“I now reveal something I normally keep hidden. It has to do with mindset, beliefs, expectations and actions. It is important to understand and those who do will go beyond limitations and surprise and delight themselves. Those who don’t will carry on until an awareness through experience awakens them to think and be different so they can get better, more positive, even outstanding results.
So, what is it? Is change fast or slow? Why do I promote the notion if you do something correctly, repeatedly for long enough it will become a habit. The positive new habit, the new neural wiring pathways created will be reliable and automatic. The same is true about ‘bad’ habits. All habits serve us. They aren’t good or bad. We judge them as good or bad. Please understand this.
The key is to create the habits we want and rewrite over the ones we don’t. All habits are processes that repeat reliably., The brain doesn’t consider a habit positive or negative. You do and that is a different matter. The brain doesn’t care whether something is quick or slow, but you do. For the brain everything is eternally present in time and space. It does what it does as it is programmed to do.
It isn’t trying to harm you. In fact, it’s trying to keep you from harm, so you survive and live to thrive. Thriving is important because then you are likely to reproduce. All the cells that make you, you are working together to keep you alive. They are healing and helping you. Your subconscious processes operate outside of awareness. You and I are walking, talking, deciding, miracles. Truly miraculous.
Most people however don’t act like it. They whine and complain and focus on the bad. Then they get bad and complain some more. That’s the comfort zone for most people. They also wish and want things differently but don’t leave their comfort zone very much for multiple reasons. Part of the brains’ job is to keep you consistent from moment to moment. While we crave change, we fear and resist it.
What to do? Well, you are a walking, taking, deciding miracle. You make meaning and label and assign judgements. You want and wish for things hoping to get them. You want it quick, easy, cheap and now. You want it painless. Yet most people do nothing to get what they want. Instead of doing what might be necessary they run after shiny objects and get rich quick schemes that almost always disappoint.
They complain some more. Here’s the rub. Change can be instantaneous. It can happen, quickly, easily and without pain. Or it can come by slow and steady intended, deliberate incremental changes that are consistently correctly repeated through time. Bodybuilders and athletes know this. They condition their mind, body and spirit around their goals. They manage their mindset and their emotions to succeed.
Numerous businesspeople who are successful and talented artists and performers know this. Like a good meal it takes time to prepare and cook to fully appreciate and enjoy it. Still, an awareness can open us up instantly to new options and possibilities. So why do I promote slow and steady so much? It’s a bit of a trick. It’s a bit of a test. It’s for those people who are ready to change.
If you are willing to take a long time to change and endure it you are more ready to change instantly. Those who want it easy and now, not so much. Get this. If you’re willing to legally do whatever it takes to be happy and successful, lose weight or gain weight, make money or be the person you’ve always wanted to be, you can be. If you are committed and willing to persist then it’s likely you will.
If you are a victor and not a victim. If you have a champion mindset that states, ‘I can and will do this. If it is to be it’s up to me no matter how hard or how long’ then you are ready now to change. Those who want it now, fast and easy are less likely to prevail because they flit around wishing and wanting without committing. One powerful, positive decision can change your life in seconds. So can disaster.
Hard times produce some of the most magnificent people. Those who endure, develop attitudes, skillsets and assign meaning that serves them. Those who want to avoid everything and have everything cushy tend to crumble when the going gets tough. It will. Life presents what we call good and not-so-good times. We can use them to our advantage or be crushed. It is up to the individual.
It’s up to you. What do you want? What are you willing to do? If you’re willing to sacrifice all to make something happen then you are ready for change now. If you want change now without any investment, you aren’t likely to get it. If buying something doesn’t sting a little, it is not of much value to you. When it hurts the pocketbook but you know you’ll benefit from buying it, then you will.
Why? Because you want to benefit more than not. You are dedicated to moving forward. When I say change can take a long time, I am separating the wheat from the chaff. I’m dividing the groups into two. Those who will succeed and the others. If you aren’t ready to burn your boats and give up plan B you aren’t ready to change. Therefore, it is unlikely you will. When you are absolutely ready, you will.
There’s the difference in mindset between winners and losers. Winners, win. Losers, lose. Those who have become successful know what it takes. When they think about money they think, ‘where might I invest it?’ When those without money think about it they think ‘I don’t have enough. Where can I get it? Why are things so hard? There’s never enough.’ Get this. You operate from plenty or from lack.
I am interested in helping all people. I want to share the good with everyone. Not everyone is ready to hear and act. Some understand and dive in. They are ready to make that decision. Others will waffle and worry and calculate and delay and delay. Those who decide quickly, get the prize. They most often succeed if it is a good decision based on accurate info. The others who delay miss out and complain.
Attitude is everything. If you are willing to do what it takes, then whether you have to do what it takes or it comes faster and easier doesn’t matter to you. You don’t care what you must do or how long, you just like doing it because it gets you closer to your goal. If you look at people with planes and cars and homes and drool but do nothing and commit to nothing but wish and want it. You aren’t ready. Sorry.
You’ll buy the false promises many marketers make and be disappointed flitting from one inexpensive offer to the next, but you won’t succeed. Why? Your heart and mind and backbone aren’t in it. You’re looking for the hack, the quick fix, the do nothing, invest nothing but somehow get great return on no investment. Change can be fast and easy for those willing for it to be long, slow and hard. Get this!
