“How to get what you want. You must know what you want. You must passionately want it. You don’t need to know how to make it happen any more than when you order food, you need to know how to make the dish you want to eat. You don’t go to the cook to find out. You trust the chef. You wait patiently knowing it’s coming. This is most important. You patiently wait KNOWING it’s coming. You believe it. So, you wait.

Patiently. Optimistically. Everything that could happen doesn’t enter your mind. You’re in a restaurant. Someone took your order. The food is being prepared. It’ll be properly delivered at the right time. Get this! Yes, it’s an analogy but it’s used to illustrate the process. You conceived what you want. You conceive it to have it. You imagined it the same way you imagine a food order. You ordered it from the universe. I want this.

NOW, believe it’s coming. Having this mindset makes it so you can have or achieve it in time. Whatever time it takes is what it takes. This is how it works. You order and you wait knowing it’s yours. This is why we say success is 99% mental attitude. It’s the thoughts you think. 1% is the effort or work. Thought precedes action. You can be, do and have anything you want using this simple, secret process or formula. However…


If you’re like most people, you won’t do anything with it. Why? Because most people don’t believe it could be this simple. They want it complex and complicated. Present day so-called thought leaders make it the other way around. They mislead for numerous the reasons. They say IF you want it, then you must work really hard, take massive actions, sacrifice and risk. So you give up your life in the pursuit to have it. They say…

Once you have it you will be important, or happy or successful. You must do AND work really hard to have it so you can be different than what you are. IT IS THE OTHER WAY AROUND. BE the person for whom manifesting is easy and you’ll do the right things, take the correct actions and the right amount of effort to have what you want. BUT the journey is more important than the destination. Don’t waste the journey.

Enjoy the journey. Happiness and success can be fleeting so who you are is most important. Do not define yourself by what you do and have. Plenty of so-called successful people with lots of things aren’t happy with who they are, what they do or what they have! BE it and you CAN get it. Be happy and then you have happiness. Then you do happiness. Get this! But most won’t. They’ll believe the lies and not get it. GET IT?


Or they hear this message but think it is too simple to work so they don’t bother. What’s it going to be with you? Are you going to be like the many and miss out? Or are you going to decide now to make all your dreams come true? It’s completely up to you. No one can do it for you. ONLY you can do it. The analogy explained is this. The waitperson IS YOUR subconscious mind. Not someone outside of you. It IS YOU!

No one is granting you your wish. It is YOU who makes it all happen. You give the order, and you bring about the success. You take the order, and you do the work. Your subconscious is a vast reservoir of resources that will respond to your order when YOU know precisely what you want and tell it in a way it understands!!! (see previous blogs). You don’t need to consciously know the ‘how’ to start getting what you want.

You don’t need the plan to begin, but you DO need to know what you want to begin. You will eventually formulate the plan WHICH WILL change numerous times before you receive. You’ll adjust and continue as the Wright Brothers did. They experimented. They received feedback in the form of ‘well, that didn’t work. Now what?’ And adjusted and tried other ways until things worked out. You will too. We all do. It’s like walking.


You didn’t know how as a young child. You tried it. Fell. Got up. Attempted again. All the while adjusting what you were doing to learn how to balance and move forward at the same time. If you waited until you knew ‘how’ you may never got going. This is where trust and faith come in. Trust yourself and your inner resources. It is from within to without. You make your inner dreams an outer reality. Make your dreams come true.

Determine what you want. Be precise, yet remain potentially open to some changes. It may not work out exactly as you want or conceived it. But it can work out if you allow for adjustments. AND it could work out exactly as you conceive it OR better, if you’re open to that. Want it passionately, more than anything else. Don’t dabble. Dive in. The Wright Brothers didn’t try it only when convenient and dabble. They pursued it.

They made it happen because flying was their focus. What you focus on, you get. It expands. When you use a magnifying glass things expand. Think about it day and night (feel the result as if you already have it) just as when you order your food you imagine how good it is to enjoy eating it. You don’t think ‘someday I will have food’, you expect it now. Think you have it, not how desperately you want what you don’t have yet. Get this!


When you order the food, you know it is coming so you relax STILL KNOWING it is coming. You don’t completely forget about it because you expect it. When it arrives, you stop expecting it to arrive. You stop wanting it. You go from order and knowing to receiving and enjoying. You are glad it came but not shocked or surprised. You might be a little surprised and delighted how tasty it is but you’re not surprised you got it.

Place your order. Tell your subconscious clearly and definitely ‘I am going to have this.’ WHEN YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER YOU SAY, ‘I’LL HAVE…OR I’LL HAVE THE… PREPARED THIS WAY.’ You don’t say ‘please, please, please! Could I get this if not too much trouble! You probably won’t. I have nothing and I am desperate but you probably won’t, so I am wasting my time…’ You say ‘here’s what I want’ and wait on it. ATTITUDE!!!!!!!

Attitude is everything. Attitude is how you order. How you create and how you live while waiting. SO… Go about living and enjoying life. Do whatever your gut tells you from your inner authentic self. BE, remember. Be it and the doing and having will follow. Wait patiently. Believe it is yours and it will be yours. It is that simple! Don’t wait. Begin making your dreams come true. Don’t beg! Put in your order.

Stop doubt and fear and expect. ‘If it is to be, it is up to me. Understand and enjoy the process. The more you enjoy, celebrate and live with the feeling of ‘this is already mine,’ the easier it happens. IT IS NOT MAGIC; it only seems like magic. LIVE FROM THE FEELING OF ALREADY HAVING IT. IT IS YOURS! Why, because when you have it you stop wanting it and pursuing it. Your relax, are grateful and enjoy it. LIVE with this gratitude and you manifest easier. It works if and when you learn the process and you activate your attitude. Get it and Get it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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