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“Reality is what you make it. What you say it is, it turns out to be. What you focus on you get. Perception is everything. So is taking charge of your mind, feelings and behaviors to live as a champion instead of a victim. What you declare it to be, it will be. So it is.

So it is written. So it shall be done. What you say is what you get!

Nothing less. Determine, decide to take charge of your life and live victoriously no matter what comes your way. Make lemonade out of lemons. No one can, nor will they, do it for you. But you can do it for yourself. Change your thoughts and transform your life! Or not.

Because it’s totally up to you. How you live and what you experience is your doing. No one is doing it to you. Take responsibility for yourself! Begin to live life in a BIG way; a grand, wonderful, marvelous magical way. You can, when you take charge.

Learn To Crush Manifesting And Skyrocket Abundance!

Stop living small. Start living large. Live your dreams. Imagine them. Visualize them and step into them! Wrap that reality around you and make it yours. Make your future your present! Learn to live life on your terms. Create the life you want. Don’t wait. Begin today. Gratitude and celebration is the means. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS Read my book Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want for to begin making your dreams come true! Overcome difficulty. Skyrocket your abundance , success  and happiness! It’s an important book to help you get through tough times and get better results! Stop losing out. Start living the life you deserve to live!

Read Life on Your Terms and make good things happen. Available at Amazon in book or kindle. Get it today! Here’s the link:


“Rex Sikes is a walking inspiration. He inspires the inspirers, which is why I love the way he thinks, lives, and teaches. In this book, he deconstructs the myths of the law of attraction and makes it easier to understand how to apply it to your everyday thought process. It’s one thing to wish and want something, and another to apply these laws effectively, which really do work. Why do some people appear to have everything and end up having nothing, while others have the true inner-secret to love, success, (whatever that means to you) and inner peace? Joy is there to be ours, peace is there to be ours, blessings are there to be ours, it is all about focus and harnessing our thoughts, dreams, and desires by using Rex Sikes simple and effective techniques. You must understand to apply, let Rex be your guide and your life can change no matter what you’ve been through.” – Catherine Hickland Actor ‘One Life To Live’, Author, Hypnotist


Meet Catherine. She’s an amazing entertainer, actor, hypnotist, mentalist living in Vegas with husband Todd, who is Carrie Fisher’s brother. They do live events, and online shows. She’s an incredible person; an educator, influencer, and entrepreneur helping people create a good life, health and more wealth. Book or Kindle available at Amazon.

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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