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life is about creating yourself

It is frustrating to struggle and not get ahead. It is difficult to want something and not be able to make it happen. When our dreams don’t come true we feel disappointed. Has it ever occurred to you that disappointment and doubt is much of why you aren’t succeeding in your life of career. If it hasn’t yet occurred, stop, sit up, and read the rest of this blog post.

Our present and future circumstances is directly tied to, chained to, what we think, don’t think and what we do and don’t do. Since thought precedes all action it is important to first begin with learning to manage and guide our thoughts. When we learn how to take control of our mind we also learn how to take control and get better results.

If you want a better present and future there is hope. There are some simple things you can begin to do right away that will make an incredible difference as you do them and as long as you do them. Today, I am providing you with some thought exercises. Do these. Make these a  habit and things will begin to change for the better.

If you want your life circumstances to be more wonderful, are you willing to do what it takes. Nothing in life is free. There is a price to pay. That prices is your time and your energy on your own behalf. It will require you take charge of your mind and change how you may have been using it. Let’s begin.

i choose success...

Today imagine in your mind, think to yourself, that your success will multiply and increase. Think and repeat to yourself over and over while seeing yourself in your mind’s eye, ‘I am the master of my destiny I can make my life anything i want it to be.’

You don’t have to know how. Really, you don’t so let it go. You may be totally ignorant of how. Instead of concerning yourself at this time with ‘how’ just focus on and imagine that you can make your life anything you want it to be. The how will come along later. Let’s take one step at a time.

First imagine yourself as a powerful creator. You are the person in charge of your future. You shape it and make it happen. You are the master of your destiny. Spend some time vividly imagining this. Do it for 5 minutes.

AND then imagine yourself as a powerful magnet attracting all good thoughts, energy, people, experiences, situations and opportunities towards you. You literally draw everything marvelous to you. Spend some time vividly imagining this.Do this for 5 minutes.

let ur positive energy shift room vibrations

AND then imagine yourself as an incredible power source vibrating and radiating the very highest positive energy and spreading it to everyone and everything in the universe. Imagine spreading your light and love, your enthusiasm and positive energy to all. Spend some time vividly imagining this.Do this too for 5 minutes.

Focus and enjoy! Relax. I have provided you with three different ways to consider yourself. A creator, an attractor, and a high powered positive energy source.

Concentrate, hold these in your mind and feel delighted in the images. Enjoy feeling wonderful. Spend a good five minutes or more with each. Or make it a point to spend 30 minutes a day to use your mind this way. As you look at yourself in these wonderful ways feel all the incredible feelings you can feel and savor them.

Consider this: Like does attract Like. I don’t mean in a magical way, but certainly, it could. I mean that our minds work by association and one thought leads to another. Typically, for people they spiral into negativity, but instead you can ramp yourself into positivity. Now it is time to make one positive thought attract another positive thought. It will by association.

if you want a different result make a different choice

Your unconscious mind doesn’t care what you think about. Whatever you think about paired with emotion is what you get more of in your life experience. You mind brings you more of the same kind of thoughts. One thought triggers the next and so on. Since your unconscious mind doesn’t care about the content of your thoughts you may be getting more ‘less than glorious’ thoughts and feelings because you aren’t managing what you are thinking about. You may actually be getting more negative thoughts, or worries or fears. Hang in there, you can change this.

There is a direct correlation between our current thoughts and what we are currently experiencing. Our thoughts create our reality. Our thoughts create our current conditions. if you want to change the outcome or what is going on in your life then you must change your thoughts.

So focus on the positive. Imagine yourself in the positive ways I have described. Make your mind work for you. The more you focus in this way, on these ways to be, the easier it gets and the more powerful positive thoughts your mind will give you.

The key to changing your thoughts is to see what you want, create it in your mind, and linger with it. Stick with it, spend time with it. Repeat this over and over. Keep thinking these new thoughts.

