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“Someone asked why only 1% seem to make it in the film business. The reason is because only 1% does what it takes to make it. They focus on making career happen and work to attract the right people and circumstances to them. They don’t complain and whine.

They add value to others and production. They add value to their bosses, projects and co-workers in all walks of life and business. They uplift and celebrate other’s success. They aren’t greedy but they are focused. They develop the certainty they will succeed.

They manage their mindset, their feelings, their words and actions to get the best results. They adjust and continue when necessary. They remain dedicated to their vision and mission. They also don’t do what the 99% do that prevent them from succeeding.

Learn To Crush Manifesting And Skyrocket Abundance!

Success leaves clues and those who succeed follow the clues and do what is necessary to get ahead. The best of the best help others get ahead while they do. The greater the value and benefit you create for others the more you create for yourself! Get it? Winners win!

You can’t keep doing what you are doing if it isn’t moving you forward in productive ways. Yet, most people do the same old things habitually and that is why they don’t succeed. To win you need to create the habit of winning and consistently act in winning fashion!

I address many of these issues in my book Life On Your Terms. While not specifically about filmmaking or acting, it does address issues many of us, dare I say, all of us face. I discuss much of my book’s blueprint and methods in these blogs, but if you want it all in one place I suggest you get, read and study Life On Your Terms. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS This book will help you make your dreams come true! It’s an easy to read, powerful book about how you can claim back your life, overcome difficulty and live the life you desire without fear, hassle, and stress. Pursue your dreams and live happily!

Read Life on Your Terms and make good things happen. Available at Amazon in book or kindle. Get it today! Here’s the link:


“Rex wants you to live the life of your dreams. His book is the road map to successfully and fully chase the excellence you desire and deserve. Happy reading.” – Mark Victor Hansen Author Chicken Soup For The Soul


Meet Tom. A great guy and one of the top 25 network marketers in the world.. He knows how to connect people to their resources. He helps people create a life, good health and wealth. From Colorado he is a powerful positive force.  Book or Kindle available at Amazon.

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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