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“My career sucks! My relationship sucks! Life suck! Why bother with career, relationship and life goals? Why dream and want to make things better? What is the point?  It seems like it will always be this way. These are some questions I am asked.  Others include:

I’ve heard manifesting is easy, is it? I have heard the process of deliberate creation is difficult? Well? It’s can’t be both can it? What if I suck at it? Life sucks! What to do about it? Is working with the Law Of Attraction tough?

Yes, sometimes it may seem like it. What is going on? Why bother? What is the payoff? I might struggle and not end up getting my goals, then what was it all for? I am not sure it is worth my time. Have you heard or thought things like this? Many people do, I have. It’s okay if you do.

People Think Life Is A Certain Set Of Circumstances

Intentional, deliberate creation and the Law Of Attraction are simple, and easy. Truly! Yes, it can take some time to see results and it typically does. It takes time for plants to grow so patience is required.  Still, things can happen faster or slower depending on your attitude and approach. Let it go.  You can’t suck at it

Whether you get what you want precisely, the ultimate pay off is huge. The benefit beyond your desire and your belief. Some people are too narrowly focused and miss what else is available to them. It requires a blend of concentration and an open mind. Flexibility is desirable.

Dedication and commitment are required. Dabblers get dabbler results. When you dive in and immerse yourself you tend to get quicker results. Things change for the better all over. Still, you swim the length of the pool bit by bit. You are rarely beamed up anywhere. That is just the way nature unfolds. We work with nature!

Some things do seem instantaneous. Transformation can occur immediately. Aha’s can make everything miraculous in a moment. Still, everything is what it is. The best attitude is absolutely committed, and persistent. Yet you have fun and enjoy the process regardless of the speed. Speed isn’t the greatest benefit anyway.

Life Is Actually A Certain Set Of Attitudes

Take it lightly. After all you can’t push a rope. You can’t force things. When things are easy. you may coast a bit, while remaining dedicated. When the going gets rough,  hang in there, and remember that’s when ‘the tough get going’. Self discipline and persistence are required. A big benefit is you learn flexibility by going through it.

Working with creation and attraction isn’t about suddenly finding oneself in utopia. Indeed, there can be obstacles. Usually there are, perhaps numerous, you just have to accept that. Skiing down a hill you may frequently encounter some pretty big bumps, dips and jumps; that is what makes it fascinating and enjoyable.

Becoming skilled and hanging in there no matter what means you don’t quit or give up when you encounter obstacles.  You create more of what you want as necessary. Continue undaunted. You learn from whatever is going on to become more resilient. For most of us, this would be a really big benefit to learn. A major plus!

Life IS what it is. The biggest and most valuable lesson may be to learn how to go with the flow while you direct the current. Those may seem at odds but they aren’t. You get to discover how they work together. Once you  embark on the journey it is an amazing adventure. It is a blend of many different things! Allow it! Enjoy!

There Is A Time To Plant And A Time To Harvest

There are so many delights. There are times when it is challenging. So why bother? Why put yourself through it? I believe for the many reason I have already cited. You become deliberate and flexible. You create wonderful things, learn patience and dedication. You learn to maximize and utilize your resources but there is something greater.

The greatest benefit is discovering WHO you are. You find out what you are made of and capable of. As you peel an onion the layers come off. When you are challenged you uncover  your true self. Challenges are an opportunity to learn who you are and ‘what you got’ each moment. You discover new talents and abilities. AND it’s learning how to go with the flow!

There can be nothing better than becoming one with yourself. You never arrive but you get closer to home. It is exciting. It is relaxing to come into your own power. It is beyond words. In order to be at one with yourself, to embrace the true you, you must go through the process. Whatever that process is for you. Trust it.

At times you may be exhilarated, at other times bored. You might be challenged to your limits and other times coast or blast along at amazing speed. It IS what it is. You were born to discover who you are, and what life can be like!  It IS what you were born to do! You were born to enjoy the good life.

Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude

You are here to maximize your potential. You were born to evolve and to realize your true nature. You are here to wake up. You are here to become aware of your real self.You are here to learn YOU create your reality. You have already been creating it all along. It is time to wake up to your power and your responsibility.

You are an amazing creator and attractor. If the results you previously have gotten aren’t to your liking you can change that. Learn from it and change it! You are here to delight! You are here to enjoy the fullness of life and all the good things that abound. You have been born to celebrate and to create all sorts of wonderful moments!  Seek yourself!” Rex Sikes

Enjoy your day!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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