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What do your muscles need to grow? Proper nutrition is important, rest and resistance. Weight training builds muscle. It breaks it down and it grows back bigger. Our mental and our inner heart muscles need the same; proper nutrition, rest and resistance. It’s important!

Strength grows in your moments of challenge. Obstacles are the resistance that cause you to grow. You become stronger, more resilient, confident, happy and successful through overcoming difficulty, when you recognize it as a challenge to excel.

If you look at it as an annoyance, a devastation and something to avoid, your inner muscles won’t get flexed. They need a workout to grow and develop. The kite rises against the wind. It is the sail and the wind captured, that resistance that moves the boat ahead.

The Struggles Today Develops Your Strength For Tomorrow

So when things go awry, when your plans turn upside down, when the shit hits the fan and the bottom falls out, what to do about it? Accept it. We can move forward through problems if we choose to.

It requires awareness, it requires release and let go instead of giving up. It requires persistence and commitment to overcome and move forward. Attitude determines how well you do and how far you go. Embrace your problems. Look on them as real opportunity to learn.

Don’t run from problems that solves nothing. Don’t whine, complain, excuse or blame that only perpetuates the issue and brings you more of the same ill fortune. Instead embrace. Meet the challenge head on. Determine to be bigger than any obstacle. Decide to prevail!

I Never Met  A Strong Person With An Easy Past

Be David meeting Goliath. You can always find or create a way through, around, above, beneath, within. Create a path to victory. Adjust and continue. Keep going. Learn and develop resilience. Be thankful because gratitude can change everything. Attitude matters.

Count your blessings instead of your problems. Tell different situational and life stories. Determine to speak only to bless, heal and prosper. Affirm the good and the positive enthusiastically. Visualize the outcome as already yours. Feel it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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