“During troubling times we must expect the best. Expect the worst. Opt for the best. Acknowledge the wrongs and correct them. People need to seek accurate information to protect themselves and to avoid being swayed against their best interests. Wake up!
Vetting information is difficult in this Orwellian age, but not impossible. Thinking critically by assessing the messages coming to you and evaluating them in light of multiple reliable sources is desirable over being gullible and herded. Stay alert!
Don’t sleep at the wheel. Don’t lose your life by texting while driving How many times must one be warned? It may never be as bad as we expect. Hold out for hope. Remain optimistic in all of it, but don’t allow yourself to be mislead. Vet your sources. Who do you listen to?
Easier To Fool People Than Convince Them They’ve Been Fooled
If you are running head-long into a wall and I’m there witnessing it, I can let you run smack into it or attempt to alert you to the consequences of your actions. Either way you may be bound to hit the wall. A flashlight in the darkness is a good tool to help find things.
Optimism doesn’t have to be unrealistic. Optimism, rooted in realism and maintained in spite of circumstances, is worthwhile. Aim high and stay aimed high. Keep going no matter how difficult it gets. Adjust and continue. Seek the best and accept no substitute.
The saying, ‘you can’t save a fool from oneself’ equally applies to all of us. Which is why we must aggressively seek truth. It’s not going to be handed to us. We must seek it to find it. It’s there, obfuscated by a myriad of masquerading messages, but it can be discovered!
Sugar Looks Like Salt – Test It – Verify – Then Act Accordingly
That said, we don’t have monopoly on it. No one does but we can begin to embrace it. People bought bad mortgages and got bad loans and had difficulty in 2008 because people in institutions preyed on their hopes and dreams. Profiteers took advantage of poorer people.
Those responsible weren’t held accountable. Those who took out the mortgages and loans were blamed for not being savvy enough. They were told they should have known better and been more responsible. Profiteers dangled bait and preyed on those who bit.
Things were mishandled top down. In the same way smoking has been historically targeted to the disadvantaged. Just because you or I know there are consequences does not mean others also know that. You catch fish using the appropriate lure or bait.
Don’t Believe Everything You Hear – Investigate – Check Into It
It takes two to tango, but one leads and the other follows. Most of the ‘big boys’ didn’t care because they made their money with bad loans and mortgages. Some obviously refused to play the game and did not sucker people or quit the biz.
Everyone is accountable for their actions. We all need to take responsibility for the decision we make. However, it wasn’t the people who took out the loans that got bailed out it was the lending and mortgage institutions. Money went right back to the top.
If you make a decision that doesn’t work as you hoped learn from it. Don’t make the mistake again. Gamblers need to learn this. Lottery winners who go bankrupt need to learn this. We all need to accept responsibility, learn from mistakes and act better in the future.
Do The Legwork To Get Truth – Don’t Just Drink The Kool-aid
We need to hold accountable the ‘powers’ that mislead and fleece. Those fleeced need to learn from their mistakes so they don’t repeat them. The call is to wake up, but if you don’t hear the alarm, you’ll remain oblivious. People are confused. People are scared.
People are divided and pitted against each other. Perhaps purposely. Alleged leadership, I say alleged, because it really isn’t leadership from many of our elected representatives. Instead we get lies, chaos, confusion, division pitting people against other people.
We get blames, excuses, whining and distraction and deflection. The qualities and characteristics of leaders, in many cases, are not being modeled for people to follow. We lack good role models, cogent, clear, instruction. People want and need clarity.
You Go Where Your Thoughts Take You
People need clarity to feel secure and safe. When things are overwhelming and frightening is when we are most gullible and vulnerable. This has been demonstrated time and time again. Confused and frightened people desperately want relief. A way out.
People terribly confused and afraid will follow any suggestion, even if stupid or dangerous, to attempt to get relief from the confusion and fear. We’ve seen this recently with people ingesting poisons and engaging in risky behaviors in an attempt to get ‘free’ from fear.
We all need to know this so we don’t give away our personal power. We need to be better informed. We need to get accurate information and not let ourselves be swayed by hate, fear, politics, opinions, friends, family authorities and more.
There’s A Reason Why There Were Food Testers – Stay Alert
We need to vet the info no matter who provides it. Check the sources and then check with other sources. Be willing to examine it from multiple sources and perspectives. Don’t believe your own BS either. Be willing to learn something new. Be open and available.
Please awaken. Notice what is going on. Don’t be gullible. Seek accurate information, not opinion. Stay positive and optimistic. Be smart. Be wise. Be grateful. Remain calm. Release fear. Release confusion. Let it go. Look to the good. You will find it if you will look for it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author
Get the book. Change your life using the principles and practices. Check it out now if you like. Read it, enjoy it, and transform. Celebrate!
“Rex’s background as change agent, actor, magician, mentalist, communicator, performer, and survivor, makes him well practiced in the art of knowing the inner landscape of the human mind. In this book, he hands you the keys to unlock the magical kingdom within you. Not only do you receive the keys, codes, and passwords, you also get the full behind-the-scenes tour to know how to use them. You can now take charge of your own thinking and enjoy the abundant riches you are uniquely qualified to produce as you live life on your own terms.” – Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D
©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Royalty free, public domain image used
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