“2 Necessary Skills Planning And Time Management: Want to make your career, relationship and life goals come true? Would you like to transform yourself into the person you always knew you could be? Do you want to set goals and take steps to get what you want in life?
If yes, then do these things.
I have a number of large consulting and training projects. I am working with corporations, some large and some small businesses. I am working with these as team members and individuals. Our goal is to develop an unstoppable success mindset and leadership abilities.
To do this it is important to clarify the purpose of the project leader and the various team members.
What You See And Say And Feel Is What You Get
I help them learn and set Well-Formed Outcomes (WFO) to create a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly action plan for moving toward their target purpose while accomplishing many smaller goals along the way. It is important to get to the big ones step by step.
All the goals should serve the overall purpose, otherwise there obstacles and distractions may tank it. As my clients work on accomplishing their large goals they achieve the smaller ones that move them forward in the right direction.
They also set individual, or personal, outcomes.
Stay Positive
WFO have a set of conditions, or rules, you must meet to make it easy to get your goals. Each of these conditions help you get clear on what you want and how you can most readily carry it out .
To practice WFO write out each step to keep track of the answers that come to you. Make certain you express your WFO this way:
These are the six conditions, rules, for a Well-Formed Outcome.
1. Stated In The Positive: Speak in terms of what you want. What do you want to include? Do not state what you don’t want or prefer to exclude. Leave that alone. By stating it in the positive you aim at your target. You know where and what you want to get to.
If You Can Conceive It You Can Achieve It
2. Stated In Sensory Specific Words: What will you see, how will you look when you get your outcome? What do you hear, or say to yourself and others? What are others saying? How will you feel? What emotions and positive sensations do you feel in your body?
Where? (E.g. you feel your shoulders pull back, your chest move out, you chine raise, your feet firmly planted) when you’ve completed your outcome? Are their smells or tastes too? Write out each of these as detailed as you can. Be specific. Notice all the sensations!
3. Outcome is Possible And Achievable: It can’t be outside of a real world possibility. It must be something people CAN actually make happen within a reasonable amount of time. Most outcomes are possible given a realistic time frame. Goals must be realistic.
Build On Successes
Unfortunately, some people want things too quickly and have unrealistic time frames and expectations. Given the proper amount of time, and correct actions, you can accomplish most things See number 5.
4. Specify And Have All The Necessary Resources: Capital, knowledge, equipment, time, people, materials, etc. You assemble what you need to make it happen. Determine where you must go, or who else you need to enlist. What’s required?
For Outcomes to be well-formed you should be able to begin your actions and keep doing them all on your own. The conclusion should rely on you successfully achieving your goal without relying on anyone else. You can control what you do but not others.
Establish Good Habits
Make sure your outcome is something you alone can pursue! Make certain you can begin working on it, follow through and complete it all on your own! Outside help is fine but should not be the determining factor on whether you get or don’t get your outcomes.
5. Set A Deadline Date That Is Realistic: Accomplished by when? Set a reasonable time for accomplishing your outcome. Put it on your calendar and work towards achieving it within that amount of time. The more realistic you are in all of these the easier it is to get it.
6. It Is Appropriately Contextualized And Ecological: This means it does not upset the system or apple cart. Your goal should not screw up your life or others. It should fit within your existing lifestyle and relationships. It does not harm anyone. Make it benefit everyone.
Decide And Act
If it includes others it’s win /win. If it requires too many extraneous conditions, or is too large of an immediate lifestyle change, you may not continue to work on accomplishing your outcome. Don’t try to push a large boulder uphill. Make it manageable and do-able.
For example, if you wanted to exercise more how can you fit it into your existing schedule? What changes might you need to make to get to the gym, work out, and not rob you of important time with family, work or whatever?
If it takes time from other important areas in your life how likely would you be to continue? While some may answer, very likely, most people ultimately don’t continue. This is important to realize. You don’t want to bite off more than you can chew.
