“Do you want a happening career? Want to get a great job? Want to book more gigs? Would you like to be happier? Want more money? How about a relationship? Are you interested in the good life?
People try all sorts of things; they work really hard, hope, pray, they bargain, try magic and the Law Of Attraction (LOA). They do lots of different things but seem only to be spinning their wheels.
How do you get what you want? Lot’s of people work hard but don’t get anywhere. They try all those things but still struggle. That is sad. They can have what they want if they work smarter.
They don’t have to work harder. That is a myth. They don’t need anything added to them from the outside, but they think they do. SO they try lots of things that don’t produce the results they want.
It Was Called Think And Grow Rich
I don’t really like the term ‘the law of attraction’ but it has been around for a hundred years or so. Since it is popular and somewhat accurate, I use it to discuss what you can make happen.
The practice is powerful and absolutely works but it is not the ‘instant magic pill’ people wish it to be. When they find out ‘it’ doesn’t match their unrealistic expectations they quit.
They blame IT for not working, and move on. It’s not IT that doesn’t work. IT Does. The change that must first take place is an inner change. An inner attitude. Without this, IT won’t work, that is true.
It isn’t magic. It doesn’t come from outside of you. No one waves a magic wand. It stems from within you. It is a process and it requires time, so be patient. It is absolutely reliable.
It Was Called The Science Of The Mind
It does work. It is completely up to you. Just don’t believe all the hype about ‘finding the missing ingredient that wasn’t included in the secret’… there is much marketing BS around the LOA.
What is the law of attraction then?
It is the harnessing and focusing of your internal mental powers, your feelings and your actions in pursuit of a strongly desired outcome. Your inner workings determine your outer results.
It includes, the accurate notion that ‘birds of a feather flock together.’ That, ‘like attracts like’. THAT isn’t magic THAT is law! In order to have that happen YOU do it. I’ll explain.
What You Think About You Bring About
Simple enough. You put your brain to work deliberately accomplish what it is you want to accomplish. The difference between most people and those who make it work is outer and inner.
Those who have difficulty expect something outside of them to help them. Those who make it work know it is they who help themselves. They get their mindset right and create what they want.
The LOA means you focus on your goal with such desire, such passion, that all else falls away. You target your goal with laser like precision. All of your energy is devoted to making this come true.
Your goal begins as an idea that you make real. You create it and fashion it. It is all you. You focus your energies and resources the same way you aim a magnifying glass to focus light and burn paper.
Energy Flows Where Your Attention Goes
That same paper can sit in unfocused daylight forever and never burn. You focus, you create and you attract because of your mindset and your behaviors. Not because of magical wishing things different.
Your intention and attention is so devoted to what you want your subconscious works on this day and night and comes up with ideas and plans for how you can accomplish it.
You marshall your resources and abilities. You don’t have to know how to begin because as you act and move forward you initiate these processes. Begin where you are with what you have!
The ‘how’ will take care of itself as you act on your own behalf. You may change your plans many times on route to your destination but you keep traveling to where you want to get to.
You Don’t Live A Positive Life Thinking Negative Thoughts
You don’t give up. You don’t quit. If obstacles arise and you detour, you detour but keep going. You persist. This is where others throw in the towel. They think it should be easy. They want it easy. Easy!
It is easy. Not always, but it is. It is simple. When it does get tough you must too. You are the person in charge. Not a deity or deities, not magical fairy dust or laws, you, your subconscious mind.
As you journey you begin to understand that success never happens in isolation. If you are smart you do things that attract and enlist the aid of others. You develop your personality so as to be likable.
Develop a pleasing personality so others would want to help. You apply the Golden Rule. You treat others well, with respect and attention. You help first because you like people. THEY reciprocate.
You Become What You Think About All Day Long
Go that extra mile and add value. Again, you add it FIRST. You help without having to be asked. If you want others to help you it only makes sense you give them something worthy in advance. Get it?
Surround yourself with others who are smarter and who can help you on the way. Support others who are trying to succeed. Celebrate their successes as they move forward. They reciprocate!
Work together as a team. Become a valued player. Through co-operation we get further, faster than alone or in trying to compete. When we celebrate and validate others they reciprocate!
With your mind and energies so focused your brain becomes alerted to others, events and opportunities that are beneficial to you and you to them. More wonderful things seem to come your way.
Birds Of A Feather Flock Together
Your Reticular Activating System (RAS) in your brain works this way. Because you focused it, it finds matches in your experience and out in the world. You notice opportunity previously closed off from you.
People are attracted to you because you are a more attractive personality. You friendliness, your commitment, your drive and your passion are attractive to likeminded people. Like attracts like.
Like a beacon light on a hill others are drawn to you. Never forget however, it is you doing it. You are evolving yourself. You are making everything happen. You are responsible. When you take charge!
You are a deliberate creator. You and others help you succeed so no need to get egotistical about it. Keep humble. Stay focused on all the factors that contribute to your success and be grateful.
What You Say Is What You Get
You started it. You have to maintain it. It is always up to you. Most people expect it to happen to or for them if they believe, pray, chant, affirm, visualize. It doesn’t. YOU make it happen. You keep it going!
Keep going until you have what you want. You will attract like minded dedicated people to assist you. Value these people, your time and energy. Use it wisely to accomplish your dreams.
You’ll find more opportunity. You will discover more of the good life. You will notice yourself having more fun, being more delighted and living large. Celebrate it all. Never forget you are doing it.
You are doing it! Others are helping and you are helping others. Take advantage of and continue to enjoy the new good life that comes to you. This is why it does seem magical.
The Kite Rises Against The Wind
Consider obstacles as lessons. Learn from those moments. All defeat is temporary unless you give up. Maintain your focus and your positive mental attitude. Persevere and learn!
Maintain your positive productive actions, behaviors and practices. As you do you will develop positive reliable habits and eliminate old worn out ones. Its a conditioning process of developing good habits.
You will have replaced tired, chronic, defeatist thinking with positive powerful, thoughts. You will have evolved yourself and your life. You took charge and lived a champion lifestyle. Celebrate!
Looking back you can connect the dots and see how you made it happen. Going through it keep your desire and faith high. Keep going no matter what. Are you beginning to understand?
Hindsight Is 20/20
When finished you’ll know the Law Of Attraction works. You have created and attracted what you want. Once you have put it into practice it is easy to do again and again. Thoughts become things.
Henry Ford said, ‘if you think you can or you think you can’t you are right.’ I say, ‘if you believe it will be easy it will be. if you believe it will be hard it will be. It will be whatever you believe it to be.’
Live the life of a creator. Live with gratitude and appreciation. Help others. Most don’t and won’t ever live this way. They drop out anywhere along the line. They didn’t have to it is just what they did.
Instead of owning up, they blamed the LOA. They say, it didn’t work. That thinking will never get them what they want because they are not in charge. Some ‘IT’ is in charge, but ‘IT’ doesn’t do the work.
Focus On What You Can Change
Since you are not like that, have fun and enjoy. Delight and make more moments marvelous. Have fun and enjoy all the good things you were born to enjoy. The world is your garden. Love it and care for it. Celebrate everything” Rex Sikes
What makes you feel alive?
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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.
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