“When you get what you ask for do you remember to be grateful? I got what I manifested. I received something complete with surprises. So it didn’t come in exactly the form I expected but it did come to me. I made it happen. Took me awhile to notice I got it.
After a bit I did realize I got what I wanted. Then I began to celebrate. I mention this because sometimes we miss noticing we got what we wanted because of the form it arrives in. That is why it is always best to celebrate everything! I do mean everything, too!
The more we are grateful for big and small things the more our life is enjoyable. The more we FIND to emphasize and acknowledge the more we become aware of how blessed we are. Be grateful and express gratitude. Really take the time. Really build your list.
Be Not Critical Of Things But Be Grateful For All Things
It is easy to say, ‘I am grateful for everything’. It is another to actually be grateful for everything. Get into the habit of saying thank you for everything, moment to moment, throughout your day. Say it inside and outside your head. Speak it. Love it. Embrace the goodness.
Once we begin to open our mind, our eyes and our heart to all the goodness surrounding us we begin to see more and more of it. That is what our brains do for us. Our reticular Activating System (RAS) finds more examples to delight in. It finds matches for what we pay most attention to. Want to be happier, healthier and more successful? Practice gratitude. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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