“Given recent events I find it sad that there are some who think strength is in insults and bullying. Bullies are cowards who use strong arm tactics and manipulation in an attempt to gain an advantage and maintain an upper hand. Zero sum tactics are for losers, as is intimidation, threats, strong arming, ganging up or sandbagging someone and removing or restricting access to needed resources. No one is strong who must shout and bully.
The current criminal administration uses fear mongering, rumors, lies, threats, bully tactics, slash and burn, tactics to pillage and confuse, create chaos and overwhelm citizens. The press is treated with disdain. Guests in the Oval office ganged up on and attacked. It’s not only to intimidate those who it’s aimed at but it’s for show to the gallery of sycophants who love the idea of a ‘strong man’, and for show to possible secret alliances.
WHO does the behavior serve? How does it benefit US citizens and citizens of the globe? Does it help any one of them live better, put food on the table, clothe themselves and family, or keep a roof above their heads? Does it serve to make things better or worse? Is the behavior you witness the kind you want your daughters or children subjected to by men, their peers or adults? What kind of examples are set by insults, threats and yelling?
The people in government from the top to bottom are servants. That’s true of all three branches. The Judiciary serves to keep people safe, whether they do in actuality or not. That IS what they are supposed to do. Protect the constitution and the people from harm, threats and removal of rights and privileges. The same applies to the White House, the House and the Senate. They are servants. They are supposed to serve and not be served.
Government ISN’T a business. It’s not about eliminating or crushing the competition for profit. It is to protect the people from harm domestic and otherwise. These ELECTED representatives are here to protect, serve and make things better for the citizens and for those who cannot do better for themselves. This indicted criminal potus with 34 counts against him thinks he is supposed to act as he does and bully things to get his way.
None of his or their actions serve anyone but himself and cronies. If you want to overthrow the USA, this is how it is done. It is corrupted from within. When the root dies so does the plant. Evil is as evil does. You can see it. You will know them by their fruits or actions. Blessed is who? People who demand you live by the 10 commandments but not the greatest commandment to love god, self and others and the Beatitudes are wrong.
Compassion, love, unification, edification, listening, understanding, peace, caring are where strength is. Cooperation and collaboration gets more things done than competition. Working together is a better way to solve problems than accusing, blaming, whining, attacking and harming others. If you want a better world, be a better person. One injury promotes another. Push and you get push back. ANY good negotiator knows this.
Yelling loudly isn’t the best way to be heard. Listening first promotes reciprocation. Having the other person’s needs and wants and interests in your heart gets you further than insisting on pushing your own on everyone else. No one except a bully likes a bully. AND a bully bullies because that bully is a coward and knows no other way to get their way than to scream, stomp their feet and stomp on others.
The only reason you would, is if you have nothing else you can do. It demonstrates lack of intelligence, resources, possibilities, creativity, problem solving ability, leadership and any other action of merit. When you have nothing, you can do, you pound on the table. That is a sign of weakness not strength. The louder your voice gets, the more you are agitated the less in control you are. The angry person is out of control because s/he has none.
To bring about change is as Gandhi suggested, BE the change you want to see in the world. Promote the good you want your children to emulate. We know kids brought up in fighting homes often find partners like their parents and often are abusers themselves. Not always, but it does occur. Who would you want to watch your child for you? What kind of role model?
There are not many in the current administration and those occupying the lion share of the offices. They say one thing but do another. They say one thing one day and another thing the next day. They demonstrate they are inconsistent, fearful, bullies, liars and frauds who would do anything for profit, prestige and power but will not protect and serve the people, nor honor their oath. I would not trust my kids with them.
So why should we trust the country with them? Manage your mindset. Stay positive and optimistic even in the face of the chaos, fear, confusion and overwhelm they promote to get you to give up. They win by getting people to tune out or to become as they are. Rise above. Live better and do better and you will do better and live better. We need to be here for each other, not against each other. Hard times are an opportunity to become the best.
It’s either that or give up and become the least. Let’s come together to promote peace in your home, neighborhood, state, country and the world. Bullies fear exposure. They are frail and fall fast when exposed. Usually, they are their own undoing. After they wreck everything, they fall apart too. Let’s build better and remain vigilant and resourceful. Let’s not succumb to their tactics but find that place inside where their tactics don’t work on you. Be the bigger person. Evil is as evil does. The same is true of stupidity. Be a light to all, not a blight on all. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Blog Article ©2025 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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