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“People seek truth. They want answers. It’s natural. We were brought up to do so. Perhaps, it’s the human condition.  ‘Truth’ is elusive. We don’t know what we don’t know. Many don’t even realize we don’t know THAT we don’t know. We are blind to not knowing.

It is beyond what we see and can know. We see only a sliver of what is.  The pretense that we know more than we do is the issue. We all do it to varying degrees. We cannot even know the ‘sliver’ that we think we know, due to our neurology. We filter it all out. Get it?

We have neurological filters. We miss so much because of these. We have beliefs, values and opinion filters that further prevent us from seeing what is actually there. I’ve discussed these in posts numerous times. Thinking we know, causes our problems. We overestimate.

The Mind Is As Strong As Its Weakest Think

Being open to ‘not knowing’ is far wiser than thinking we know. Egotism comes in a variety of forms, subtle and not so subtle. Subtle makes it difficult to detect within us. It is always easier to see ‘it’ in others. ‘They’ act superior!’  We see the log in their eye, not ours.

The key to moving higher, in our personal and spiritual development, is the genuine recognition that we act even when we don’t know and it can cause problems. However, we can also act and do many good things while not knowing. We need to be aware. We need to notice.

We can believe we know, when we don’t. We can create good things even from stupidity. It is all quite amazing and utterly beyond us. Even though we may not believe that to be the case. The height of all stupidity is insisting we know, or that we are right. We aren’t.

Whether You Think You Can Or You Can’t You Are Correct

It is silly to insist we somehow have ‘truth’ about what is going on. Mostly, we have opinions. We have little actual fact and evidence. We have our maps and our beliefs. Having them does not make them correct. Yet, most of us think they we are correct. Do you get this?

We act from maps. We act from  limited information. Yet, we think we have the complete picture. We humans are silly creatures.How beautiful we are, in our imperfections. We still see through a glass dimly. We don’t ever have the complete picture! Yet, we think we do.

A christian author wrote, ‘when I was a child I saw as a child’.  We are the sum total of where we are at, at any given moment. Certainly, we are beyond what we know, only we don’t realize that we are. Some of us think we are ‘more better’ than we actually are. Don’t we?

Most People Don’t Know What Facts Are And Live From Opinions

Some think we are worse than we are. Actually, we are what we are. We believe our own lies. ‘Know thyself’, is the suggested BUT one is deluded to think one can totally know oneself. It isn’t what we add to our understanding BUT what we drop that reveals who we are.

It’s what remains when we let go of from our preprogrammed conditioning and  premature conclusions we have drawn from our experiences that reveal who we are. When the onion is peeled what remains? We are presence. We are source. We are life. We ‘are’.

What we are is less of what we think we are, AND more grand than we can ever imagine. We are amazing. Magnificent, but not in an egotistical way. Be careful you don’t go there. We don’t know what we don’t know. We don’t even know our full potential. Get it?

What You Think About Most Often You Become

We are too caught up in petty distractions. We use our ‘powers’ for less than cool causes. We shame, ridicule, frustrate, worry, anger and sadden ourselves and others. We think we know the truth of our circumstances and yet, we let them rule us. We believe lies.

We live in falsehoods about ourselves and the world around us. We underestimate. We need to wake up to our potential. We need to stop being a victim of our neurology, our thinking, our beliefs, our circumstances. We need to make some meaningful changes!

We can determine our results. We can master ourselves and our circumstances. We can use whatever little we ‘know’ to great effect. To do so, we must become aware. We can’t continue as we have. We must seek to learn and do new things. A great starting place is to begin to celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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