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life is like a camera

“The New Year is upon us. Happy New Year! This is a time when people make resolutions for a new beginning. It is an exciting time January 1. The truth is everyday is the start on a new day and a new year. Anytime you decide to make a change is valid. You can begin new each day.

A good start to this year, whenever you decide to make the change would be to be nicer to yourself. Stop being mean. Be kind, be gentle, be encouraging. We think and say some terrible things to ourselves that we would never or should never say to another person. So this year make it a point to be good to you.

Put a guard before your thoughts and your lips. Make it a point to only speak what helps you (and others) feel blessed, heal and prosper. Everyone makes mistakes so accept it and nurture yourself along instead of criticizing or  blaming. Stop getting down on yourself!

Understand that you did the best you could at the time with the information or tools that you had then. Learn from your mistakes. Look for the lesson and the seeds of opportunity and move forward by giving yourself support instead of reprimand. Be peaceful and love yourself.

plant positive thoughts in our minds

Find a way to think the best of you. Expect the best of you! Understand that if you don’t know how to do something, yet, you can learn to as you apply yourself and stick with it. Understand that when you undertake any new learning you aren’t the best right out of the gate, you aren’t proficient yet, you are learning it. So give yourself a break and allow the time it takes for you to get the hang of it.

Whenever you think or speak poorly of yourself or others, whenever you are off track or feeling less than glorious nudge yourself back towards feeling better and thinking more positively. Take baby steps and move yourself along. Don’t let yourself stay stuck for long.

Be patient with yourself and your progress. You can’t push a rope. You can’t push a river either. Accept yourself, accept where you are at, allow it and learn to relax and go with the flow. Treat yourself as you would a new born or toddler. Encourage and be thrilled as your progress.

Be thrilled when you progress! I repeat it.  Be enthusiastic. Fill yourself with positive energy and thoughts. Savor and enjoy feeling well. Take delight in little things. Find ways to enjoy the moment. Gift yourself from time to time. Have a special ‘me’ time when you treat yourself extra well. Appreciate you for no reason other than you can.

I am blessed and I am talented

Realize every day is an opportunity to be grateful, feel thankful and celebrate. Fill your time with positive images in your mental movie theater, positive self talk and positive wonderful feelings. Make each moment marvelous and each day will be too. Celebrate and appreciate!

Take advantage of the new year whatever day you decide it falls on. Have fun, trust yourself more, focus on your goals and what you want and will make happen. Focus less on the circumstances around you. If

Whenever you find yourself thinking about what you don’t want realize that informs you about what it is you really want. Then shift your focus and spend your time thinking about what you DO want. Keep your attention on what you want to create and the things you are grateful for. You can be do or have anything you want in life.

Whenever you feel less than glorious recognize the feelings as a signal to shift into feeling better. Then think better, take some deep breathes, take a break, go for a walk or do some physical activity that helps you feel better and move into better feelings. Move from the less than glorious toward the glorious in increments. The goal is to feel your best most of your time.

gratitude is the attitude that propels you forward

When you are feeling down one of the best ways to help yourself is to help another person feel  better. Give as you are able, support someone else, encourage and nurture another person and you will begin to feel better. What you put out there you get back. Help someone to feel good and you will feel better.

As you do these things, as you celebrate and appreciate and love yourself more you and your life will transform in wonderfully positive ways.” Rex Sikes

Make today your day!

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