“My principle is to GO FIRST!! I speak on this in my programs and especially in How To Get People To Do What You Want. You must know your purpose. Your purpose is to uplift, edify, collaborate and cooperate and create long lasting relationships. You are to love life and others and yourself. THERE ARE ways to […]
“I am eternally youthful and optimistic. I even think football players 30 and 40 years younger than me, are older than me. Some people, my chronological age, seem ancient compared to me. But then so do some teenagers. Life is about living, celebrating, loving and enjoying the journey For goodness sake don’t let the adventure […]
“I make mistakes. I’ve done stupid things. No doubt, I will continue. I’ll keep learning. Mistakes can lead to learning and transformation. So, I will always tell it like it is as I understand it from my heart. I will be direct and do what I can to dispel misinformation, lies and deception. I will […]
“That which is true needs to be repeated often. It takes multiple exposures to a food, a behavior or an activity to develop an awareness or habit. I am going to repeat my recent blog point, there is no such thing as a bad decision and elaborate. Why? MY purpose is to help you acquire […]
I’m Pulling Back The Curtain & Exposing Powerful Transformational Practices & Principles, Today March 13 3pm PST JOIN ME FREE Limited Space Register NOW!
What do I mean when I say ‘I’m gonna rip it down!’ I’m going to reveal what you must know to be happier, healthier, wealthier and succeed in business. I’m going to focus on 4 pillars today that you can immediately apply to start getting better results.
I’m gonna reveal what you need to know as a presenter in live and online events, large and small and one-on-on. Don’t miss this event today. Create you future now, by being joining with me.
“Here’s ANOTHER REMINDER.I know many won’t like this. BUT > “The most important commandment,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.’ Mark 12: 29-31
OR if you need yet another:
Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.’ – Matthew 22:37-40
It’s not rocket science. It IS common decency! It’s common caring. It’s our duty as a part of the planet. It shouldn’t have to be said. We should be living together in harmony. We only have one planet. We are one species. We live in a bubble, a terrarium. We need to take care of the plant and all life. How can politicians, religious leaders and their flocks be so stupidly insane to think otherwise. Greed, perhaps.
Personally, I don’t care whether you believe in JC or not. That’s up to you. HOWEVER, those who profess to be believers and who do less than this, or do otherwise, are frauds professing a belief they don’t hold or just plain evil. There’re many who profess to be followers who do not follow these commandments but follow other corrupted humans in doing harm, hate and worse.
Walk the talk, if you’re going to profess being one of JC’s flock. Whether you’re a common person, religious proponent or politician, stop professing it if you aren’t going to do it. We’ve had enough of ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing!’ We’ve had enough of celebrity crusaders who harm instead of help. We’ve had enough of politicians taking from those who have little and giving it to those who have lots. We’ve had enough of harming people at borders and anywhere in the U S A or elsewhere. STOP HARMING EACH OTHER for ideology and money.
AND then there’s this:
‘Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew:25: 34-40
STOP IT. STOP IT. Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder. ACT! Get these reminders? I hope you do. Take them to heart and live by them whatever faith, or no faith, you live by. Help those around us. Even if you don’t believe the source I quoted, it makes good sense. Love others. Be kind and compassionate. Do what is good for others. Stop hurting and harming. Stop talking and start doing. It actually takes more energy to worry, fear, hate, be angry and hurt than it does to hope, help and love. Get it? I REALLY hope so. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
“Rex, I love your book! I just want to say thank you for who you are and how you are showing up and particularly for ‘Life On Your Terms.’ It is a powerful book that impacted me and people I have shared it with. They call me and say, ‘thank you!’ And I say, ‘thank Rex because he is a bad dude up in here, up in here.” Les Brown – Speaker
“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author
“One of the most transformative books I’ve ever read. This book is amazing! Rex provides a blueprint of simple tools that anyone can use to achieve what you desire. There are so many books out that claim to show you how to create the life you desire but end up being disappointing. This book actually does what it says. No frills. No New Age jargon. Just down-to-earth methods that work when you work them. It really is a breath of fresh air!” Ron Matthews
Get the book. Change your life using the principles and practices. Check it out now. Read it, enjoy it, and transform. Transform yourself and how you think, feel and behave to get Celebrate!
