“People who enjoy too early of success fare worse than those who fail their way to success. Hardship and struggles bring experience. Experience brings wisdom and know how. You learn more through failure adjustments and picking yourself back up than not.
Too early success is like winning the lottery. Most of us want to, yet most lottery winners go broke within 3 years. Why? Because of their windfall it didn’t teach them to manage their finances. They continue to spend as they did prior to the win. Early success is the same.
Wisdom comes from being in the field and learning to repeat consistently and correctly that which you intend to master. It comes from correcting and adjusting mistakes, learning from them and moving forward all along. Commit and persist. COMMIT!
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
Repetition makes permanent. You can make bad habits or good habits. It depends on what you repeatedly practice. Learn from the wisdom of the ages and from the aged. Learn from wise coaches and mentors. Those who have been around longer may be wiser.
It is important to vet your instructors too. That is wise as well. AND know this. Wisdom comes from massive failure. Experience is the great teacher when you adopt a winning attitude and learn all along the way. Those who persist and are still around may be the ones.
Failure provides feedback. You want feedback. You need feedback to adjust and continue. All great success stories are fraught with overcoming hardship and prevailing. Those who succeed make success a habit and develop habits of success. Trial by fire.
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
They condition themselves to succeed. They condition themselves to not quit, They condition themselves to find opportunity and take it. They condition their mindset, their feelings and their behaviors. They hone their skills. They develop mastery. Mastery is habit.
Mastery comes through dedication to mastering what it is you intend to master. Stay the course. You can become a master too if you will commit and persist. Seek to gain wisdom through experience. Move from failure to unconscious competence.
Develop the thought, feeling and behavior habits that serve you. Realize you progress through invisible stages. You may not see progess right off but you’ll get better all along the way if you correctly repeat, consistently for long enough in these areas.
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
Study with those who have sought mastery and have become accomplished already. Seek those who’ve preceded you in the journey. Seek the best and to be your best. Enjoy the process. Enjoy learning from wise mentors. Gain experience. Grow In wisdom. There are ups and downs but they’re valuable and worth it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Freedom can be yours!
“Life On Your Terms’ is a hall of fame level book written by Rex Steven Sikes. I am such a fan of this book. I truly think this is one of the greatest personal development books written of all time.” Moe Rock, Owner & Publisher The Los Angeles Tribune
“This is by far the most comprehensive self help book on the market! And I’ve written 20 self help books all here on Amazon. @rexstevensikes is a genius for writing it and you would do well to get a copy if you truly want to change your life!” Dr LaVerne
Click Here To Get Life On Your Terms Today! amzn.to/3gD7rLG
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©2021 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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