“The results you get depend on what you’re focused on. It’s where you continuously place your attention. Energy is transmuted. It is changed from one form to another. Many people get caught up in worry, fear, doubt, sadness, and negativity. Energy on these produces more of the same. What you focus on expands. If you want to experience something different, focus on something different.
If you don’t like something or you want something else, change your thoughts, attitude and beliefs. You manifest whatever you think about and feel about most frequently. Energy flows where your attention goes. Shift from the negative to the positive. You can manifest whatever you desire. Why? Because you’re already manifesting your present experience. Reality is your making.
What you pay attention to matters. It’s from within to without. The world around you is a reflection of your world within. If you prefer it otherwise, think and feel it otherwise. Imagine it differently. Intend to make it as you want it to be. In my books and programs I show you how to do this. I provide you the experience of changing and making things happen. I assign exercises to give you needed experience.
The source of your abundance is the same source as everything else. It’s you. You are the source. You are the creator and the attractor. The Wright Brothers flew because they deeply desired to fly. They made it happen. From out of nowhere and nothingness, they flew. It was always a possibility. Even when or if no one knew it. To fly, they had to think it into being. They started with an idea.
They did something. They tried something. They failed, but use the failure as feedback. They applied the feedback and made adjustments. Until they flew, they were experimenting. Once they flew, they knew how! They didn’t know how UNTIL they did it! Then they could improve on it by further experimentation. Prior to that first flight they were getting experience. They were learning.
They were exercising their minds, their will and flexibility to be resourceful. I love using the Wright Brothers as examples because they didn’t know how to fly but they believed they would. It wasn’t knowing how to do it that got us flying. It’s because they believed they would. This is important. If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are correct. Decide you will find a way, and you will.
Because they believed they could and would do it, they kept trying different things until they flew. Once they flew, they learned how to fly. Once they flew, they knew how to fly. Get this! Most people try to figure out ‘how’ first and that’s what keeps them stuck. They want to know how to get a house or a romance or money. They think getting it comes from knowing how to get it. It doesn’t
Knowing how is not the first step. It’s not the most important step. The ‘how’ will ultimately be revealed. Before you get to the how you must know you can and will. Everything already exists as an idea, as information and as energy. It’s up to you to transmute it from potential energy to physical matter. Abundance is a state of mind. So is lack. Everything is a state of mind. It originates there.
It’s by intention you change the energy and information to manifest what you want or need. The answers come from within, not from without. It’s from within to without NOT the other way around. Get this! Enough for today. We’ll continue in next blog. Think about this. Discover. Become aware. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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Your success and happiness depend on one primary factor. Get this right and everything else falls into place. The greatest predictor of success in any area of your life, be it health, wealth, happiness, love or success is Attitude! With the right attitude, the world is yours. With the wrong attitude, you continue to struggle.
©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC