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“Would you like to be happier? Do you want better heath? Want to perform better in your career, sports, life and relationships? How do you transform you for the better? How do you get started making personal changes? If you are curious we’ll explore in a short series.

Awareness is the first step. At some point on some day for whatever reason you notice something isn’t as wonderful as you hope it would be. You notice a glitch or a disaster. You see someone else being doing or having something you want and you think, ‘that’s for me’.

Somehow at sometime, somewhere you become aware that what you are doing isn’t working. You become aware that something you are doing could be done better. You become aware of lack, of negativity, of the downside or of missing out on the upside.

The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It

You become aware you need to change. You become aware that it might be possible to make changes. You can or could change so you can have more of what you desire. Without this AS a possibility you wouldn’t move forward. Awareness starts it all off. It is the trigger.

Often, you first become aware of what you don’t want before you become aware of what you want. It is as if you outgrow a pair of shoes and feel the pain. You think, ‘I need some new shoes’. Then you begin to decide what kind of new shoes you need or want.

The choice of what you WANT is up to you. You recognize there is a gulf between what you don’t want and what you do want. You realize you need something to be different. You imagine a better you or a better life. You dream of it. You begin to wonder and explore how.

Your Thoughts Create Your Future 

You don’t know yet how it might be possible. You don’t know what to do, for certain, to make it better. You may have an idea or you may be lost trying to figure out what to do next.It can be confusing. So stop. Look at all you don’t want and ask yourself, What do I want instead?’

People get stuck for many reasons. One of the first is when they become aware that life isn’t what they wanted and they get depressed and upset. They get frustrated and angry. They sit there. They stay rooted. They wallow and whine. They complain and blame.

Obviously, this isn’t good though It is normal. It is human. It is actually IS great to get angry. It is good to be SO angry YOU definitely DECIDE to make things different. You get angry enough to think and behave in new ways different.

You Become What You Think About – You Get What You Focus On

It is not so good to wallow and whine. However, anger can be and is a useful starting place because it can cause you to turn your back on the negative. You decided to  drop what is and move toward the positive desires you have. It is the impetus for making changes.

It is critical you turn from the negative and move into the positive. You need to change your focus from what you do not want and begin to entirely focus on what you DO want. You have to build, create or attract what you want and let go of what you don’t want.

Leave or let go of what you don’t want, completely! Use it only to clarify what you want. Get precision and focus on your positive goal. Unfortunately, too many people get stuck in creating more of what they don’t want because they don’t turn towards the positive.

Your Habits Determine Your Present

You must focus on what you want. The anger, and negativity, and knowing what you don’t want is absolutely valuable to help you specify what you do want. You must get clear about what you want and where you want to head. Then you must head there.

You can’t drive forward safely with all your attention in the rearview mirror. When you go on a vacation you need to know your destination.  BUT some exclaim, ‘what if I just want to wander around taking in everything?’ That is the problem with most people.

They wander, they don’t know what they want or where they want to end up. They drift aimlessly. They aren’t focused. They don’t have a plan. They don’t have a road map to get from points A to Z. You need to know where you are going in order to get there.

If You Want A New Better Future – Create New Better Habits

If they would set their site of the end goal they will know when they get there. This is an important point not to miss! Know what you want. Focus on it so you can create it. Build what you want rather than fighting the old.  Once it is built party. Celebrate along the way.

In the next blog posts I’ll share some move. Meanwhile explore. Determine hat do you truly want. Clarify it. Be specific. Visualize it. See it, hear it, feel it, smell it, taste it. Make it as real as you can for yourself. Be glad you are being concise.

Be glad you know what you want. Be glad you are becoming more aware. Feel grateful for the opportunity to make your dream come true. Many people miss out because they never wake up to the fake that destiny is within their reach. It is in their grasp. YOUR destiny is in your hands. What will you do about it? Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Make it a point to feel awesome today!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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