“Do you want your life to improve for the better? Do you want more happiness, success, love, fun, wealth, better health, and well-being? Do you want to live without worry, fear, and doubt? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be filled with joy and be at peace too? All these and more can be yours. It is simple. Focus on the best feelings you have and make it a point to have more of them.

It’s not that you can’t have great feelings readily available; it’s that you don’t think it is possible for you. It is! That is the thinking you must overcome. It is possible! You can do it! You deserve to do it. You won’t, though, if you don’t believe you can or if you won’t do what it takes. Believe in yourself. Have faith! Scientific research supports this.

Studies in positive psychology, conducted by Dr. Martin Seligman, have shown that focusing on positive emotions improves overall well-being and resilience. Research on neuroplasticity demonstrates that when you consistently practice positive thinking, you rewire your brain for success and happiness. Your thoughts create neural pathways that reinforce your reality.


Olympic athletes use visualization techniques to enhance performance, proving the power of thought in shaping outcomes. Fill your mind and your time with the best thoughts and the most wonderful feelings you are able. If you are down low, it isn’t necessary that you become overjoyed immediately. It is alright if you move from down to okay. You climb a ladder one rung at a time. Move along!

Think in terms of moving in a direction. You may start off slow and small, but you speed up and make improvements along the way. Einstein and Tesla exemplified this. Einstein envisioned himself riding a beam of light long before he formulated the theory of relativity. Tesla visualized his inventions with such clarity that he could mentally assemble and test them before they were built.

Their ability to hold onto a vision, fueled by unwavering belief and relentless focus, allowed them to transform the world. Their genius was not just intellect but an unshakable inner certainty that what they desired was already theirs. By looking at the lives and abilities of these and other geniuses I’ve been able to take what they have done for success and creativity and break it down for you.


You, too, can harness this power. Gratitude, meditation, and visualization techniques, backed by cognitive neuroscience, show that a focused and grateful mind brings about desired outcomes. When you repeatedly affirm and experience the joy of your desires as if they are already realized, you program your subconscious to seek and manifest those conditions in reality.

The time to act is now. Do not wait for circumstances to be perfect; create them. Take the first step, however small, and build momentum. Join Create Your Best Life Using Einstein and Tesla’s Genius™ and learn how to master this transformational power within you. Your dream life is not a distant fantasy, it is waiting for you to claim it. Step forward today and make it yours. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Act Now! Go to rexsikes.com

I’m here to help you awaken so you can experience more joy, more success, better health and more loving relationships. Stop doing it alone. Empty your cup so new goodness can be added to you.

Join me and others. Are you ready to act now? Decide now and click the link below to join me. This amazing program helps you focus your mind, shift to the positive, overcome obstacles and limitations, solve problems more easily, eliminate stress, relax, become more creative, intuitive and connected to higher source to think, feel and act better to get the results you desire. You’ll love it!

Create Your Best Life Using Einstein & Tesla’s Genius™ Course by Rex Sikes: One-of-a-Kind Experience –  Don’t miss out. Act now.

This isn’t just a dream – this is your reality waiting to happen. This is the program that can have you moving forward today!

My groundbreaking Einstein & Tesla’s Genius™ Course, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break free from limitations, tap into your own untapped genius, and transform your life. This IS for YOU! Click To Learn More!

Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Blog Article ©2025 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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