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“It isn’t enough to set goals. Goals are only pieces of the pie or of the puzzle, if you prefer. Goals are the steps you take on the way to your destiny. Goals are the rungs of the ladders that you pick up on your way to the top. There is something much more important than the goals you set and get.

Your purpose! Why are you here? For what were you born?  This is the larger and much more important piece to focus on. You are born into this world with a definite chief objective; to discover the reason you live, your destiny, why you are? Napoleon Hill called it your Definite Chief Purpose or your Definite Chief Aim.

Why are you? This is what you must uncover, discover and decide on. Your purpose is the umbrella that covers everything else. You were born into an abundant universe with more than enough of everything for everyone to participate in. Most don’t sadly, but that doesn’t change the fact that the universe has plenty for all.

You Are The Master Of Your Fate

You were born to delight and participate and partake of all good things. To celebrate and enjoy; people and relationships, events, circumstances, and all good things, whether you realize this or not; whether you believe it or not. – BUT –  If you don’t realize it, and if you don’t believe it, you won’t have it.

You must claim it for yourself. It is there, you are right smack in the middle of it, but if you are blind to see it and take advantage of it, no one else can help you. You must discover this on your own. Another aspect of your Definite Chief Purpose is why you live, what you want to do. This determines how your present and future unfold.

The larger your purpose the easier to fulfill in many ways. What are you totally passionate about? What do you love and enjoy? What kind of work makes you feel good when you do it; so good, you would pay people to do it? What work is play for you?

You Are The Captain Of Your Soul

Some people enjoy giving and helping others. Some contribute to the world in other ways. What is your way? Once you discover your ultimate purpose you set goals which move you closer to your purpose. You live your purpose, you accomplish your goals and that is the difference.

Hill states, any thing you want can be yours in abundance once you clarify and decide on your Definite Chief Purpose. Once you feel the passion and desire and enthusiasm for living your purpose everything else can begin to fall into place. Search your soul. Search your heart and your mind?

We have been discussing Barnes and his burning desire to become a partner of Thomas Edison. We shall continue. Between now and then consider this: If you already had everything you want, if you had all the money in the world, you are rich beyond belief in every way, what would you do? How would you spend your time? How would you contribute to the world?

Conceive It, Believe It And You Can Achieve It

In seeking answers to these questions you can begin to clarify and discover what trips your trigger. What are you, or would be, completely passionate about? No one in the world has ever made it completely alone. The ‘self made’ man or woman relies heavily on the help of others all along the way. How would you give back?

Remember, purpose is what you are after. This differs from goals,which can help you fulfill your purpose. Goals either move you closer or further away from fulfilling your purpose. We will come back to this point later.

Goals  may include making a certain amount of money, working in a particular field, developing certain relationships, living in a chosen location, having certain things, etc. These either align with your overall Definite Chief Purpose or they could conflict. This is why it is important to know what you are going for in the first place.

The Starting Point Of All Achievement – Definite Chief Purpose

What is the big picture? THEN what are the steps?  Are they congruent with what you want? Does each step bring you closer to fulfilling your purpose or take you further away?  These are important considerations, but first, if you haven’t already, clarify and decide on your purpose. Then you can learn how everything else fits.

Your purpose is there within you but it may not be obvious, at first. You don’t have to get it instantly. Mull it over, entertain it. Spend time with this important consideration. Search yourself. Ask yourself, reflect, consider, concentrate, be serious, yet playful and in time you will come to know it.

Be open to flashes of insight or answers that come from within. Feel grateful, celebrate everything! Remain positive. A positive mindset, a strong positive attitude is crucial for success. Stay open, available and optimistic and the answers will come. You will answer yourself. Once you do that IS the beginning of making your dreams come true.” Rex Sikes

How will you make today a special one?

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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