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horizons destination-phil-koch

“You know, when one person asks a question, it can mean many others had the same, similar or other questions but didn’t ask. Others may have have thought the very same thing. People may have made similar comments too if they were so inclined.

With that in mind I decided to re-post an answer I made to someone who commented, because the same principle applies to comments. In this case, a person, commented they would prefer their heart surgeon had knowledge over imagination.

He further stated he was tired of people using Einstein and his words, quotes, as if he were the barometer of infallibility. My reply follows.

Imagination Creates Reality –  Live Out Your Imagination

‘LOL! I do! I want my heart surgeon to have knowledge, be skilled and creative or imaginative to think outside the box to trouble shoot or problem solve on his or her feet. I want the person top of their game. I don’t want a mere mechanic; technical skill only.

I want the best of the best and that includes more than just knowledge. A point to consider. This is a blog post. Not a book or far longer discussion. Hence, there isn’t room for all the examples and counter-examples possible.

I focus on the point or the couple points I am making. There is always room for alternatives, other options and disagreement. Hey, Einstein was proven wrong, about many things, long ago. That doesn’t make his contributions any less poignant.

What Is Now Proved Was Once Only Imagined

He is not a final authority in anything but a decent contributor to the human race. His efforts and benefits way outshine mine, to say the least. I have no problem using a quote, Einstein or otherwise, if it makes a good point.

Who said it may, sometimes, be far less important than what is posited. Other times, the opposite may be the case. The point of the post is don’t stop yourself with limited thinking. Don’t stop at the known but go beyond and into new territory.

Adventure, explore and discover. Adventure, explore and discover.

There is always enough to stop us, but the courageous, the curious, the creative, the fun seekers may go further then others who quit at the obvious, or at the first sign of hardship, physical or mental. Quitting or stopping thinking doesn’t bring much about.

Stop Letting Your Thoughts Control You – You Control Them

An idea to pursue, a purpose, a passion can change the world. People who easily quit do exactly that. They quit. I don’t want my heart surgeon to give up because the problem exceeds his/her expertise. I want the person to seek other possible legitimate solutions.

I don’t want ordinary thinkers. I want open minds. BTW I love that you engage and comment. Thanks for sharing!’ Well, there you have it. My reply. You may or may not agree with me. That’s fine. I am not seeking agreement. I am hoping to provoke thought.

I am hoping we take charge of our thoughts, our minds, our emotions and behaviors and begin getting the results we want to get. There are always enough excuses and distractions to stop us. Let’s find the reasons to see it all the way through to the end and beyond.

Nothing Really Stops You – Only You Can Stop You – Stop That

Make your dreams come true. Have fun, enjoy life. Become financially free. Live with passion. Connect deeply and meaningfully with others. Find blessings in all moments. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Delight in this day!

*** We are planning some new things! Soon  A Teleseminar with Rex  What are your questions, what do you want to know, what would you like help with? Use the comment section to let me know. I’ll let you know when, meanwhile, please let me know what you’d like. ***

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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