We think in pictures but many of us are not aware of the pictures that we think. They go by too quickly often outside of our awareness but they are there and they do affect us.Now you can begin to manage them and make them serve you.

if you can imagine it you can achieve it

What I am prescribing is an exercise in deliberately creating mental pictures and movies. Doing this over and over again helps builds the muscle to visualize well. When you bring your attention to the process again and again deliberately you are enhancing your ability. Just as physical exercise makes us strong and more agile mental exercise does too. Plus, you are practicing choosing positive mental images to concentrate on and hold your focus on. This holds incredible benefit for you.

Create the positive images and concentrate on them so that they serve you to get the good things you want. The more you engage your mind in doing this the more you are getting closer to making it a habit. You are training your mind that this is what you want it to do. These thoughts and positive images are what you want more of! Remember, we become what we think about most of the time through out each day. So when think your best thoughts most of the time that is what you will get.

Repeat with enthusiasm and commitment to yourself,  ‘I am the master of my destiny I can make my life anything i want it to be.’ and other positive variations. Say it, sing it, chant it, shout it, just remember to do it.

When you do these things you will feel better. Savor the feelings. DO whatever you have to do to bring energy, enthusiasm and confidence to the process. That is why I mentioned singing, shouting etc. You can jump, run in place too. You don’t have to if you are able to do it otherwise, but it helps. If you are in a public place, it may be better to just visualize quietly.

think happy thoughts good things will happen

The point is to MAKE YOURSELF feel good, feel powerful, feel positive even when you don’t. Take charge and DO IT. Learn that this is totally within your control. It is how you use your mind and body that determines how you think and feel.

Newton’s Third Law of Motion is The Law Of Action and Reaction (also commonly referred to as the Law of Cause and Effect) states that there are two forces called action and reaction. For every action (cause), there is an equal and opposite reaction (effect).

Whatever positive action or cause you create and put out there the reaction or effect (or result) comes back to you. The positive effects (results)  are returned to you. The same is true for whatever negative action or cause you put out there. So it is important to monitor or guard what you are thinking about, putting out there, broadcasting, transmitting, or creating, or causing. This is precisely why it is important to maintain mostly positive thoughts and feelings. You become what you think about. You get back whatever energy you radiate. The results you get are because of the causes you initiate and maintain.

You are ALWAYS informing your unconscious MIND what to create or attract by what your think and feel. We can’t change that or stop that. SO the question becomes what are your predominant thoughts? Are they good, positive healthy or are they otherwise? It makes a difference! Since it makes a difference, once you become aware of this, there are things you can do to change the results you have been getting, if you have been getting unwanted results. It is up to you and what you do next!


If you want abundance then think thoughts of prosperity. If you want prosperity think thoughts of abundance. Focusing on lack, poverty and limitations will not help you get better and have a brighter future. Turmoil in your life is the result of thinking about problems and issues, lack, difficulty, and in many cases simply not being in charge of your own thoughts.So choose what you want because you are getting back whatever you are doing on the inside already, anyway!!!

Embrace that you are creator, the  master of your destiny and that you can work with the power within. Accept that you are the powerful positive creator of your own future. Understand that happiness is available to all of us and all you have to do to change your life is think different thoughts. Whatever you focus on expands! Focus on what YOU want to bring about and not what you have been bringing about. If you want happiness think about happiness not about how you don’t have it or how you are sad. You don’t get the color red thinking blue. You must think over and over about red.

SO as a beginning place recognize that you have always been responsible for the outcomes you have been getting. That is okay. All of us are. Now change what you focus on and make a difference for yourself!

NOW visualize yourself as a powerful creator, a powerful magnet and a powerful broadcaster of POSITIVE energy. See yourself as a vibrant powerful positive transmitter. Imagine and practice transmitting AND receiving powerful positive vibrations! Make it a point to think and feel and broadcast POSITIVE thoughts instead of negative ones. You can easily do this!

