Here’s an excerpt from a book I wrote a few years back but have yet to publish. It’s in the queue.
The Awakening: Choosing Love in a World of Conflict
In today’s world, realize this. More people are waking up to the profound realities of life, realities that have long been obscured by the mundane concerns of daily existence. As Albert Einstein once observed, “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” This statement rings truer now than ever before, as we witness a growing tension between forces of love and hate, a struggle that’s been a part of human history for centuries but is now resurfacing with renewed intensity. It’s been there all along but certain people are promoting certain disturbing practices in recent years from powerful platforms.
Those who were underground in intolerance and hate found permission to preach their views from all corners. It’s not that what they’re doing is new. It’s a part of our history. However, it’s now being modeled and endorsed from the top down. The role models are less-than-positive. They aren’t the kind of role models with behaviors you want your children to emulate. Theis group encourages discord, chaos, confusion, hate and harm. We’ve watched it unfold in the media. We see and hear the name calling, insults, calls to violence, to arms and to punch people out. Violence has been spotlit as an acceptable form of discourse. It isn’t!
This clash between love and hate is not just a social or political phenomenon; it is a spiritual battle being fought within the hearts and minds of individuals across the globe. We find ourselves at a pivotal moment in history, one where the choices we make will determine the course of our future. The noise of hatred, fear, and division is loud, but it also signals that change is on the horizon. The question before us is: What kind of change will we choose to bring about?
The Battle Between Love and Hate
Historically, humans have been engaged in a struggle between opposing forces — love and hate, inclusion and exclusion, peace and conflict. This battle is not new, but in recent times it’s become more pronounced, more visible, and more urgent. We see it in the polarized political landscapes, the rise of extremism, and the deepening divides between different cultures, races, and ideologies.
But this battle is not just happening on the global stage; it is happening within each of us. Every day, we’re faced with choices that reflect either love or hate. Do we choose to act out of compassion and understanding, or do we succumb to fear and prejudice? Do we build bridges or walls? These are the questions that define the battle we are currently facing.
Consider the rise of social media platforms where people can freely express their opinions. On the one hand, these platforms have the potential to connect people from all walks of life, fostering a sense of global community and understanding. On the other hand, they have also become breeding grounds for hatred, misinformation, and division. Every time we post, share, or comment, we are participating in this battle. Are we contributing to the spread of love, or are we fanning the flames of hate?
The Choice We Face: Love or Hate
In the face of this conflict, we each have a choice to make — a choice that will shape the future not only for ourselves but for generations to come. The choice is simple yet profound: Do we choose love, or do we choose hate?
For me, the choice is clear. I choose love. I choose inclusion, peace, understanding, acceptance, compassion, and joy. These are the values that have guided humanity’s greatest achievements and have the power to lead us into a brighter future. I believe in the power of love to heal wounds, to bridge divides, and to bring people together in a spirit of unity and cooperation.
This choice is not just a personal one; it is a collective responsibility. When we choose love, we contribute to the creation of a world where everyone is valued and respected, regardless of their background, beliefs, or circumstances. We create a world where compassion and kindness are the norms, not the exceptions.
The Example of the Good Samaritan: A Lesson in Compassion
The parable of the Good Samaritan is a powerful example of the choice to love. In this story, a man is beaten and left for dead on the side of the road. Several people pass by without offering help, but a Samaritan — a member of a group often looked down upon by society — stops to care for the injured man. He doesn’t just offer a quick fix; he goes out of his way to ensure that the man is fully cared for, paying for his lodging and recovery.
This story illustrates the essence of choosing love: it’s about seeing all others as humans, the same ‘in it together’ species, regardless of who they are or where they come from, and taking action to help them in their time of need. It IS about breaking down the barriers that divide us and recognizing that we are all part of the same human family.
The Good Samaritan did not hesitate to help a stranger, someone who might have been considered an enemy. He acted out of compassion, not obligation, and in doing so, set an example for all of us. In a world where it is easy to turn away from those who are different from us, the story of the Good Samaritan reminds us that true love knows no boundaries!
The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes: Abundance Through Sharing
Another powerful example of the choice to love is the story of the feeding of the five thousand, where Jesus miraculously fed a crowd with just five loaves of bread and two fish. This miracle is not just about the multiplication of food; it is a profound lesson in the power of sharing and the abundance that comes from generosity.
In a time when resources are often seen as scarce and people are driven by the fear of not having enough, this story teaches us that when we choose to share what we have, even if it seems small, there is more than enough to go around. Love is not a finite resource; the more we give, the more we receive!