“A real life changer for me. Life on Your Terms is a must read! Rex has a way of writing his story so you feel you’re actually right there with him! I love his comeback story! I am changing my thinking and putting into practice what I’ve read. I see amazing and miraculous things already happening in my life as I follow his instructions! I bought this book first for my Kindle because I can read it anywhere but quickly realized I needed a hard copy to put in my Library! Thanks, Rex, for helping me change my life!” Katherine Young
“‘Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want’ provides practical advice that you can use today to transform your life with increasing success and abundance.” John Gray – Author
“A must read if you want to improve your life. This book will teach you how to control and direct your thoughts to live the life you’ve been dreaming of.” Chris Guajardo
“Give first even without others knowing we are giving. Care and make a difference! It begins with our thinking, it begins with a decision but it must become our speech and our actions. Only think, say and do those things that help bless, heal and prosper, edify and uplift others and yourself. Live well by thinking, speaking and doing kindness. There are people who suffer but somehow manage to find bright spots in the darkness.
They live in the light while facing incredible odds and still find it within themselves to love, care for and encourage others. In spite of great personal difficulty they act and help to encourage and inspire. We all can do more of this. We ought to do more of this. Love and the world loves back. What makes this world a beautiful place? People do! Without our awareness this place just is.
It’s a rock hurtling through space at high speed. People give it color, texture, love and life. People care. They help and they inspire. They uplift and celebrate. This is wonderful! People rally and support and nurture each other. In pleasant times and in difficult times. People reach out and are there for one another. Know this and embrace this. There is good in this world. Be one of the good people.
Stop being in it just for you. Be in it for everyone. Stop judging people as less than worthy. Start helping all people rise above circumstances. Together we can make the world even more beautiful. In turbulent times we need to come together in harmony and uplift all. Get this, You and I have a part in making things nicer. Let’s do it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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Enroll in The Ultimate NLP Home Study Course™ Today to begin living the life you deserve! So many successful people have. You can join us right now! Click the link to learn more or to begin making life better.
“If you can change your mind, you can change your life.” William James
“I’ll be blunt: I’m very disappointed that these secrets are available. I think buying this material should be treated like buying hand guns: You should have to fill out forms and get checked out first to see if you’ll use this wisdom for good or evil. I’ve NEVER seen such powerful techniques or insights. The average psychologist, cold reader, magician, or mentalist doesn’t know these “beyond secret” methods. You could start a cult with this! Far too powerful to be released publicly. Please take your Ultimate NLP Home Study Program package off the market—especially now that I own it.” – Joe Vitale – Author, 2000
“I am smiling and my heart is beating a little bit faster now, Rex. We go all the way back to the last century and me finding my way in many ways at that point. You helped me during that point because I learned NLP, and some of the communication material came from you. I was sitting at your feet and learning how to apply it in my life and career.