The reason why some people don’t move forward is they don’t believe it will work. They may think it sounds too good to be true so they don’t bother. They are skeptical. Others, think it must be hard, too difficult, not easy enough and so they never try it. Still, others, are just lazy or prefer to complain because they erroneously think that misery loves company.

what u put out u attract

Actually, there is some truth to the latter. Birds of a feather do flock together. People of like minds and energy tend to attract each other. So positive happy people hang together, just as celebrities do, or the rich. Negative people gravitate towards each other as well. So choose the company of the thoughts, feelings and people you keep. It makes a difference.

Here is what I suggest. Try it for no less than 30 days. Spend some time each day morning and night using your mind this way and then make a decision after 30 days as to whether or not you will continue. Don’t judge it, stay as open as possible without making an assessment. Don’t let limiting habitual old thinking prevent you from acting in your own best interests.

It is important that when you visualize you feel incredible and you believe you are going to have this future. It is important to feel and believe you deserve it and that it is yours. BUT if you do not at first, do not dismay, do it anyway! As you repeatedly do this exercise you will find that it gets easier. When you keep at it you will find your thoughts and energy shifting and you can come to believe it. As you continue the likelihood is that you will begin to enjoy the results you are getting back that you not only feel great and believe it but that you want to go beyond the 30 days.

Remember that once you become aware and understand electricity you can harness its power. The same applies to training your mind to work for you.

Practice thinking and imagining that happiness and wealth and health is your natural state, that these are your birthright. Believe, even if you don’t yet, that you are entitled to all wonderful things. Believe it is the natural state for all people.

forget why it wont believe why it will

Your unconscious doesn’t make a distinction between wanted or unwanted, good or bad it just goes where your energy consistently flows and what you put your attention on repeatedly. It works to manifest and attract what you focus on SO  choose to focus on the very best. Focus on the best and keep your focus on the best! It will astound you when you do!

Make these thoughts your daily practice. Imagine being in a relaxed abundant flow, see good coming to you; health, wealth, love, friends, well-being. Notice how it fabulous it feels and enjoy these feelings.

It is the inner reality that is important to focus on in order to get the results you want. Stay focused and don’t get distracted by what is outside of you presently. Whatever is going on in the present practice gratitude. Train your mind to see the good in all people and situations. Even if it is crumbling around you keep your inner focus intact, and maintain gratitude for everything.

Sometimes things DO fall apart to make way for new things. Don’t let it concern you.

gratitude magic

Honor yourself as creative and powerful – stay focused – steer back to center whenever you find yourself not thinking positively. Realize it is always your choice and when you become aware that you are spending your time creating what you don’t want steer your mind back onto creating the good you do want. It is up to you.

The more you practice the better you become in anything. This applies to and is true about creating and attracting. You get better and better at creating what YOU DO WANT and not what you don’t want.

Have fun, be dedicated, keep an open mind, be intense, yet work at it in a relaxed positive energetic way. You will have everything when you need it in its perfect time. Have faith and it will unfold as it will.

Keep it simple for yourself. Everything you need and want in order to do this well WILL come about as a result of your positive efforts. Remember there is a positive effect for any positive cause. WHEN you take charge and focus your mind in this fashion you become a positive cause for your own future. The results you get are the effects you get.

sometimes smallest step is biggest step

IT has always been the case. You have always been causing the results you have been getting.

What is different now is that you take charge of creating what you DO want. You better understand your responsibility in the creation process. You know that the results you get are up to you and nothing and no one else.

This gives you a new purpose to create only the positive and the good. Stop creating what you don’t want and start creating what you do want.

Keep your attention and intensity on what you want and in the direction you want to go in and you will. It is your right to enjoy anything you want (legally and ethically) without limits. Become aware of your amazing power. Do not let outside distractions take you away. Stay focused and master your concentration!  Spend time each evening and each day have a routine that becomes for you a powerful ritual. Soon it will be a positive powerful productive habit.

Create great things for yourself BECAUSE YOU CAN!” Rex Sikes

Have a fun filled, energetic, delightfully, relaxing day, doing something wonderful for yourself and others!

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