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“You can imagine how you would feel if you had 2x more energy. Literally, you ARE able to do this. But before we go into the exercise, did you do what I asked in the last blog. If you haven’t read it OR didn’t do as instructed please go do that now. Take all the time you need. Then you can return here for this next part. If you do these exercise you’ll learn to draw upon your energy to have it available as you need it AND manage it!

So, 2x more energy. Imagine that. Do it. Try it on. How would you look if you right now had 2x more energy?  What would your expression be like?  Do it. Adopt that expression now. Do it, now! Imagine how you would be sitting and reading this if you had 2x more energy. What would your posture be like? Adopt that posture and that expression. Feel how you feel when you do it. Really feel it and enjoy feeling it. Feel 2x more energy now.

STOP!!! Stand up right now and walk about with 2x more energy. March. Stomp your feet. Feel the energy. Do it! Pay attention to how you walk and move. Notice, your gait is different. Notice, your chin and shoulder position. Examine how you are breathing. What are your steps like? How do you move your arms? Do a complete check over and keep walking as if you have 2x more energy.


Now just let go. Image you have 5 times more energy. 5 times more energy right now! Sit with 5 times more energy. Or get up and walk and move with 5 times more energy. Speak with energy. Feel it and know you summoned the energy. Where was it? It was within you waiting to be awakened. It didn’t come from outside you. It came from within. It is always there. If you want it call on it. Demand it. Act it. Speak it. Walk it! Do it!

Linger in it. Bask in the energy, enjoy it. Spend time sitting, walking and standing with more energy. Practice it daily. Rehearse it. Make it a habit. You can you know. Anytime you want to feel better you can, because you know how. So, make it a habit and use it. Great now double it again! Walk and move as if you had 10x more energy. You can do it! Adjust your body and movement. Go walk about.

Notice that you have control when you actually take control and do what is required. It affects you positively. Great now imagine even more energy. How about 10x more energy? If you have done thins then you proved it to yourself you could do it. Even if you think the results aren’t that great they’ll get better the more you do it. Anything worth doing well is worth doing poorly in the beginning. For others, your energy stored! Awesome.


Make it a habit and you will always have it available Any time you want, you can imagine and have more energy. You can have more passion, enthusiasm and delight. You can feel more confidence and more determination. You can stop suffering and begin feeling more enjoyment. You can use your body and mind to serve you anytime. How you use your energy, your thoughts and your body matters. There’s only one system.

It’s your system. Mind and body are part of the same system. Here’s another way to awaken the energy within you or more accurately, tap into the energy within you. You always have enough energy. The question is whether you are calling on it or not. Are you thinking ‘I am filled and overflowing with positive, radiant energy!” OR are you thinking, “Whew, I am exhausted and can barely make it.’ What you think you become.

What you accept or tolerate will feed into your thoughts. Then you’ll recycle the lackluster thoughts and feelings to spiral down into despair, anger or exhaustion. So, now do this exercise and tap into your mighty reserves.  Stand in one spot and shake your entire body quickly for 30 seconds or a minute. That will charge you up. Put your arms over your head and wave them rapidly. Dance, skip, sing, and laugh to feel more energy.


Express it. Let the energy move through you and you move as you feel it. Think of it as an expressive dance or a form of artistic expression. Move you hands, arms, head, body, legs and feet as you feel the energy moving in you. Know this: whenever you want it or require it, all you have to do is start it! You can sit behind the steering wheel of a car and go nowhere, doing nothing, or you can start the engine and be on your way.

If you want something to happen it will always be up to you. What most people need to learn is how to begin doing new things and follow through. Perhaps, you need this. You need to learn to initiate things and then maintain them. You need to develop positive habits that support you so you can live and feel more of the joy and delight you deserve. Think better thoughts and you’ll feel better. Feel better, move your body, tap into your vibrant energy and you will think better. Do both and you will live with more passion and enjoyment and life will be more grand. Get it? Say yes! Delight in it. Celebrate it and celebrate everything! !” Rex Sikes

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2024 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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