This principle can be applied in many areas of life. For example, in times of crisis, such as natural disasters or pandemics, we often see communities coming together to help one another. People donate their time, money, and resources to ensure that those in need are cared for. This is the spirit of the loaves and fishes in action — choosing love and generosity over fear and scarcity.
The Power of Love to Create a Better Future
As we navigate the challenges of our time, we must remember that the choices we make today shape the world of tomorrow. By choosing love, we are actively contributing to the creation of a better, more just, and more compassionate world.
Imagine a world where love is the driving force behind our actions. In such a world, conflicts are resolved through dialogue and understanding rather than violence. Injustice is met with a collective demand for fairness and equality. People of different backgrounds come together to celebrate their diversity rather than allowing it to divide them.
In this world, the values of the Good Samaritan and the miracle of the loaves and fishes would be the guiding principles. We would prioritize helping those in need, sharing our resources, and treating everyone with the dignity and respect they deserve!
The Choice Is Ours: Be Careful What You Choose
As we move forward, it’s essential to be mindful of the choices we make. Every action we take, every word we speak, and every thought we entertain contributes to the world we are creating. If we choose hate, we perpetuate the cycle of violence and division. If we choose love, we pave the way for a future filled with peace, understanding, and joy.
The world is at a crossroads, and each of us has a role to play in determining the direction we take. The path of love is not always the easiest, but it is the one that leads to the most meaningful and lasting change. In choosing love, we are choosing to believe in the goodness. We are choosing to see the potential for growth, healing, and transformation in every person and every situation. We are choosing to build a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
Looking Forward: Better Days Ahead
Despite the challenges we face, I believe there are better days ahead. I believe that love has the power to overcome hate, that understanding can triumph over ignorance, and that compassion will ultimately prevail over indifference. But this will only happen if we choose to make it so. I believe that great spirits ARE contenting with other forces. I believe many are waking up to a new reality of loving by seeing so many examples of hating and choosing not to participate in hate any longer.
The future is not predetermined; it is shaped by the choices we make today! By choosing love, we are choosing to create a future where everyone is included, where peace is the norm, and where joy is abundant. We are choosing to build a world where the values of compassion, understanding, and generosity are at the forefront. The battle between love and hate is real, and it is happening now.
But we have the power to influence the outcome. Choose love and help create a better world for yourself, others and for future generations. Let’s be inspired by the examples of the Good Samaritan and the miracle of the loaves and fishes. Let us choose love, inclusion, peace, understanding, acceptance, compassion, and joy. The future is ours to shape. Shape it with love.” excepted from “The battle for…”
Get it? I hope so. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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“His deep and nuanced understanding of how the mind processes information and how real transformation is accomplished is beyond words. I was privileged to invest 10 hours a day for three weeks with him over 25 years ago. That information has infused the next few decades of decision-making and career success. He is a total gem in the world of teachers and trainers. My internal dialogue, my ability to manage my states, and my ability to train and coach students were forever improved. – Bart Baggett, Speaker, Author, Forensic Document Examiner, L.A. CA
“Rex is an incredible coach, author, speaker, and world-renowned. I use his book weekly and highly recommend it. If you are looking for a master coach and NLP top-notch instructor, Rex is your guy.” —Kamal el-Rassi, MBA, CEO El-Rassi Enterprise, Cincinnati, OH
“Rex possesses a remarkable ability to engage and captivate an audience, drawing on his deep well of knowledge and expertise to deliver transformative experiences. His brilliance lies in his unique capacity to extract core issues from complex situations and address them in ways that are understandable and actionable. Rex’s sessions are a masterclass in empowerment; he guides his audience through their challenges with empathy and insight, helping them achieve the breakthroughs they’ve long sought.” —Carlos Siqueira, CEO Disruptors LLC, San Francisco
“What truly sets Rex apart is his unrivaled knowledge on personal development. He possesses a wealth of insights and strategies that will blow you away. Rex’s teaching style is powerful, effective, and unique. He has a remarkable ability to simplify complex concepts, making them easy to understand and, most importantly, actionable. Spending time with Rex is an investment well worth making. Not only will you gain invaluable wisdom and guidance, but you’ll also witness the profound impact it has on your life. Rex’s teachings have the potential to transform your mindset, unlock your potential, and propel you towards unparalleled success.” Rita Montalto, CEO 4 Pillars of Wealth, AU

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Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Blog Article ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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