“We face many difficulties. There’s war, poverty, starvation, discrimination, hatred, territoriality, and a ‘them against us’ mentality. Over 9 years ago, I put out a vehicle, this blog, as a reminder to help make the world a more glorious place for all.
We won’t end war by declaring more war. We won’t end poverty, destitution, poor health, disease or starvation either, or any problem, by declaring war on it. That’s a tired, useless political metaphor that’s not served us well. I get it, but it doesn’t do the job.
Instead, we ought focus on positive solutions that include rather than exclude, that clarify rather than obfuscate, and that create more well-being and harmony for all. We can become the change we want to be in the world, but only when we actually try.
Make Changes Easily And Swiftly Even If You Haven’t Before
If we do nothing, nothing changes. What we resist, persists. What we put our attention on expands. If we become aware there are other positive alternatives, then we can plant seeds to adopt those. Eventually, just as a seed grows, awareness will. Things change.
One by one we can change the world when we seek harmony and well-being for all. We won’t do it with a political or religious movement, but with each individual’s change of heart and mind. When we transform ourselves it’s an invitation for others too.
We don’t proselytize or cajole. We don’t make it an evangelical movement. We simply love ourselves and each other. We lend a helping hand. We stop judging, name-calling and resisting and become accepting and welcoming. We include, not exclude.
It’s Not What You Know That You Don’t Do – It’s What You Do
Will we encounter resistance? Sure. Newton’s 3rd Law states for every cause there is an equal and opposite effect. The Law of Polarity suggests for all bad you will discover some good and for all good, there’s some bad. Everything changes and we move forward.
There’s always push-back. Einstein said, ‘great spirits will do contention with mediocre minds.’ Napoleon Hill stated, ‘within every adversity is the seed of equivalent opportunity.’ It’s time we understand this. It’s all part of growth. It’s how things are.
Jesus was crucified. Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Joan of Arc assassinated. Yes, there’s resistance. There’s also much good, and much progress, even when it seems we’ve taken a backward step or that we haven’t traversed very far. We have, and we need a vision.
If You Do Nothing – Nothing Changes – Become The Change
You and I need a vision of good for the world AND for our personal lives. ‘Become the change you want to see in the world,’ is what Gandhi said. In order for there to be any ‘effect’ or ‘result,’ there must be a cause. Become the cause that creates more good.
Manage your mindset. Think positively about yourself, others and the world. Appreciate and affirm the good in the all circumstances and people. Seek and you’ll find it. Look for the examples in your everyday life. Focus on the positive and you’ll create more positive.
Look for how things are good and abundant. Look for smiles, positivity and enjoy it. Emphasize these. Find what is right over what is wrong. The wrong lets you know what to change BUT focus on the solutions and then change it. Don’t emphasize what’s wrong. STOP.
How You Can Change Your Thoughts And Transform Your Life
Find people and things you’re grateful for. Be dedicated. Stick with it. Be willing to go the extra mile to create more good. Understand, each of us is responsible for our life and those in it. Be the cause, the change you want in your life and the world. Create positive effects.
When you make your life incredible, filled with joy and love, peace and harmony, others can too. When you manifest your dreams and discover the joys of this world AND you wish the same for others, then the world is a better place. Invite others by positive example.
Walk the talk. Live it, and others will be attracted. You don’t need to preach it because you are it. Show them, don’t tell them. If you can be positive then others can too. Nothing will change if we do nothing. Don’t worry about push-back. Focus on the light.
Don’t put your light under a bushel but shine brightly. Others will be attracted in time. Our job is to sow the seeds for positive change and help nurture them to grow. We can do this one by one. So, act with love and compassion for all. We can light a million candles off just one candle, but your candle must first be lit. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
“Rex’s understanding of how the mind works and mindset is second to none. He wrote a book called Life On Your Terms. It’s a newer book. He jumps around a lot in the book with mindset topics; creating the life you want and developing a champion mindset. He’s really good. You can’t read this book and not think better, not think more productively, not think more efficiently, and not think with a lot more directed happiness in your life because he shows you how to do it in the book. I’m really glad he put out this book. I encourage you to buy it. It’s really good!’ Joe Soto International Marketing Specialist

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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