“Your body is your temple. So is your mind. Your thoughts and feelings affect each other as does your mind and body. It is important for each of us to take care to feel the best and have a resilient, healthy lifestyle. Be healthy in mind, body, emotions and spirit.
HEY, I know this is long but it is broken down into small bits and the information is critical information for each of us to have. Take some time and read it now or later but please do read this! Want some extra help? Please visit my IDEA Seminars website and reach out.
When we raise our vibrations and program our subconscious we become a powerful force in making our dreams come true. We can be, do and have anything we want in our lives, and our careers. We can make positive things happen when we align all of ourselves in positive and powerful ways. Here are ways to do this now:
1. Nurture your mind with positive materials, books, articles, music, pictures and audio. Fill your mind with inspiring wonderful thoughts. Spend healthy time (daily nutritious diet) for your mind reading and listening to motivational speakers.
Use affirmations, questions (Directed Questions™ and positive self-talk to feel great. Take the time and fill your mind positively. Feed it the best food for thought. Your attitude determines your altitude!
2. Monitor your thoughts and feelings. Keep them the highest and most positive. Stop complaining and talking about problems. Put a guard before your mind and lips. Whenever you notice you are thinking, feeling or speaking less than gloriously stop and change it. Determine to only think and talk about or to others in ways that promote blessing, healing and prospering. Stay true to this!
3. Create a Dream Book or Vision Boards. Use a computer or cut out pictures of what you want, that represent your goals and dreams. Paste them on a poster, or into a book that you look at each day. Put some on your wall or ceiling. Put a picture of your goal in your purse or wallet, on the visor of your car. See what you want all day long!
Put these in places so that whenever you look around you are reminded of what you are working on. Put pictures together that delight you, make you feel wonderful and that you say ‘YES’ to when you see them. Keep your attention on the positive wonderful things you want to accomplish and have. Believe you can do it, expect it and you will. Know that you will make it happen!
4. Visualize yourself as you want to be. See yourself doing what you want to be doing and having what you want to have. Close your eyes and see your goals and dreams as already completed. This gets your Reticular Activating System (RAS) to recognize opportunities and bring relevant information to your awareness.
We program our RAS and our subconscious mind to go after our goals by keeping vivid images and affirmations in our mind day in and day out. This is why we can say, we become what we think about all day long. What we think about we bring about. In your mind act as if you already have what you want. Feel how wonderful it is to complete it and have it. Savor the feelings, enjoy and believe!
Once the RAS is activated It allows in all relevant information that might have otherwise remained background noise. It alerts us to opportunities we might miss. It is the combination of well-defined goals and dreams repeatedly visualized and affirmed, ‘as if’ you already have attained them, combined with wonderful feelings that makes this work. Pictures, sounds and feelings are the message!

5. Live in gratitude and be thankful for all you have and whatever you have. Be thankful for who you are, your circumstances and the people in your life. Feeling appreciative is one of the quickest ways to raise your spirits and your vibrations. When you are filled with gratitude your being is different, you radiate and others can tell too.
Being appreciative puts our focus on what we like about ourselves and our lives. As we maintain this focus more of the time each day, overall, each day becomes more enjoyable. If you want your days to be outstanding be thankful in all things moment to moment. Life is a celebration when you can celebrate everything!
Gratitude works wonders! When we feel grateful for already having accomplished our goals it tells the subconscious this is what we want. Again, this is why good feelings are so important in getting us what we want in life.
6. Concentrate on adjusting your feelings to feel the best you are able at any given moment. The better you feel during the day the more you keep informing the subconscious mind how you want to live each day. It can only go after what you provide it to go after. When you realize you aren’t feeling so great change it to feel just a little bit better. This is an important skill.
You want to feel the best feeling most of the time in each day. You want to tip the balance in your favor. When we feel good most of the time life improves and our subconscious works to attract more of it. You do this by making adjustments to feel ‘even just a little bit better’ whenever you notice you are not feeling as good as you could.
You aim for feeling the best whenever you can. Even if it is only a little better than moments before it is a step in a positive direction. When you become aware of feeling less than glorious it is only a signal that you now can change it to something better. When you then adjust how you feel you take control. You stop being a victim. You learn how to eliminate unwanted thoughts and feelings and focus on ones you do want. Another reason this is important follows.
Our images and affirmations need to be attached to powerful positive feelings in order to get what we want. We need to deliver precise instructions. We can’t be sloppy and expect good results. We can’t go back and forth between negative and positive and expect consistent positive results. If we vacillate we get nowhere. We want to be consistent and move in one direction.
When our mind movies and affirmations are attached to wonderfully delightful, enthusiastic and energetic feelings we are telling the subconscious that THIS goal and THESE feelings ARE what we WANT – AND – to DELIVER MORE of each. So we want to spend most of our time feeling the best feelings we are able!
Feelings drive everything. When you feel great you can do more. When you feel down and lethargic you do less. Feelings are what the subconscious responds to. You get back whatever you fear, hate, worry about or what ever you love, enjoy and delight in.
The subconscious doesn’t distinguish between wanted or unwanted or good or bad. The subconscious only knows to deliver on what you image in your mind that is accompanied by powerful feelings. If you are afraid you will get more to fear if you are filled with joy you will get more joy in return. Like attracts like.
If you have been getting a lot of what you don’t want you need to attach powerful positive wonderful feelings to what you do want and stop thinking about what you don’t want. Worry is negative goal setting because you activate the subconscious mind by your feelings of worry and fear. What you think about you bring about.

