“Once you’ve successfully completed the first step, the beginning, you must manage the middle successfully to get to the end. If you drop out in the middle it’s over. You threw in the towel. Here are some additional tips to keep you going and create momentum.
Doing these things will help you get the results you intend to get, AND want to get, faster. The first part is to get clear and specific. Those who succeed are definite about where they’re going. They set their course, manage their mindset and feeling to take action.
Some of the pursuit of success in any field, any endeavor is mundane. It’s boring. Most people don’t want to do what’s necessary.. Those who reach the top do it anyway. They know they must do what others won’t. If you won’t go there, but I will guess who gets there?
Create A Positive Mindset And Maintain It – Think And Be Better
They persevere. So must you. Make it as fun and exciting as possible. Find ways to enjoy the not-so-enjoyable tasks. Delegate if you’re able but get them done and keep on going. You must know what to say ‘yes’ to and ‘no to’. Some things are distractions and drain you.
Stay focused and don’t give in to distracting temptations. You can be busy and not get anything done or make any forward progress. It’s like you car wheels spinning in the snow or mud but not moving you forward. Don’t waste time. You must say ‘no’ to many temptations.
Those who succeed, read. They fill their minds with positive, inspirational, motivational material and ideas. They know mindset is important in overcoming obstacles and drudgery along the way. They activate their attitude. They keep their spirits high.
You can too!!
Transform Your Thinking To Create Your Best Life Ever
Do the things that help you feel good. Read. Listen to audios. Take a brisk walk. Breath. Meditate. Be sure to rest and relax. Eat healthy. Take care of your mind, body, emotional and spiritual health. Express gratitude and love. Play with children and pets. Enjoy life!
Surround yourself with positive, upbeat highly successful people. Being surrounded by high-achievers and wealthy exemplars will get you to the top faster. You’ll be more focused and committed if you surround yourself with others who are dedicated to success.
Pick happy successful ones. Spend less time with people who drain you or distract you. This may be tough. You don’t have to cut them off but reduce the amount of time or influence you allow them to have. Love them. Let them be who they are but keep focused.
Change Your Thoughts & Transform Your Life
Keep learning. Take classes and courses in the field you’re pursuing. Get coaching and mentoring. Those who become millionaires and top in their field, actors, athletes and others take classes and get training and coaching even when at the top. Especially, at the top.
They understand the value of a coach. How many top pro boxers or fighters, martial artists can you name who got to the top without rigorous training and coaching? Even top actors have acting coaches they rely on for help with their roles. They spend big bucks for this.
Attitude is everything and these tips will help you keep your attitude and commitment high while journeying. Obstacles will arise. They always do. The wise ones understand these are lessons and necessary to shape and hone you for success. They learn the lessons.
Learn To Change Your Thoughts & You’ll Transform Your Life
Mistakes will happen. Plans will change. Adjust and continue. Keep going. You will, if you’re getting the proper mental, emotional, spiritual and physical nutrition. You will, if you’re surrounded by others and coached by those who encourage you along the way.
You will, if you remain focused. Don’t get distracted or discouraged. You’ll stay on course if you remain focused on your ‘big why,’ your purpose, and make it fun along the way. Take care of yourself. Encourage yourself. Enjoy the journey, each and every step. Do these things and you can succeed too. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
PS I share much, much more in Life On Your Terms
“Rex’s understanding of how the mind works and mindset is second to none. He wrote a book called Life On Your Terms. He’s really good. You can’t read this book and not think better, not think more productively, not think more efficiently, and not think with a lot more directed happiness in your life because he shows you how to do it in the book. I’m really glad he put out this book. I encourage you to buy it. It’s really good!’ Joe Soto, International Marketing Mentor
Book and Kindle available at Amazon. Gift a loved one!

©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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