“Direct Your Mind Or Your Habitual Mind Directs You: Questions direct your mind. Asking good, positive questions of yourself helps you clarify. Your brain goes on a search for the answer and looks into it even after you have consciously moved on to something else. We call it Transderivational Search
If you ask a yes or no question, or a closed question, the brain knows to stop. If you ask an open question, one you have to think about, or don’t know the answer to, or can’t recall it, then your brain continues to seek for it. This happens to you and me all the time. Yes, it does.
You know it’s true because when you can’t recall a name, or a person, movie star, favorite movie or some detail that is just at the ‘tip of your tongue’, what happens? The more you struggle to get it the more it seems elusive. So you give up and go on. Right?
Whether You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You Are Right
What happens? It drops in. Sooner or later it comes to you in a burst, and you go ‘ohhhhh, that was Pete Martell!’ We all do this. Your brain works on it even after you give up. It doesn’t have to do this if you ask, ‘what’s the capital of Arizona?’ You know it, or don’t.
So I capitalized on how the brain naturally works when I created Directed Questions™ which is a powerful method you engage in for pervasive personal transformation. If you don’t direct your mind positively it’ll just do whatever it’s originally conditioned to do.
I have included question below for you to think about, answer and journal about, because they direct your mind. Some are ones you may know the answer to, others are lists. Regardless, think on these things, reflect and consider. Occupy your mind with good material.
Your Mind Is As Strong As Its Weakest Think – Think Positive
Your brain doesn’t care what question you ask. It finds answers. If you ask ‘how come I am so lucky,’ it’ll go look. It may seem to take longer to find answers to questions you don’t normally ask but it’ll find them. Keep asking positive questions. It gets faster and easier.
On the other hand most people are very quick to ask, ‘what is wrong with me?’ or ‘why am I so stupid?’ or’ how come nothing ever works out right for me?’ Your brain goes and searches and finds answers. It will deliver them whether true or not. This is why people are stuck.
You believe the negative answers from habit. That’s what you’ve to do since birth and from experiences. You believe the negative because you have, repeatedly, for so long. They may not be true, but you think they are and you feel crummy.
If You Don’t Run Your Brain – Your Brain Will Run You
You may not readily believe the positive answers or affirmations you use for the same reason. You habitually believe the negative and haven’t made the positive ones habit yet. You can if you will practice, repeat them correctly, consistently for long enough! Get it? It works.
Ask better questions. Fill your mind with positive thoughts. You will feel better, act better and get better results! Answer these questions. Be as thorough and complete as possible. Be honest. I have written about Direct Questions™ elsewhere in my blog and you can search it if you would like to know more.
List Your 5 Top Values: What is important to you? Rank your top values in order of importance. (e.g. love, trust, fun, happiness,)
List Your Dream List: What do you want? What are your big desires?
List Your Life Time Goals: What is your purpose? What is your vision? What is your mission? What are you here to do?
Imagine Money Is No Object: What do you want? What would you do? (Think and dream big – Money is no object!)
List Your Short Term Goals: Today, This Week, One Month, 3 Months, 6 Months, 1 Year, 3 Years, 5 Years.
Mission Statement: What is your overall purpose on the planet? (Is it the same or different as when you asked before?
How Would You Spend Your Life If You Had ‘ X’ Years To Live?
10 years
5 years
3 years
1 year
What Price Are You Willing To Pay? What is your personal commitment? What are you willing to sacrifice? What is your big dream, happiness or success worth to you? (Some give up TV, golf, social media, snack food, money.) What will you give up temporarily or permanently to make your dreams come true?
List Things You Have Been Putting Off: Then Do, Delete, Delegate
List 10 Things You Would Like To Do (that would be good for you and ultimately safe) But Are Afraid?
What Do You Think You Need To Do Them?
What Prevents You From Getting What You Need?
Now That You Know This What Are You Able To Legally Do To Get What You Need To Do Those Things?
When Will You Begin?
What Can You Begin To Do Right Now To Enjoy Life More?
If You Don’t Run Your Time – Time Will Run You
Remember, be honest. Take your time. Think about these questions. Be thorough. Be sure to complete them. Review them within 24 hours. Then 48. Then end of week. Then come back next month. Update as necessary. Set a periodic cycle of review and updating.
As you cross things off your to do lists, as you get your goals and transform your life take inventory. Reward and gift yourself. Pat yourself on the back. Give yourself something small but special. Nurture yourself. Encourage yourself to continue. Stick with it!
That’s almost it for the Time Management: Mind Design™ Mini-workshop regarding time. I have another post or perhaps two I’ll include on your intentions, setting goals or making plans and getting your outcomes.
Skill Comes Of Doing – Action Is The Proper Fruit Of Knowledge
Remember, this blog site is chock full of practical, powerful, positive, useful and life transforming information you can carry out immediately. When you apply what you learn and know you can change those things you want to. You can transform your life in unbelievably incredible ways. You may not know it yet, but you can.
If you’re stuck anywhere along life’s journey let me help you with my powerful, positive, and pervasive programs! I offer Mind Design™ training and other easy to learn and do programs, including Directed Questions™. Check into these when you want live happier, healthier and wealthier. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
“I really appreciate the empowering questions in the interview you did. Few days ago I was feeling a little blasé about things and then I started using the questions and immediately & incredibly it put me in a positive powerful resourceful state and still continues. Thank you Rex” Richard Duggal, Speaker and Sales Trainer, Toronto, ON
“Today, I spent the whole day unsubscribing from everything that serves as a distraction and/or distorts what I now know having learned from you. Decluttering is part of my daily commitment to myself. Thanks for Mind Design, your blogs, live videos and emails.” Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England
“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland
IT’S TIME TO STOP STRUGGLING AND START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE!! Discover how easy it can be! Join us in Mind Design™
Enroll In Mind Design™ Today! Click link for details! Join the many people who are already positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?
ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself. Start getting the results and the life you deserve!
Enroll In Mind Design™ Today Act now!! Life can be easier than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!
Infographic Image © Rex Sikes & RSE, LLC
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