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“Why do you think you are here? What is your purpose? Do you think you are here to succeed in a career? Are you here to find your soul mate? What is life all about? Why you and why are you here?

Some may say they are here to do great things. Some may say they are here to solve world problems. Some may say they are here to be famous. Some may say they are here to pass genes along.

Some claim we are here because we are part of a creation. Some will state we are part of the creator. Some say we are here by random happenstance. Some may argue there is no reason why we are here.

I don’t honestly know why we are here. Do you? Honestly? I know what I believe or think about it. I hear what others think about it who claim to ‘know’. I imagine there are many answers and reasons.

I’d say you are here because you are. Whatever else may be the case, you are here. NOW what are you going to do about it? How are you going to spend your days? What are you going to do?

It seems, for whatever reason, you and I have an opportunity. An incredible opportunity. On the face of it, we are here for a short period of time. We never seem to know how long we actually have.

How we spend the time we have seems to be then most critical. We can consider it a gift or a sentence. We can say ‘WOW’ or ‘I didn’t ask to be born’. What we think about it is really up to each of us.

So what will you do? Will you spend it struggling and hating and resenting it? Will you oppose others who are here to because they differ from you? Will you make it seem longer because it is painful?

Will you celebrate the opportunity to party? Will you enjoy it and delight in it no matter what? Will you celebrate with others the moments left? Will you live fully for as long as you have?

It seems most will have good times and bad. They will struggle and vacation when able. They will live ho-hum lives waiting for exhilarating moments. They will hope nothing terrible happens.

They will strive to get ahead. Collect things.They will hope these things make them happy. They’ll leave the things as they pass on. They will hope they make a mark. They will have kids. They’ll go.

Point: you are here. Now what? What is it going to be? How will you spend your remaining time? How would you like to spend it? You have some options? Make a choice.

You can spend it as a victim of circumstance. You didn’t want to be here. You aren’t sure what or how to do it. OR you can live it as a champion and call the shots. You can live like a victor or a emperor.

You can live it as a party goer. You have been invited. What do you bring to the party for all to enjoy? OR you can live it as the party host. You set the atmosphere, decide the banquet, invite the guests.

Choose to live deliberately or live haphazardly. That is what you can do. How do you want to spend your time? Decide.  Then make that happen. Determine your purpose and the effect you will have.

I don’t know why we are here. I have said that already. So it seems you can assign a reason or live without one. If you don’t have one you can still live to the utmost or to the ‘utleast’. It’s up to you.

As for me. I will celebrate. I will enjoy each moment as best I can. I will fill it with love, joy, peace, and happiness. I will attempt to be the best me I can be. I will help others the best I can.

After all this is my place. I own it with many other co-owners. I will care for myself, them and this place. When I go I will go having enjoyed it all. Hopefully, I leave behind a better place for everyone.

I don’t do this because I have to. I do this because I want to. The people around us are all we have. They are friends and friends we haven’t got to know yet. They are made from the same stardust.

I’ve decided it is my party and I am both host and guest. I will live deliberately and with intention to have the most wonderful time and share it with others, for no reason other than that is what I choose.

Then my career, my relationships, my life have meaning I assign AND I get to discover. I realize the people around me, the events and circumstances are a reflection of my thoughts and decisions.

I become more aware that I am creating my reality and the life I live. I am responsible for it all. When I take that responsibility fully then I have more power than I can ever imagine. I have ability to create.

So I want to create something more wonderful. I want to leave it and others better off than I found it. I want to create a marvelous life! I choose to live it fully, learn and grow and be the best me I can be. I have decided to design me and my life as I want it to be. And so it is!

You and I are already choosing. We are already doing. Is it what you want? If not change it. Choose again. Decide how you want to live your life. Capisci? Live, love and laugh. I’ll live in gratitude and celebrate everything! How about you?” Rex Sikes

Make today the day you want it to be!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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