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“Ready to apply some common sense? This is something all of us ‘know’, but most of us do nothing with. Unless you understand it and use it, nothing changes. To make everything better and different you must use what you know. Get it? You must use it! YOU must use it.

Just knowing it, does nothing. Okay, are you ready for this? Think about this over and over. Reflect on this. Then, do something with it! Come to understand it. Then, use it to transform your life, get better results than you’ve got, and live the life you deserve. Okay?

IF you water plants they can grow. IF you cut off their supply to water, they wither and die. IF you give them sunshine they can grow and thrive. IF you cut off their supply, they wither and die. Whatever you nurture grows. I repeat. Whatever you nurture grows. Get it?

Faith Or Fear – Whatever You Nurture Grows – Belief Or Doubt

It doesn’t matter whether you plant beautiful flowers, nutritious food, or weeds and poisonous plants. Whatever you plant, as long as it has food and sunlight, as long as it’s nurtured, it will grow and multiply. I repeat. Whatever you nurture grows and multiplies.

If you remove the food and sunlight, if you remove the nourishment, whatever you planted will wither and die. It doesn’t matter what it is. It will die. All life when cut off from nutrients, air, water, food, daylight will wither and die. I repeat. When cut off it will die. Get it?

When you fight negativity, resist it, worry about it, feel depressed, or think about it, you’re giving your attention and energy to it. You’re nurturing it. You’re helping it to grow. This is why you keep getting what you don’t want. Cut off its nutrients and it’ll wither and die!

Whether Or Not It Seems Like It – It Is Always Your Choice

Withdraw your attention and your energy from the less than glorious circumstances. Cut off the life-giving force from the negative. Remove all the nutrients. Get it? Remove it. Place your focus on what you do want to grow and multiply! Shift focus.

Ignore the bad. Stop perpetuating it. Shift your attention. Focus on the good. Concentrate on the positive. Water, feed it and nurture the positive. You get what you focus on. Energy flows where attention goes. Put your attention on what you want to grow!

When you notice your attention on the less than glorious, when you notice yourself thinking or feeling less than glorious thoughts and feeling ‘bad’ feelings, gently remove your attention. Withdraw it. Don’t get upset, angry or sad about it. Don’t criticize yourself.

If You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You Are Right

Don’t chastise yourself. Simply stop all that and just notice it. Become aware that your attention is where you don’t want it. Shift your thoughts and feelings away from that and toward something more positive! Think of it like manually shifting your car.

Your transmission works this way on automatic. To change direction you move from forward, to neutral, to reverse. You move from 1st, through neutral to second and on to drive. Move from the negative into neutral, a place where it doesn’t matter. You can learn to do this!

Notice you are heading in the wrong direction. Stop. Take some deep breaths. Change what you are doing. Move physically. Interrupt the pattern. That moves you into neutral. From neutral move into more positive thoughts and feelings. Learn to do this deliberately!

Whatever You Put Your Attention On Grows Stronger

Take energy away from the less than glorious and put it towards the positive. When you do this repeatedly you build the habit of moving from the negative to the positive easily and effortlessly. You’ll eventually make it a habit. Do it often. It’ll become habit sooner.

You’ll begin to naturally spend more time feeling positive. You become what you focus on most often. THEN, since you’re positive most of the time, and the negative doesn’t bother you, you’re free to create, make happen and attract what you do want. Get this!

Devote your energy to creating the wonderful life you want to have. Think about it! If you devote your creative energy, thoughts, feelings and actions to getting what you want 60, 70, 80, 90 percent of the time what you would be capable of? Imagine that! Right?

Two Dogs Fighting – Which One Wins – The One You Feed Wins 

Devote your focus, your energy and your being to all the good things you can make happen. Wouldn’t that be wonderful and different? Yes, it would. Stop nurturing both positive and negative! Choose the one you want most. Do it and create the life you want. Get it?

Consider, what you’re getting most of in your life? If you want to get everything you can imagine and dream of then you need to make some changes. Change what you are thinking, feeling and doing. So now, you know what to do. NOW do it! If you don’t, you’ll stay the same. If you change what you’re doing EVERYTHING can change for the better. If you want help I am here for you. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland

“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience! Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA


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Enroll In Mind Design™  Life is easier and more enjoyable than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

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