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“Some lessons in life come from our pain and suffering. We examine or look back on ‘negative’ events and extract learning. If we are wise we realize that in each less than glorious circumstance is a lesson and a seed of equivalent opportunity. It helps us to be aware.

We have growing pains. This is a great thing. It means nothing is wasted. Good or bad there is opportunity and there is learning. We can and will evolve no matter what. Sometimes, some off us keep getting the hard knocks over and over again. Repeated suffering.

It seems we don’t learn the first time. Perhaps, we don’t learn after many times. Some may not seem to learn in this lifetime at all. Yet, it appears the opportunity to awaken to this is there continually. Nature, life, most things are cyclic. What goes around comes around.

Delight And Gratitude Is The Secret – Use The Secret To Transform

Suffering is part of life and returns. Just as night returns, or winter. BUT there is something we also need to know. Something we really need to understand. SO DO THE good times; the day, the warmth of summer. It is never all bad. Good times come around again too!

More importantly, we don’t always have to only learn through hardship and struggle. We can learn through happiness, love, fun and delight. Opportunity exists there too. Everything is always available to us. We only have to look for it and accept it. Grab it!

We will enjoy more of life when we realize we already have it all. Learning can be most enjoyable. We can spend more time in delight. If we begin to appreciate where we are, who we are, what we have and be thankful NOW, we can make the most of our experience.

Play Is The Highest Form Of Research – Explore And Adventure

Open the possibility for the magnificent and you are more apt to find it than if you exclude it. Allow it to be available to you. Most of us have shut that out. Yup, our prior conditioning makes it so. But it can be different. It can be absolutely wonderful. It can be incredible!

Allow it. Accept It. Receive it. Make it happen. Create it! Attract it. Delight! Have fun, Be thankful. Open yourself to discover more. A closed mind won’t discover it. Only open eyes have the possibility of looking around and seeing what is there. Life will change for the best when you celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Each day is completely new. Today, make it so!

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Photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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