“David Lynch pointed out, ‘If you have a golf ball sized consciousness. when you read a book, you’ll have a golf ball sized understanding. When you look out, a golf ball sized awareness and when you wake up in the morning, a golf ball size wakefulness. But if you could expand that consciousness then you read the book more understanding, you look out, more awareness and when you wake up, more wakefulness.
It’s consciousness and there’s an ocean of pure vibrant consciousness inside each one of us. And it’s right at the source and base of mind, right at the source of thought, and it’s also at the source of all matter. This pure consciousness is called by modern physics the unified field. It’s at the base of all mind and all matter.
And they now say, modern sciences says all of matter everything that is a thing emerges from this field. And this field has qualities like bliss, intelligence, creativity, universal love, energy and peace.It’s not the intellectual understanding of this field but the experiencing of it that does everything. You dive within and transcending experiencing this field of pure consciousness and you enliven it, you unfold it.
It grows and the final outcome of this growth of consciousness is called enlightenment. And enlightenment is the full potential of all of us human beings. And a side effect of enlivening this consciousness is negativity starts to recede.’
And here it is said another way by the recently late David Lynch. If you’ve a golf ball sized awareness, everything you are aware of is golf ball sized. If you only drink milk, you aren’t yet ready for solid food. There is so much more that so many miss, because they don’t realize they are majoring in minor things. They are living well underneath their potential. Their consciousness is golf ball sized. BUT if you could…
IF you could EXPAND that consciousness, then you’d have more understanding, more awareness, more wakefulness. You might even discover the bliss, intelligence, creativity, universal love, energy and peace. BUT you must expand your consciousness. ‘When I was a child I thought as a child…’ the quote goes. It is time to wake up, expand consciousness. Become more aware. Experience the shift and the bliss.
It is ONLY WHEN the student is ready the TEACHER appears. To expand your consciousness you must empty your cup. Then MORE can be poured in. You must let go of what you THINK you know and be willing to learn all over again. You must become willing to change and teachable, coachable. You must stop trying to assert what you know and learn from the curiosity and openess and innocence of a child.
Then you may be ready for more. You can’t put more into an already full cup. If you want to learn you have to unlearn much. You keep doing the same things, thinking they’re different and better but they’re not. You’re driving an ant sized car around the inside of a cheerio thinking you are accomplishing great things or wondering why you aren’t. If you want your life to change you must change what you think.
You must change what you say and do. When you are ready, the master, the teacher, the lesson appears BUT only when you are ready. If you are in the presence of a master but cannot tell, then much is lost. You have an opportunity but miss it because you are not aware. If you sleep through a wonderful party you miss all that goodness because you were not, and are not awake. You must wake up and notice. When you do then everything changes. If you don’t, it remains the same. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
PS I’m here to help you awaken so you can experience more joy, more success, better health and more loving relationships. Stop doing it alone. Empty your cup so new goodness can be added to you.
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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Blog Article ©2025 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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Wonderful post 🌅🌅