Limit Distractions – Focus On What You Want
Bit by bit you get there. Take positive, practical, reasonable, well thought out steps toward accomplishing what you want. Identify the end result clearly, what you see, hear and feel, so you know when you have arrived. So you know what to expect. Keep end in mind.
Knowing these and feeling these keeps you motivated and feeling positive. By setting a deadline date you learn to begin and end within a given time without excuses. You do what you can in the time you are allotted, with the resources available. You make it happen.
Use this Well Formed Outcome process. Write the answers down. Do it often and make it a habit. You’ll save time, energy and money by making this part of your process. Set WFO and get more done and make dreams come true more easily than you thought possible.
Consistent And Persistent Action Will Get You There
Realize you already have all the resources within you to get your goals and dreams. You may not know this, believe this or recognize them. Still, you do. There are times you succeeded, no matter how small, when you thought, felt and behaved in resourceful ways.
Tap into these. Remember, previous accomplishments and challenges when you prevailed. What did you see, hear and say and feel when you were confident and successful? Relive these in your mind and memories. Get in touch with your feelings of success!
Think of resources as emotional states and abilities. Resources include your ability to learn; to smile, laugh and feel good; to be confident. Your ability to relax or feel peaceful or secure. Your ability to think clearly. Your ability to be playful and have fun.
Look For, Find And Use Your Inner Talents And Abilities
You are already resourceful in so many ways. Recognize and confirm this. Look inside for the best you have. Saying ‘no’, is a resource, as is setting boundaries, or getting appropriately angry. Frustration or discontent that leads to positive action is a resource too.
Anything CAN be a resource when used appropriately. Remember, what you can conceive and believe you can do! It is an exciting opportunity to realize how your mind can serve you as you to take control of your mind and direct it. So take control and direct it!
Setting WFO means you can gain the needed clarity for you to move forward in positive steps to more easily get what you want.
Know What You Want – Clarify And Simplify – Make It Happen
It means helping team members clarify their overall purpose in working together. It is important members are all on the same page and that their efforts support each other and contribute to the overall project purpose. Remember this when working in groups.
It is important for a team of rowers to all face the same way, oars in the water, rowing in the same direction at the same time. It is important to get cooperation from members so they work together in harmony. They work with each other, not against.
The same thing can be said of your conscious and unconscious mind, the left and right hemisphere. The goal is to get them aligned and working together congruently so you can make your goals and dreams happen. Work with yourself in harmony not in opposition.
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
The members of the team get home work and exercises that I prescribe and we meet weekly to evaluate and track progress. You can do this for yourself, and your team. If you enjoy these blogs please use the information to positively transform your own life.
Set goals. Make them big enough to motivate you with tiny enough baby steps to complete them by a deadline date and you will easily achieve more than you ever imagined possible. Drop by drop the tub gets full. Get into the practice of setting and getting WFO.
Help others! Share blog with your family and friends, even strangers, so they can changes their lives for the better, too. Spread the word and together we can help many more people live their dreams. That is one of mine, to reach and positively influence as many as possible.
To Know And Not To Do Is Not To Know
The proper use of knowledge is to apply it. Make it a habit. Have fun learning and using WFO daily. While some people think they must have a life transformation explosion, a dramatic major overhaul, realistically it’s the little things you do correctly, repeatedly and consistently that pay exponential dividends. Master this. You’ll amaze and delight yourself. Live, love laugh, and celebrate everything.” Rex Sikes
“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland
“I really appreciate the empowering questions in the discussion you did. I started using the questions and immediately & incredibly it put me in a positive powerful resourceful state and still continues. Thank you Rex” Richard Duggal, Speaker and Sales Trainer, Toronto, ON
“Today, I spent the whole day unsubscribing from everything that serves as a distraction and/or distorts what I now know having learned from you. Decluttering is part of my daily commitment to myself. Thanks for Mind Design, your blogs, live videos and emails.” Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England
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