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“Who can say when anything actually begins. I could point back to a week ago or many years ago. I’ll start with editing a feature film. I just love synchronicity and life’s little blessings. You never know when or how but you can always expect to be pleasantly surprised.

Over a week ago I contacted my film editor to meet with me. We chose today. An early coffee shop meeting to discuss his vision for the film he is editing. He has been cataloging footage and reading and re-reading the script. I love his ideas. It was a wonderful.

Let me back track. I had been out of town for the past four days. A very good friend of mind was celebrating her birthday with her parents and friends on Sunday. I haven’t seen her parents in 20 years and some of the friends in about 5. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to go.

You Can Always Find Something Good Without Looking For It

She had the celebration for Sunday from 3 to 7. The conference I was at was to let out at 5pm on Sunday. Then I had a two hour drive back. If it was still going I might be able to stop by at the end. I did want to meet back up with her parents.

Fortunately, the conference ended early. I got back about 6 called and was told where they were. A wonderful Beirgarten I had never been to. I met up with her parents, our old friends, some new ones I did not know and spent a couple wonderful hours with them.

This morning I went to meet the editor. I texted my friend told her I enjoyed seeing her parents. Wished I could say good bye and tell them to have a safe trip home. Meeting the editor he said the coffee shop he picked wouldn’t open for another hour. There was another.

Synchronicity: The Universe Telling You – You Are Getting Warmer

Just up the street. We had to go around the block because we were south of the restaurant on a one way street. We went around, found another coffee shop and stopped to pull in there. However, it was metered parking, change only, and I didn’t want the hassle.

We pulled around and headed back to his first suggestion. They had a parking lot. We got the last empty spot. Went in and had some wonderful food and good conversation about the feature film. Over coffee our conversation turned to positive expectations.

We discussed how sometimes we miss good things because we are focused on the not so good. Suddenly as I was talking I realized I was looking right at my friend and her parents. They were in the same shop. She faced me but hadn’t seen me, yet, either. WOW! Cool!

Everything You Need Comes At A Perfect Time – It Always Does

I went over and said hi and they were as surprised as I was. We had ten or so minutes of very pleasant conversation and marveled at how fortunate we were to meet up again, since we had wished to. My friend mentioned she had looked for my car upon arriving.

It was from habit. Often we meet at a lake of for food and she seeks to find where I am parked. She stated she realized she was looking for my car when she should have been looking for her parent’s car. Anyway, we got to see each other again and send off well wishes.

It was a wonderful surprise. I returned to the table and told my editor friend about the Biergarten and this fortuitous meeting today. Oddly, he had been to the Biergarten a day earlier for the very first time. We both discovered a great new place to hang. Hmmmm….

Live – Learn – Love – Laugh – Celebrate Everything – You Are Blessed

The universe provides. I don’t care to believe or not believe in anything. Everyone chooses their own beliefs and rationale.I just enjoy it. I simply know good things come to those who expect good things to come to them. We get what we focus on.

Life is filled with blessings. There were countless decisions made by the 3 parties, my friend, my editor and me. Yet, we all ended up at the same place, at the same time, out of hundreds of possibilities. Coincidence, luck, serendipity, fate, whatever, it is good. I enjoyed.

I think the more we are grateful and they more we feel blessed in the little things the more room we make for more of them. This is a simple story about part of my day. I felt like sharing. I’m not sure why, but, perhaps, it will resonate with some readers. I hope you enjoy.

Expect A Miracle – Allow It To Happen – Then Celebrate Again

Meanwhile, find your blessings and the magical moments. Enjoy and savor them. Have fun, delight and expect more each day. In fact, expect a miracle. After all, why not? Keep the faith. Who knows when it might happen. May be a while, or not. Enjoy and in the meantime, celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Have a blessed day today!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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