“In 2015 I stumbled across this article on the web. Sometime, in the past few years the site disappeared, including the article. I located it the other day doing a ‘wayback’ search. I include it here because it was about my work from the 80s and how to direct your mind.
Here it is the entire article: Positive Questions for Powerful Change Posted on January 6, 2012 by Susan K. Minarik
What if you could trick your brain into making all the right choices for you? What if you sneakily set it up to choose the apple over the chocolate cake, or to stick out its tongue at your impulse to put that tempting trinket on your credit card?
Way back in 1980, Master NLP trainer Rex Steven Sikes, discovered a simple way that anyone can use to direct their thinking toward finding the solutions they were after. He called it Directed Questions™. Unfortunately, the method never got the attention it deserved.
Then, in 1998, Noah St. John stumbled on the method one morning in his shower when he was mulling over the lack of result he was getting using affirmations to create new behaviors. He called it Afformations™ and has been making a great living telling people about it ever since.
In that same year, motivational trainer Kevin Hogan picked up the idea and gave it the descriptive—and non-trademarked—name “positive affirmative questions.”
That’s what I call it, too; I abbreviate it as PAQ . And because it’s one of the easiest and most powerful tools you can add to your personal growth toolkit, I want to share it with you today.
So, What’s a Positive Affirmative Question?
Simply put, a PAQ is a question you ask yourself in order to focus your brain on a positive behavior or attitude that you want to create or expand.
Their power comes from your mind’s need to search for answers to questions that you pose to it, and from the fact that, unlike affirmations, PAQs don’t give your brain something to argue with.
Let me give you an example. Suppose you want to lose weight. You could bombard your brain with an affirmative statement like “I enjoy eating healthy foods and exercising every day.” That might help. But if it were true, you would be eating healthily and exercising already. So some part of your brain considers it a lie—or, at best, a wish—and refuses to see it as a reality.
But suppose, instead, you asked yourself, “How many ways can I find to eat healthier foods?” and “How can I add more activity to my day?” how do you think your brain would react?
Here are a few more examples of positive affirmative questions:
(Note: when you say “I wonder…” you’re really asking a question.)
- Why do I feel so good about myself now?
- What’s good about this situation?
- How quickly can I finish this project and do a fantastic job?
- I wonder how soon I can reach my ideal weight?
- How many ways can I find to stay within my budget?
- What are some fun ways that I can learn this faster?
- Why am I seeing so many great traits in my partner now?
- Why am I feeling so much more confident now?
- What’s good about this situation?
Why Positive Affirmative Questions Work
Rex Sikes, the fellow who calls these Directed Questions™, explains that questions direct the mind. They send it inexorably on a search for answers. They focus you on what you want and help you discover avenues for getting it. And what we focus on becomes dominant in our lives.
Sikes claims they have 300-400 times more power than affirmations do.
Because PAQs are rooted in positive assumptions about your life rather than negative ones, they’re empowering. They utilize your imagination and creativity and put your focus on you want instead of what you lack. “Why am I so fortunate now?” “How can I slim down and enjoy the process?”
A third reason for their power is that the answers come from within you. They’re from the expert who knows you best, not some outside authority or guru. So they feel more authentic, making it natural for you to accept the answers they generate for you.
When PAQs Backfire
Unlike affirmations, PAQs have a very low backfire potential. When you use affirmations your mind has that tendency to argue with you. If you say “I easily and confidently close sales,” your brain is likely to scoff, “You do not, you big coward. You fumble and bumble and blow it every time.”
Well, on rare occasions—and I do mean rare– some PAQs can backfire, too. It’s happened to me. “Why am I so happy now?” was a signature question for me a couple years ago. It’s what motivated me to start my blog, High on Happiness and I use it to this day.
Sometimes, in the beginning, when I was in a particular funk and I asked it, a grumpy inner voice would growl at me, “I’m not happy. I’m a miserable wretch.” And you know what I did? I refused to accept that as an answer and growled right back, “I know you’re not happy. But why am I so happy now?” And my brain would, Oh!” as if it understood now, and go in search of things that were delightful, or comforting, or satisfying in my world.
Of course I was a newbie with PAQs at the time. If I had understood them as well then as I do now, I would have known to rephrase the question: “What are some ways I can begin to feel happier now?” or “I wonder how many things I can find to feel happier about?”
I could even have used a PAQ to find a better question. “What are some questions I could ask to help myself feel happier now?”
How to Put Positive Affirmative Questions To Work for You
By now, you probably see how easy it is to create PAQs. First, you decide what you want—a change in attitude, a new approach to something, a behavior change, even a tangible acquisition.
Next, you form a question based around it, using words like “why,” “what,” “how,” “how many,” “how quickly” and “I wonder.”
Finally, you take action on the answers—not only because the answers will lead to success, but to reinforce the whole process and prove its worth to you.
Sikes recommends that you think up questions for yourself every morning and every night, and that you practice with the method for 21 days in a row. If you decide to adopt this as your positivity practice for the month, I guarantee that one month from now, you’ll see concrete evidence of this little tool’s mighty power.
You can start right now. Ask yourself, “How many ways can I show Susan how much I liked this article?” [end of article]
*Well, there you have it. I must point out this is an article about my work however there’s much that’s missed. Still, asking any positively phrased questions is useful. That’s why I share this article. Others have come along since I shared my work and since this article.
The others mentioned in the article missed important nuances about the work. They missed the heart of how to use questions to direct the mind, but they got that asking questions is important. If you want to powerfully learn to direct your mind contact me.
I released much of my work and information on the Inet in articles, in my live workshops and many of my audio programs. The ‘Ultimate NLP Home Study Program™‘ which is Mind Design™ based, is still available and will be offered on my new platform. Get it.
It is useful! Directed Questions™ works powerfully because it is how the mind works. It is built from how the brain most naturally operates. Directed Questions™ are a part of my Mind Design™ process. I can’t emphasize enough how incredibly powerful DQ™ is. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Develop your inner power! Learn to manifest your desires! Enjoy abundance! Enroll in Mind Design™. Join me and my students. Together, we can help you create your best life ever. Learn how to really live. Become fully alive. Live your best dreams!
“‘Directed Questions’ created by Rex Sikes and the Mind Design course I am doing is very helpful. I change not only my focus but mindset, attitude and results. Helps me turn challenging situations into playful voyages of discovery and delight. Thanks to the Mind Design process, I have discovered that I have more indomitable strength and courage than I gave myself credit for!” Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England
“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland
“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience! Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA
STOP STRUGGLING! START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE. It’s Easy, Fun and Powerful! It’s incredible!
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Would you like to learn more about this powerful process? I deep dive and share more in my online programs and live events. Use the links to visit these powerful programs that will increase your effectiveness and return on investment.
*** Directed Questions™ I developed in the early 80s and is part of the design in my powerful audio program the Attitude Activator™ and my course Mind Design™ at rexsikes.com . Be sure to visit, learn more, order programs and claim your free gift!
Can you begin to imagine how good your life can become when you begin directing your mind in powerful ways to help you get what you want while helping others get what they want? Can you? Of course, you can. Isn’t that right? And if not, the. you absolutely know what you must do.
It is another day. Celebrate!
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©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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