of fruit and vegetables, or drinking an extra bottle or two of water. Go to bed a half hour earlier if you want more rest. Tiny changes add up!

Do this for a month or more. Success breeds success. If you take it bit by bit and ease into it gently you gather up wins. The more you win and feel good the more likely you will continue. As you win at this and make it a habit you can begin on something else. Work that new goal the same way.

Learn to let go of stress. Take time for yourself. Even five minutes at a time, to close your eyes, let go, imagine pleasant moments, and breath deeply can work wonders. Take some deep breaths. Learn how to breath properly. Take up some mild form of meditation. Little snatched relaxing moments through the day can de-stress MUCH!

Drop By Drop The Tub Fills

Take small amounts of time. That IS easier than committing to hours. Drop by drop the tub fills. Inch by inch, step by step you get there. Perhaps, not as quick but you are more likely to get there slow and steady than if you rush, do too much and burn out. Slow and steady wins the race. Remember, the tortoise won!

Read more. Reduce TV and computer time. Spend less social media and news time. Go for walks. Drink more water. Rest more frequently. Take baths. Get some massages. When weather permits walk barefoot as much as possible. Enjoy the earth, contact it. Lie on the ground. Picnic. Get some fresh air. Get the right amount of sun.

Limit exposure to toxins in food, drink, and air. Stop putting bad chemicals on your body in soaps, shampoos, perfumes, and make-up. Get organic or chemical free. Try scent free detergents, etc. Go a bit more natural and organic. Limit cell phone use, texting, emails etc.

Go More Natural Its Okay To Be Human

You may not give up everything at once. In fact, don’t! I don’t want you to try it all at once. Simply, bit by bit claim your life, your time, your space and your health back. Let go of that which is not important. Again, meditation can be great for learning to let go. Spend time with friends, family, children, and pets. Have fun.

Make being alive and enjoying your relationships and each day a priority. Smile more, laugh more, sing and dance more. Look for the positive and think positive. Fill your mind with positive inspirational messages by reading and listening. Practice gratefulness each day by counting your blessings and feeling thankful!

Go to educational seminars and events. Enjoy church or temple or similar supportive social gatherings. Hang out with happy, optimistic people. Make new friends. Help others in need, those you know and strangers. Give more and become a good receiver, too. Little by little you can reduce stress and increase enjoyment.

Practice Singular Focus And Gratitude

Stay focused on one change at a time you will accomplish more. You will accomplish much more over time than you could ever imagine. Stop multi-tasking and use singular focus. Simplify, simplify, simplify. Have fun making changes and letting go. The effects are cumulative and you will be surprised and delighted. Enjoy and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Make your moments marvelous!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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