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“Are you struggling to make things work for you? Do you feel frustrated with the promises of the Law of Attraction or manifesting? Have you been told you’re sabotaging yourself with counter-intentions or limiting beliefs? Maybe you’ve been advised to work harder, sacrifice more, and take massive action, yet nothing seems to change. There’s a reason for that. It’s prevalent, especially today. Would you care to know what it is?

Today’s self-help world is crowded. There are problems with modern teachings and teachers. Many want to be the next big brand, the next guru. They market well, speak boldly, and often mislead. They tell you to try harder, sacrifice more, and take massive action. They tell you to teach what you don’t know yet.  They claim teaching will help you learn. BUT how can you teach something truthfully if you haven’t mastered it yourself?

Misinformation spreads easily. Remember the game of telephone where you whisper a story to one person. It goes around several people and the last person tells a different story or version from the first. Why? People hear different things, understand differently and they say something different from the original. Like a game of telephone, errors and falsehoods are repeated until they seem true. That’s what’s been going on for a while.


Just because someone or something is popular doesn’t mean it’s right. I say, stop participating in the noise. Stop perpetuating half truths, disinformation and suggestions that don’t work. Get free from this popular, modern day way of doing things. The internet is overflowing with wrong information. Stop chasing shiny objects empty suits and false promises. Instead, prepare yourself to receive the truth and live it authentically.

If you’re seeking transformation, start by changing how you think, feel, speak, and behave. Begin living differently to get different results. This isn’t about working harder; it’s about working smarter. Develop a positive, powerful, optimistic attitude, mindset and beliefs to transform yourself. Here’s why most people fail. They aren’t ready. You can’t pour fine wine into a dirty cup. The inside must be cleaned first.

As Jesus said in Matthew 23:26: “First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.”  They chase instead of prepare. People run from one promise to the next, looking for happiness, love, or success in external things. But these pursuits don’t prepare them for the deeper truths. Milk and meat are different! What? You say. How? Listen up. The distinction between milk and meat is vital.


Milk represents the basic lessons, the easy-to-digest teachings. Meat is the deeper wisdom, the truths that require preparation to understand. 1 Corinthians 13:11 puts it plainly:“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.” The same is true for spiritual and personal growth. You begin with milk but graduate hopefully to the meat.

Without preparation, people can’t handle the meat. They can’t digest the profound truths that could change their lives. When you first took sustenance you took milk. When you were ready you took ‘meat’  to chew. That’s what is meant by the analogy and the scripture quoted. You must be ready for higher learning. You must prepare yourself. Stop reasoning as a child thinks and grow in awareness. Prepare yourself for more.

Before he became one of my students Alex, was a man who was desperate for success. He had jumped from one self-help program to another, absorbing countless tips and tricks but never seeing results. Why? Because he wasn’t ready to receive the deeper truths. Alex came to me and finally stopped chasing. He started preparing, by reflecting, developing a positive mindset, and clearing his limiting beliefs, everything changed.


He wasn’t just consuming information; he was transforming from the inside out. Alex still does programs but not from desperation but because he feels fulfilled and wants to enjoy more. He knows life is a process and learning doesn’t end. He continues to learn but he’s settled inside. He shares what he knows from his fulness and wisdom. He’s not sharing or teaching something he just learned recently or doesn’t yet know.

Research supports the need for inner preparation. Studies in psychology and neuroscience confirm that change starts within. Carol Dweck’s research on mindset shows that those with a growth mindset, who believe they can develop abilities through effort and learning, are far more likely to succeed than those with a fixed mindset. What is a growth mindset but a positive, optimistic, open attitude. Remember, attitude is the best predictor!

Neuroplasticity proves that our brains physically rewire themselves based on repeated thoughts and behaviors. By focusing on positive beliefs and attitudes, you’re literally preparing your mind to receive greater possibilities. Hermes Trismegistus said: ‘When the ears of the student are ready to hear, then cometh the lips to fill them with wisdom.The lips of Wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding.’


Transformation isn’t about chasing external things, it’s about becoming ready to receive. The student must prepare before the master, the lesson, or the breakthrough can appear. Remember this. Only when ready can a master appear. To think otherwise is hubris. To think you know enough to teach something when you don’t have experience or wisdom is not helpful to you or others if you continue to share misinformation as many do.

Now with AI you don’t even need to know something. You get AI to give you the answers. You don’t need experience. This is an awful place to find ourselves. People running around as experts without training, education, practice, experience, ethics or morals. The quest to be somebody drives them to deceive. It’s been going on for some time, it’s just so much easier now through the internet. They aren’t prepared.

But if you want better and if you’re tired of chasing and ready to transform, it’s time to start preparing. Develop the positive attitude, mindset, and beliefs to clean the inside of your ‘cup.’ Focus on aligning yourself with the truth rather than following the latest shiny object, borrowing answers from AI, or following empty suits. I’m here to help guide you. If you’re ready to cut through the myths, lies, and BS, I invite you to join me in this journey. But remember: You must prepare yourself.


The other mistake of flitting around for milk is attempting to do it alone. If you don’t know the path to where you want to go, it can take along time to get there. It’s better to travel with an experienced and trusted guide who can point out the beauty of the journey as well as the pitfalls to avoid. Proper guidance appears when the student is ready, but only when the student is ready to let go of the old ways and embrace the new ways.

Sadly, many miss the opportunity. However, if you are ready and would like my help, know this. I can lead you to the well, you must choose to drink. Celebrate the Journey. If you’re ready to transform, take this step: clean the inside first. Seek wisdom, not hype. Seek truth, not shiny objects. As Matthew 6:33 says: ‘But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.’

The journey may not be easy, but it’s worth it. As you prepare yourself, you’ll find that the meat, the deep truths you’ve been searching for, becomes accessible. I’ll share them with you.  Until then, here’s more milk to sustain you. Join me when you’re ready for the meat. Celebrate the process. Celebrate your growth. Celebrate everything.” – Rex Sikes

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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Blog Article ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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