“Have you ever considered the impact messages from outside you have on you? How you have been shaped and molded by people around you from birth to today? We’re bombarded every second with messages from others. Parents, friends and advertisers put messages out in all shapes and sizes and in all forms and media. There’s an endless stream day in and day out.
It never ceases. These messages are part of our lifestyle as much as air and water. We were raised to plan for a rainy day. To be careful. Save. Do not put all your eggs in one basket. Some of us were taught to have fallback plans in case our original goals met with failure. We were told our dreams were unrealistic. We’re told to try it for a while and if it doesn’t work out do something else.
Many are told to get ‘a real job’, ‘a decent job’ and to settle for that. Stop being fanciful. Stop being a dreamer. No one can make money that way. You must work to get ahead. Be happy with what you have. You’re too young or too old to do what you want. You don’t have what it takes mentally, physically or emotionally. Be careful. Take it easy. Watch out for strange men.
You Have Believed What You Have Been Told
It is a hard, cruel world. You name it. We receive endless messages, repeated again and again, from loving, caring, well-meaning people who try to keep us safe and sound. They loved us and didn’t want to see us hurt. Other messages came from teachers, adults, authority figures, governments, peers and the media and still do. AND not all messengers are well-intentioned.
These messages were and continue to be that somehow we aren’t enough. We look funny with and have funny hair. We need deodorant because we smell. Our teeth aren’t right. We’re out of step, fashion and style. We don’t drive the right car. We love or hate the right or wrong people. Some people mean well and try to help us. Others, may try to influence us or make us feel wrong or bad.
There ought to be a law. You need to be a good patriot. Follow the rules. Don’t make waves. You will never amount to anything. If you don’t have what celebrities have (or your neighbors) you are nothing. We have been told again and again that we need something else to complete us because we just ain’t enough. Some tell us these things to separate us from our money by feeling needy.
Limiting Messages Come From Everywhere
You encountered Positive Thinking or The Law Of Attraction and you’re told that many of the messages you have been getting for all of your life may not be accurate. You’re told to ignore, drop or change, those prior messages because that’s not the real you. You’re told things now that you may not even accept. Now, you are told to affirm you are better than you’ve been led to believe.
You are wonderful, deserving, abundant, talented, healthy, and you have access to all good things. You can do it, if you think you can. Anything is possible! If you can conceive it and believe it you can achieve it. You’re told you are worthy and wonderful and to have faith in yourself. You can be, do and have anything you want! These messages run counter to many you previously received.
These messages encourage you to find your abilities, strengths, resources and talents. Look within yourself to get over past hardship and disappointment. Enjoy an incredible present while creating a marvelous future. These messages say you can do it! You could have been provided these messages growing up too. Some get a mix of both. Some get one more than the other.
Anything Worth Doing Is Worth Doing Poorly At First
Your mind, already conditioned with habitual fears, stories, doubts, reasons, excuses, blames and all those prior messages from others, responds the way it was conditioned to. It doubts it, fears it, it is skeptical, it denies and all the rest. You attempt positive thinking and up comes that old conditioning. You encounter resistance. You think it’s harder than you anticipated.
Perhaps, you fall back into the old way of thinking and abandon the new thoughts altogether. Many do. You wouldn’t be the first. If you stick with it you will join the elite club of those few who are able to transform their lives. Replacing an old habit with a new habit does require effort. If you learned something one way and now you learn a new way it can seem difficult, but it’s do-able.
It’s absolutely possible. You train your mind the same way you train a dog. You use patience, kindness, firmness and reward. Keep at it if you want to succeed. Consider that anything worth doing requires effort. Anything truly worth doing and getting good at is worth doing poorly at first. Think of anything you have ever gotten really good at. Think if a hobby, a sport or some talent.
Anything Worth Doing Requires Effort And Patience
Think of something you now do or have that you didn’t at one time. You weren’t as good when you started as you are today, are you? It took time and effort and patience to develop your skills and abilities. You may have even considered quitting at one time. Today, you’re able to do something you weren’t at first AND you’re glad you have this talent in your life. It enriches you.
The same is true about changing your thoughts from those that limit you to those that encourage, enable and move you forward. It can be tough. You may feel like you want to quit. If you persist you will get much better. Ultimately, you will be glad you spent the energy because thinking positively enriches you. Keep at it. Don’t quit. Fill your mind with positivity.
Do what it takes to get better. Make it a habit and it will serve you faithfully. Be patient and kind and gentle. Celebrate and be glad because what’s the alternative? The alternative is to do what you did previously. Do you really want to continue to live that way? If it’s great, continue. If it’s not as great as you want it to be, then there’s an alternative that helps you get what you want to get.
If You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You Are Right
Focus on being more positive and you’ll be more positive as you put energy into it. The greatest deception is that YOU can’t. The greatest deception is that you’re limited! It’s a lie. Stop believing it. You absolutely can be and do and have anything you want in life when you learn how! The greatest deception is that YOU aren’t enough. Stop believing the lie and discover what is possible for you!
The greatest deception is that YOU have accepted limiting things about yourself that you unwittingly adopted from others. The deceit is you are living from their beliefs not your own. You’re traveling the world using someone else’s road map. Isn’t it time you start thinking for yourself? You are not limited unless YOU accept you are! Stop accepting limitations fostered by others. Get this.
Your life can completely and most wonderfully continue to change for the better. As wise people have pointed out, happiness is not a destination but a journey. Now, is the only time we have. The past is gone. The future is yet to arrive. Live well now. Enjoy the present and tomorrow will be taken care of too!
Stop Believing The Lies Start Believing The Truth
I’ll share more about these limiting messages and beliefs and what we can do to live powerfully in the next blog post. Meanwhile, do it! Think positive. Be optimistic. Live with gratitude and in celebration. Have fun. Delight. Put a smile on your face and on others too. Enjoy the present moment and the world around you. Love yourself and believe in you. You will be surprised what you find. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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PSS I have discussed how to make changes more easily using questions throughout these blog posts. You can search by topic and find some. A great thing to do is read the posts daily and then go back and re-read from time to time. You will discover things you missed the first few readings. Try it, you will be surprised. Today is a new beginning!
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©2022 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
*Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.