Your feelings combined with what you are concentrating on, what you hope won’t happen, IS the message you send your unconscious. You see it happening and even though you consciously don’t want it YOUR subconscious doesn’t know this. It responds by bringing you more of the same.
What you think about most during the day is what you get. That is the signals you have been sending it. If you want different results you need to change the messages, the signals, the pictures and feelings you are giving it. Do that now!
Your subconscious is a servant for whatever you are sending to it. It does not know any better it just carries out the commands you give it. It works day and night on whatever you have given it to do.
All your life you have been telling it what to do whether you have realized it or not. The results you have gotten, the circumstances you find yourself in, are a result of your prior conditioning, your habitual message sending to your subconscious. NOW you can change it IF you want to. Awareness is the key to change!
7. Believe it will happen! Have faith. Expect the best! Your desire combined with your passionate feelings and unwavering belief forms an absolutely powerful unstoppable combination. When you know it is happening you feel it! ‘Act As If’ aligns your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions. It is an incredible tool you can utilize.
You come to believe what you constantly hold in your mind (thinking about day in and day out) by consistently picturing it in your mental movie theater and affirming to yourself that you already have this. You make this a habit and the habit makes it so! The more often you engage these processes the quicker you bring about the changes you desire.
Repetition combined with feelings brings it about. This is how the military (and others) prepares troops. Over and over again chanting and imagining with peak feelings gets it into the subconscious and the subconscious delivers what we program it to do.
Just as your computer does what it is programmed your subconscious does what it knows how to do BUT you have to tell it! You instruct it. It carries out the functions and you don’t even have to know how it does what it does to bring things about it. You enjoy the results. Our imagination and our feelings are powerful tools!
8. Treat your body well. Eat the best, healthiest food you can. Eliminate the junk and the sugars and the processed foods that may make you temporarily feel better but that drain your energy and leave you worse off. There are so many chemicals, pesticides and harmful elements in processed and fast food it is best to avoid them. You create better when you feel better. Food is fuel. Use the best!
Eliminate High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), MSG, Aspartame and other chemical additives that can do more harm than good. Eat wholesome good food. If it wasn’t around when your great grandparents were kids don’t eat it or put it on your body. Lotions and products absorb into the skin. The skin is the largest organ so be careful what you put on it. Make positive healthy choices!
9. Walk, dance, skip, jump, exercise and move. Get out and about and enjoy nature. Get some sun on your skin every day. It is more difficult in winter climates but bundle up and get some fresh air. When the climate is right walk, walk barefoot on the grass, the beach the dirt.
Just 20 minutes of walking (especially in nature) is the best medicine for mood. Walk wherever and whenever you can! Have some fun when you can. Play, run, roll down a hill, spin in circles, become as a child. Give in! Explore and adventure. Go to new places.

Rest outside in nature too. Lie down and enjoy a half-hour or two just lying on the grass somewhere pleasant. Find a favorite comfortable power spot that you visit to refresh and renew. Bask, Stop, look, listen, smell, feel and maybe even taste where you are at. Fall into the present. Live in the moment! Notice and Celebrate all!
Tomorrow, I’ll share other powerful ways to increase your vibrations and program yourself for total success. For today, decide now that you will begin to implement these, if you have not already, in order to make your life what you hope it can be.
You can change your life once you know what to do. Then you either do it or you don’t. Only you determine whether or not you make your dreams come true. Each of these ways is a means for you to enjoy the most wonderful life and lifestyle imaginable.
Baby steps are better than no steps at all. You don’t have to overhaul everything at once. Do a little each day and soon you will be doing a little more each day. It gets easier. It becomes more enjoyable. You discover insights along the way. Drop by drop fills the tub.
It becomes fun and begins to have a momentum all on its own. It continues to get easier and more delightful and more fun as you move forward picking up your goals. You worry less and celebrate more! Your life changes for the better and you feel great.
There is no upper limit on what you might make happen. Dream big and make big things happen. One thing is absolutely certain. Nothing will ever change unless you take charge. If you want your life to be gloriously different you must change what you are doing. It is all up to you! You have some steps you can take, I hope you will.” Rex Sikes
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