“What so many miss today is first lead yourself. So many people want to lead without being qualified and many endorse that practice by encouraging them to lead or teach without mastering themselves or the subject first. That’s just shameful. If you aren’t qualified, you should try to get your experience on the job. Look what happened to the USA recently when you’ve unqualified people occupying positions of power.

And you have sycophants and psychopaths who indulge their whims. IF you can’t lead by example with care, understanding and compassion (all woke components) then you aren’t fit to hold the position. Integrity, honesty, authenticity and transparency matter. IF you can’t master and lead yourself no other abilities amount to much. They flow from the first. If the first is corrupted all the rest will be too. The first domino matters!

It’s like trying to fix circumstances. That’s putting the cart before the horse. ‘Physician heal thyself.’ The Hippocratic Oath first states ‘do no harm; and second ‘seek to help.’ If you aren’t a true leader, no one needs you. Sadly, there are lots who assume positions of power in politics, religion, education and all walks of life who aren’t worthy to hold the position. Their interest is in power over others, not leading people to greater understanding and freedom. I encourage people to be the change they want to see in the world as Gandhi did.


Years back I did a three-part YouTube series on Leadership Qualities and Characteristics according to Napoleon Hill. Here is the link, should you wish to watch, learn and discover what it takes and whether you, if honest, embody these characteristics. As I frequently remind, leaders don’t call themselves leaders. They don’t have to. Others do. Are you a leader? 1st of 3 videos. I encourage you to watch all three videos and take notes. Click link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86W3t-zbk6U These are raw, casual, videos.

However, the topic is important. I also encourage you to consider the conversation. Leave comments, ask questions like it, subscribe to the channel for more and to share it. Today, more than ever we need competent, qualified, thoughtful, kind, caring, human leaders who walk the talk and lead by the example of their lives and actions not by empty words and promises. Our children need positive role models NOW more than ever.

Don’t succumb to inferior standards and platitudes of hate and division. Learn to cooperate and collaborate. Stop competing and discover ways to edify others and yourself. Stop evil. Resist temptation but remember to release it and let it go because what you push on, pushes back. What you resist, persists. Learn to let go and refocus on the positive and the good. Help others. We’re all in this world together.

If you tune out or do nothing, nothing changes. Become a positive role model for positive change. Help inspire and encourage people to love more, give more, help more and stand for positive loving values. We don’t end hate by hating back. We don’t end war by hitting bigger. We come together in promoting understanding, peace and friendship. We act honestly, authentically, transparently for the good of all, not just the few. It’s important that people are free to live, learn, laugh and love freely. Lead with empathy and love. Celebrate Everything!” Rex Sikes

PS If this resonates with you I encourage you to share it. Spread love around.

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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Blog Article ©2025 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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