“Gratitude is its own reward. Once you actually begin the real practice of gratitude everything transforms. You do and your life does. The actual practice of gratitude is not a 30 day challenge. It is a way of life. You live in gratitude and express it moment to moment.
Expressing gratitude is not just making a list. That’s a great way to begin learning the process. Write down what you are grateful for. I recommend at least 25 daily. Some people think they can’t find that many at first, but once you do, you’ll discover more and more.
Truly feel the emotions of gratefulness, appreciation, thankfulness, and joy for those people, things and circumstances in life. Feeling is the key that unlocks the floodgates. You vibe high. You feel good. You open up to being grateful for everything and you’ll find more.
The More You Do The More You Can Do – Like Attracts Like
Here is an abundance exercise. Every time you receive money, whether you find it in the street, your pockets, get your paycheck, get a bonus or a discount, a refund or someone buys you coffee or dinner, every time you get money be grateful! Celebrate.
There is a myriad of ways you receive money. From earning it to finding it. Whenever, wherever and however you receive money celebrate. Be glad. Be thankful. Express your gratitude. Do a happy dance. That signals your brain to be on the look out for more of the same. Make finding and receiving money joyful. Celebrate everything! ” Rex Sikes
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