You sent me cassettes Rex way back in the 1990s, and these were cassettes on communication and NLP. And we had exchanged some things and we had talked and you were very kind to me and very generous with me. I religiously listened to everything I am always studying, always growing, always working on myself and maybe even more intensely back then. Thank you Rex! Joe Vitale -Author, appeared in ‘The Secret’, 2022
“I give this course a massive thumbs up! And to put it into perspective I was already an NLP trainer when I came across this course some years back and I was blown away by the content in it and the way it is taught. Rex really knows his stuff and the content is amazing. But it! I mean every word.” Barry Neale – NLP trainer 2021
“My personal development journey took a turn for the better back in 1996 when I was fortunate enough to be trained and mentored by Rex Steven Sikes. It’s been my ongoing wish that Rex would put his personal and professional development insights, his unique accelerated learning techniques, and basic to advanced mindset strategies (what he’s rightfully termed Mind Design™) into a book. He’s finally done it and he’s held nothing back. Rex equips you with everything you need to live a more empowered life… He was the first person to really challenge me with the idea that to change my life, I had to change myself first. His concept of 100% Self-responsibility has served me so much in my life, it’s now the cornerstone of all my training and coaching as well. He states, “When you accept full responsibility for everything going on, you begin to access your inner strengths and power. When you accept responsibility your mind begins to look for solutions because you are responsible.” Bottom line: I’m a better coach, trainer, entrepreneur, husband, and parent because of Rex.”Joe Soto – International Marketing Coach
“I am beyond happy to call Rex Sikes my mentor and friend. (Yesterday he was was kind enough to be my Valentine’s too lol) seriously though. I’m so happy to have invested into his NLP home study course. Which he has taught many successful people in the past 40 years. Here’s a testimony from Joe Vitale from the movie the secret. If anyone is interested in joining the course. Please feel free to reach out to me.” Lynn Serrano – TV host, 2022
“Napoleon Hill stated to stand out head and shoulders above the competition and succeed you should go the extra mile. Give and do more than is expected. Be the first in and the last out. It’s a good rule to apply in anything you do. Be excellent. Go beyond status quo!
Always incorporate the rule of fair exchange. Make certain you at least always give fair exchange in your business and personal life. Better — give more than you receive! Go the extra mile. It creates flow. It attracts the upbeat positive and influential people to you.
A rising tide floats the entire boat. We don’t succeed alone or in a vacuum. Our success and other’s success depends on each other. Attract to yourself those who can help you by first being helpful. Get support by being supportive. Cheer others on in their success. Don’t be stingy. Be generous. Go beyond. Don’t stop when other’s do and you’ll find the rewards. Celebrate everything! “Rex Sikes
Doing it all alone can be difficult. Don’t do it alone. Get some help! Get the right help! I will help you develop your inner power!
Let me show you how to manifest your desires! Enjoy abundance! Enroll in Mind Design™ Join my students and me. Together, we’ll help you create your best life ever! Learn how to really live.
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“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience! Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA
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“Mind Design is a game changer! It is the missing link between LOA, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, EFT & DHE. The support and feedback in the training is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in 14 years of formal practice and 26 years of personal practice. You owe it to yourself and those you care about to look into this training!!” Tim Shay, Musician, Philadelphia, PA
“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland
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Life is easier and more enjoyable than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!
Infographic @2019 Rex Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
“Why post on Trump? Because he is in a position of power. Because leadership has been expounded on by Napoleon Hill and others. He is, as we all our, subject to examination as a role model and whether he is a good leader or not. Emotions can run high. I attempt to be fair.
There are some things I like about Trump, which I wrote about while he was a candidate, that can be useful to adopt. There are things about Trump which, in the correct context, can be useful. There are things about Trump that would best be avoided, too. Get it?
Napoleon Hill studied 520 of the wealthiest people during his lifetime, plus thousands more. Those successful and not. He shared his findings in numerous books. The most popular, of course, Think And Grow Rich. He wrote much on leadership. He wrote on wealth.
You Can Be Do And Have Anything You Want – Focus
Near the end of his life he pointed out of the 520 and their families only one person seemed to have a decent, balanced life. The rest had addictions, suicides, mental illness and sickness due to being out of balance in their pursuits. He suggested cultivating peace of mind.
He said there was a point where too much was destructive. Obviously, ‘too much’ or ‘too little’ means different things to different people. He pointed out that children of the uber wealthy were often ‘broken’ because of their lavish, easy, upbringing.
He valued the right mindset, and the right actions, toward wealth. He felt anything not earned could be detrimental, especially big riches. Hill, nor I, am suggesting there is anything wrong with having money. It isn’t money, but the LOVE of money that’s the issue.