BUT NOT FOR YOU! That’s why I promote what it takes to develop habits. Some say 21 days. Some 66. Some 2 years. If all that interests, you is the time frame and not the benefit from the time spent then you have a loser mindset. That mindset can be changed but you need to change it. That’s why the first step is to develop a powerful, winner’s attitude. Then you are unstoppable and committed.
When your attitude is right nothing else really matters. If you are about transformation, you do whatever is necessary to transform without complaint and without fail. When your teacup is empty you can pour more into it. When you are ready, change happens NOW! When you aren’t it seems to take forever. That’s part of what a person does. They label things wanted or unwanted, good or bad. Get it.
If it is to come true it is up to you. Develop the mindset and the attitude that transformation is easy and quick no matter how hard or long it takes, and you will far faster make your dreams come true than looking for the hacks and quick, easy and cheap ways. When you are completely willing to do or die, (figuratively) and committed to making it happen, ONLY then you will.
AND when you have this mindset, everything opens up to you. When you are ready, is when you get it. The universe conspires to give you what you want and need. NOT BEFORE but when AND that is part of the reason why I do what I do. I want you to succeed. I’ve been doing this for over 40 years giving away tons of free stuff. If you aren’t ready, you aren’t ready. Sorry. I wish the best for you.
I can help those who are committed to know boundless joy, wealth, happiness, success, love, fame and more. I’ve been helping people for a long, long time. My track record is sound. If you’re committed, I’d like to help you go forward and achieve your dreams. If you’re not, drop back in when you are. It’s said, success is the crossroad where luck and preparation meet. To be lucky, prepare.
A well-prepared person is lucky. ‘To enjoy enduring success, one must travel a little bit in advance of the world.’ That means you must travel in advance. You do it. Those who want it quick and easy want it done for them. Do you want someone to help dress you all of your life if it’s not necessary? Do you want someone to cut your food for you if it’s not necessary?
When you are ready the universe responds. Forget the universe. Your brain responds! Together, you become powerful and unstoppable. That means you have the attitude and commitment of a champion. You are in no matter what. You don’t dabble, wish, whine and hope. YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN. That’s why I tell you what is required because you’ll either say ‘I’m in’ or you won’t. Get it? The future is in the hands of those who actively create it. One decision can change your life right now. What decision is that going to be? I invite you to join me but only if you are a qualified candidate ready to change. Meanwhile, as always, celebrate everything” Rex Sikes
“The most powerful mindset and attitude tool I’ve ever experienced. Words can’t describe how unique and how life-changing this program is. It rewires your brain to focus on the attitude that can best serve you. In the first year of owning it, I think I listened to it over 100 times. I’m recommending it to anyone who wants an unstoppable attitude of success.” – Joe Soto, Marketing Consultant, Entrepreneur, Waterford, VA
Discover a powerful process to reprogram your mind & subconscious with a one-of-a-kind self-guided hypnotic process to create unshakable confidence & resolve, get unstuck, & create more abundance in your life! The Attitude Activator™ is the only hypnotic process you will ever need!
“Best results I’ve ever gotten on a hypnotic audio before! – Nicholas Montegna, Pennsauken, NJ
Whether you want to lose weight, make more money, quit smoking, develop confidence, create a positive mindset, cultivate mindfulness and feelings of joy, the Attitude Activator™ programs your mind. Apply it to anything you desire. Use the Attitude Activator™ to Create Your Best Life Ever! Mp3 audio, Pdf Instructions.
“Attitude Activator is quite simply, the best tool for shifting your mindset and galvanizing you into action I have ever come across and I have tried most of the top tools over the years. Combine that with Mind Design™ and you really can begin to design your own life.’ – Kathy Strong, Trainer & Consultant, UK
Your success and happiness depend on one primary factor. Get this right and everything else falls into place. The greatest predictor of success in any area of your life, be it health, wealth, happiness, love or success is Attitude! With the right attitude, the world is yours. With the wrong attitude, you continue to struggle.
“Powerful program! It has positively transformed my mind. I am powerful & resourceful & abundant! Click the link & Do it Now!” Sandra J. Horton, Entrepreneur, Author, Podcast Host
You’ll continue to perpetuate troubles. You know, if you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got. AND doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting a different result IS the definition of insanity. Stop the insanity! Get it.
“I’m absolutely fascinated with your attitude activator. In only 15 days of listening, it has begun to introduce changes in my life. Something that after listening to other people’s audio programs was impossible. Yours is superior and the sound is great!” Jaume Daumal, Spain
If you want your life to change you must change things in your life. The first and most important update is changing your attitude! Your attitude is comprised of your beliefs and expectations. It’s those thoughts you repeatedly think that keep you the same OR that move you forward to greater and more wonderful results.
“Powerful program! It has positively transformed my mind. I am powerful & resourceful & abundant! Click the link & Do it Now!” Sandra J. Horton, Entrepreneur, Author, Podcast Host
“Rex Sikes, awesome I love the attitude activator. ” Kamal El-Rassi, Speaker, Facebook
I created the Attitude Activator™ to help you get unstuck, become resourceful to create the kind of life AND results you’re excited about and pleased with. I developed this process, a blueprint, a procedure, the method to make it easier for you!
“I’ll vouch that Attitude Activator is awesome! Highly recommend it.” Staley Mims, Facebook
“The Attitude Activator is something I want to share with other people… I want everyone I come in contact with to experience how easy it is to change focus from negativity and unaccomplished goals to setting consistent outcomes that bring states that have long been desired… I dance through my days with a smile on my face and a humongous appetite for learning.” Gloria De Voss, ACSW, LSW, Park Forest, Illinois
©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC