“I want to clarify some terms here so readers understand why they are being used. I have used the word subconscious because this is what most thought leaders have used when writing about the mind. I have used the term autosuggestion for the same reason.
These are old terms. In the 70’s we tried to shift to ‘unconscious’ and then to ‘other-than-conscious’ or ‘para-conscious’ or ‘preconscious’ or any number of descriptors to suggest anything other than ‘sub’ or ‘un’. I like to use the term non-conscious but am comfortable with all.
I have used Maxwell Maltz’s ‘servo-mechanism’ and also called it ‘servant-mechanism’ to help clarify. I particularly like this description. Our ‘other-than-conscious, para, pre, non, un, sub, conscious’ mind runs the show.
‘Other Mind’ Is Your Willing Servant But You Must BeThe Master
Estimates put it at 95%-99% on running automatic programs, habits or the same neural pathways routinely day in and day out. THAT is powerful! The conscious mind can and does provide some direction in very specific ways that most people don’t yet know.
Or they know, but don’t use it. Thoughts, mental images, coupled with strong emotion, repeated over time, dictate to this other mind what we want it to do. Good, bad, right, wrong, positive or negative, wanted or unwanted this other mind doesn’t care it just obeys.
It really only says ‘Yes’ to everything. It is a servant. I am partial to servo-mechanism for this reason. This mind doesn’t judge or analyze. This mind carries out the orders it receives faithfully UNTIL the orders are changed. It is reliable, automatic and consistent.
I Have Used ‘Non-Conscious’ To Describe These Processes
It is simple to change the orders, but not always easy. The great news is THIS MIND is flexible and will carry out the orders we want.BUT!!! We must give this mind the orders we want in the correct fashion! Then it is our faithful productive servant.
Otherwise this mind runs the show with whatever it learned in the past from others while growing up. It’s a servant! It does what it was programmed to do. If you don’t like that YOU must change the programming. You can! You take charge and follow through.
The results are amazing! Some people feel to call the mind ‘sub’ was ‘substandard’ or a pejorative and an unkind view of this aspect of our ‘self.’ After all, it runs most of the show all of the time. I have played with and used as many different variations.
Not Things But Processes – Remember – Not Things – Processes
I don’t think calling it ‘sub’ or ‘un’ is disrespectful as some do.
We have a conscious mind and we have the mind that is everything else. I don’t think it matters so much what we call it as long as we don’t call it an ‘it’ (wink wink). I don’t think it matters much. Some people think of both of their minds as people.
They personify them as they anthropomorphize animals. We have a conscious person and an other-than-conscious person. A light being and a shadow being. As if some angel or ‘not an angel’ is sitting on our shoulder. I do not believe this to be the case.
Our minds are a collection of processes or activities that are ongoing. They are habitual. Our brains follow the programming and neural pathways and networks laid down. The description I like best of the minds, or the brain, is of a jungle.
The Brain Is Like A Jungle – Not A Thing But Living Processes
The brain is like a jungle. I like this because it implies that it’s living. Teaming with many different living processes. Activity and process, growth and development. It is not merely a computer. It’s alive and vital. humans think of themselves as things. We are living processes.
I don’t care what you call our minds. I don’t think they care much either. They’re both designed to carry out functions to keep you alive and well. They are designed for you to survive and they will keep you alive even if it kills you. (wink wink nudge nudge).
That other-than-conscious mind doesn’t care about positive or negative, want or don’t want. ‘It’ say yes to whatever is the case. You say, ‘I am smart’ it says ‘Yes, you are!’ If you say, ‘I am stupid.’ It says, ‘Yes, you are!’ It serves you and carries out the programs it learned.
Other-Than-Conscious Only Says ‘Yes’ – It Serves Not Sabotages
It doesn’t differentiate whether something is wanted or unwanted, positive or negative. It says yes to whatever it is you consciously think. If you begin smoking it will keep you smoking even when you decide you want to quit. That is what it knows.
It forms habits and streamlines behaviors so you don’t have to think about it. You decide you want to quit smoking. It runs the old program. You can change it and then it will work to keep your new habit just as strongly. Whatever the new habit is.
It says ‘yes’. So if you used to say, ‘I can’t make money’ it said ‘yes’. If you change that to ‘I can make money’ or ‘I am rich’ it says ‘yes’. See how this works. However, it doesn’t respond to a mere new thought, but it responds to being reconditioned or reprogrammed.
The Thing Named Is Not The Thing
Either way it will help you do what you want to do. What it has learned to do. It will do it reliably, in service of the human, so the human can survive. It truly is magnificent. BUT unless we learn to harness and use its power it will run the show. We don’t want that.
Our minds are wonderful. They are divided into conscious and ‘whatever else’ but in reality it is ‘wholeness’. Complementary wholeness. One mind functions perfectly well. Various tasks being performed day in and day out.
We have a beautiful mind a wonderful mind and it works perfectly well. Any name will be a less than an adequate descriptor. So let’s not stew over what we call our two minds. All the things that can be named are not the thing named.
It Doesn’t Matter What You Call It But How You Use It Or Don’t
Few readers may appreciate this but nothing is it’s label. It is beyond the mere label. Labels are simply identifiers so we can agree on what we are discussing. They’re utilitarian and little more. You aren’t Bob or Sue. You’re called Bob or Sue to identify you from Tom and Jane.
It is useful. If we were all called Steve we would have some difficulty unless tonal variations or additional names helped to differentiate. The same is the case with our minds. No name we choose to call them, for either sets of processes, are adequate to describe them.
SO WHAT? Who cares? I don’t. There is beauty in all of this. The more we understand, the more we are able to harness and benefit from the amazing power and abilities. We use our minds to study our minds. We use our consciousness to study our consciousness.
Learn To Harness The Power Of Your Minds
There is utter folly and total delight in this, don’t you see. We are beginning to think, more than ever, that the minds are not localized but spread throughout the body. Some differentiate between brain and mind as in hardware and software. Some don’t care so much.
Some believe that mind is not only not solely localized in the head, but spread through the body. Some even believe the mind is outside the head and body and pretty much everywhere. A mind we tap into. Infinite intelligence or Cosmic Consciousness.
I’m not certain we’ll ever have precise words to describe these incredible processes happening in, and or, around us. It may be well beyond us, to fathom. Our language may be inadequate, as it often is, to label these miraculous minds we have inside or outside, or both.
The Other Mind Works All Day And Night Without Stopping
Celebrate the incredible wonderful power of our amazing universal mind power. ‘It’ is not limited. We are limited in how we think about it and how we use it to think, but we can go beyond limitations. We can if we but believe we can. Some will. Others won’t.
We can use our minds to go beyond limitations and think outside the box. Samadhi, Satori, bursts of illumination and enlightenment are possible to all of us. Increased awareness and awakening is our potential and our destiny.
We can observe our thoughts and feel separate from them. We have so many remarkable talents and abilities. We can go beyond the mind. We are able to transcend. We can be free of habits and habitual reactions to respond, in the moment, without judgement.
Transcendence Is Not Only Possible But Is Our Birthright
The only thing I know for certain is, we don’t know everything, yet. We are talented beyond our abilities to conceive of just how talented we are. We should stretch the imagination to go places no one has gone yet. We should think bigger not smaller.
We should adventure and explore the outer boundaries of our universe and expand them. Just like the available space in your home you will fill it. We can push the boundaries and go beyond them. We can use what’s available better. Nothing stops us! Except a thought.
Never let a thought prevent you from being all you can be. Take hold of your thoughts and make them serve you. Master your thoughts and your feelings to discover who you truly are. Celebrate and enjoy this discovery. Use your ‘minds’ for creating positive good for yourself and others. Enjoy your minds. They are your servants! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes Make your day incredible!
PS A great practice is read the posts daily and then go back and re-read from time to time. You will discover things you missed the first few readings. Try it, you will be surprised. — If you like this post and it helps you – help others by sharing and re-blogging. Subscribe and Follow Daily Inspiration and Gratitude! Leave comments.
PS Learn to program and direct your mind: Read Life On Your Terms
“Rex’s understanding of how the mind works and mindset is second to none. He wrote a book called Life On Your Terms. It’s a newer book. He jumps around a lot in the book with mindset topics; creating the life you want and developing a champion mindset. He’s really good. You can’t read this book and not think better, not think more productively, not think more efficiently, and not think with a lot more directed happiness in your life because he shows you how to do it in the book. I’m really glad he put out this book. I encourage you to buy it. It’s really good!’ Joe Soto International Marketing Specialist

Horizon photo used with permission of Phil Koch
©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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