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being positive means


“I read an recent post/article on FB, just now, about how people think the government is on the wrong track. I am at that point where I think that is true if we believe it is.

Let’s pretend for a moment that our thinking makes it so, or if nothing else, our thinking filters what we actually pay attention to, see and believe.

If we think we are on the wrong track we most likely are. Our thinking makes it so.

Maybe our thinking makes it so and we are on the wrong track primarily because we do not think differently. Maybe our thoughts actually influence the outcome. Our thoughts determine our actions we take or lack of action and the results we get.

It is easy to blame  because it means we do nothing and it is not our responsibility. We shift it to others and then whine about it. Seems to me most people who think negative about things stop there and don’t come up with solutions. They are problem focused not solution focused.

If instead, we thought about how to be on the right track we might make progress.

Seems to me we should seek to inspire, motivate, aspire to greater good and greater things, we should embrace higher principles and promote well being for all. Maybe if we promoted what is right more than we promote what is wrong, we would find more right about ourselves, our country and the world.

Typically what we have, what and how we think is what is wrong, what is a problem. Then we declare War. We are always declaring war on things we wish we different.

We think war on drugs, war on crime, war on poverty and as such.  So much so that most of what we have going on is war. War is an ugly metaphor too. We need to combat, kill and reign victorious our problems. I am all for being a victor instead of a victim and I think it is possible to progress without war, and the metaphor of war.

Maybe instead of declaring war on everything we should become focused on prosperity for all, increasing prosperity, healthy living, improving education, improving the political system, increasing safety in the streets and cities, peace and friendship.

We don’t cure poverty by blaming or thinking about lack. We create prosperity by focusing on prosperity. Success brings success we already know this. Once successful it is easier to be successful. Let’s focus on getting and being successful when it comes to correcting issues.

We don’t solve international problems by always dropping bombs we can do it through friendship, negotiation and peace. If we only go after our interests without helping others get theirs it is no wonder we have difficulties. Everyone is in it for themselves so in order to get along you have to be willing to add value to the other person and work toward a win/win.

I know there will be naysayers to these concepts. There will those who think I am talking pie in the sky but stop, think and consider for a moment, that if  most people think it isn’t currently working well, then what we have been doing ISN’T working.

If we ARE on the wrong track, it means most or everything we have been doing for decades has brought us to where we are now. What we have been doing clearly isn’t working.

So if it isn’t working and we truly want a change for the better (though we must consider that maybe people don’t want it to be improved, maybe there is profit in these problems) then we must change what we are doing for the better.

We are all on the wrong track if we only see the down side and focus on it. Negativity thinking never makes us positive. Focus on the problem and what is wrong brings us more of the same. We need to focus on solution and what is right.

Focusing on what is wrong is easy to do, it is a no brainer and takes no energy so that is probably why that is the case. It is the path of least resistance.

Consider this, when you car breaks down, say the water pump goes out. That is a problem that needs fixing. It’s what you mention at the water cool, or over dinner to family and friends. ‘Damn water pump went out’.

What are you probably not paying attention to or telling your family and friends?

You probably aren’t focused on 99.9% of the rest of the car that is working fine. What looms in the mind is the one thing that is out of sorts. When these thoughts take precedence we limit ourselves and our energy. Yes, the pump needs fixing AND the rest of the car works great. Focus on what works great while fixing the water pump. Attitude does make a big difference.

If we want to have 71% approval rating we need to focus on what is right, what works and what can be done in positive ways to keep us on the right track. We never get uphill thinking downhill thoughts.

I think it is time for a change. How? One by one. We get our own house in order first. We improve our thinking, our attitude, our actions and we keep the faith that others will sometime, or in time too. We imagine a world that is better, where people act together more in harmony with a positive focus. We see a peaceful planet where people enjoy getting along. We see a planet of plenty and people all well provided for.

If we cannot conceive of something better we will never have anything better. In order for change to occur we must first be able to visualize the change we want. If you want a better world, positive change that is what we need to imagine, embrace and stay focused on. We already have let it get to out of hand. We have been lax in our responsibility to make it the world we want it to be. We have allowed it or others to determine what is going on. I think it is time to begin to take it back.

If you want a better world imagine paradise. Be grand in your thinking. Aim toward the stars as someone said, if you only hit the moon you are still farther than you would have been.

Embrace the possible. If we can conceive it and believe it we can achieve it. One by one, drop by drop fills the tub. Have faith, aim high. Gradually we will be better off than if we give up and think the world sucks. So what would you prefer? What can you do?

Can you imagine a better world? Can you imagine a better you? Can you imagine a better you in a better future world? Can you begin today?” Rex SIkes

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