Be Careful What You Wish For You Might Just Get It
Greed and power can corrupt. Whether you think our ‘leaders’ and current president is, or isn’t, corrupt is up to your beliefs and values and filters. I don’t want to persuade you one way or another. I prefer to allow you to study, evaluate and conclude on your own.
Examine, in light of my blogs and works on, effective leadership. Evaluate sincerely those who would be role models for your children. Find right balance. Pursue wealth as a white-hot obsession while remaining true to the principles Hill shares and decency.
I prefer a kind world. There is abundance, and the potential for everyone on the planet to live better lives. The question is not, is there enough, but is everyone able to access? There is great disparity today. We have been warned about this for centuries.
Are You A Giver Or A Taker – Are You A Builder Or Destroyer
The Founding Fathers warned that the system we set up in America could easily be perverted if it wasn’t watched carefully and kept free of corruption. The same can be said of ourselves. Examine yourself. Use Hill’s evaluations and decide if you are on the right track.
Are you helpful or hurtful? Are you a good or great or abysmal role model? Do you contribute to the overall well-being of everyone around you or do you not? Are you finding peace or chaos? Are you living in the light, ‘vibing’ high and helping others, or a vampire?
Decide how you want to be, what you want to do and have. You can make your dreams come true. A rising tide floats the entire boat. Not everyone today wants everyone to rise. Do you? Are you a giver or a taker? Are you a builder or a destroyer? Do you help or harm?
Peace Of Mind – Help Others – Love – Peace – Abundance For All
These are important questions? It is just as important to ask about the people we elect, or whom assume leadership roles here or in any country. I prefer a world where everyone can be, do and have whatever they want as long as it doesn’t harm or prevent anyone else from doing likewise. We can build and create this kind of world if we dedicate ourselves to it. We can have this kind of life if we really want to. Discover how! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself and create your best life ever! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use the mind you have to get what you want!
“How many of the 30 causes of failure are holding you back from the success you desire and deserve? How many of these causes, cause leaders to falter and fail? Use this list of Napoleon Hill to assess where you are, what holds you back and what you can change.
Use the list to assess those in leadership in government around the world, President Trump, our Congress and Senate, state and local leaders. Evaluate those who lead your schools, churches and businesses. Become sensitive to, and alert to, leadership in life.
The main point of these 3 videos is for you to look at yourself and discover what areas you need to improve so you can begin making your dreams come true. A good leader, leads oneself first, and because one can lead oneself, one learns to lead others as well. Learn from this list. Learn from these 3 videos. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Stop suffering! Transform yourself and create your best life ever! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use the mind you have to get what you want!
This amazing audio helps you make the changes you want to make. The very last self-improvement audio you may ever need! Download it here today! Watch the video and discover how this can help you!
“If Donald Trump were not president he would be indicted along with Cohen but the office he occupies makes it so he does not face criminal charges while president. That doesn’t mean he isn’t culpable, just that he can’t presently be indicted.
THINK about that for a second. THEN consider these factors in my recent video and discover what attributes you need to be a good leader and what elements cause failure. What say you? After watching video comment.
THEN decide how many of these you, and people like Trump and our so called leaders embody. Are you a good leader? Are they? Assess the leadership qualities of those who assume those positions. You may be surprised! Watch my new video 3 part series.
Suspend your love or your hate for these people and make an honest assessment. Most importantly, assess yourself!
Stay tuned for the next two videos. Realize this is an opportunity to assess yourself, and others, in light of Hill’s research. Do you have what it takes to lead yourself to victory and make your dreams come true? Well, do you? If not, then you know what you need to develop!
Could you inspire, motivate and induce others to victory as well? Do you have what it takes? Be honest with yourself your future depends on it. Use these videos and Hill’s research to gain much needed feedback for your success. Meanwhile, continue to learn and develop your self and your skills and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Stop suffering! Transform yourself and create your best life ever! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use the mind you have to get what you want!
This amazing audio helps you make the changes you want to make. The very last self-improvement audio you may ever need! Download it here today! Watch the video and discover how this can help you!