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“Today, experiment. Do something you have never done that is safe, positive, beneficial to you and to others. Make sure it is simple and easy enough so that you can and will do it. Don’t complicate things. Think about what you can do that will make things nicer.

I have a suggestion. Try this on if you don’t regularly do it. Be on time. In fact, be slightly early. Show up before you are supposed to by a little bit. Don’t be so early you are rude. If you are in the habit of always being late or making people wait for you change that today.

Here is another. If you are always chronic about being on time and driving your family and friends nuts pressuring them to be there, chill a bit. Relax. Be a moment or two later. Don’t be rudely late but relax just enough to not be so precise. Let go of stress. Ease up.

You Are Your Own – Pilot Choose Your Destination – Make It Nice

If someone always buys you coffee or dinner and you rarely treat others go and treat some friends. Heck, treat strangers. If normally you receive from others, this time, give. Buy coffee, or a meal. Drive instead of letting them drive. Pick up a movie ticket. Something.

Anything! Do something nice for someone before being asked to help. Beat them to it. Delight someone by helping out before they enlist you. Do the dishes, make your bed, sweep the floor, put the toilet seat down, anything that makes it easier for another person.

Once in a while have a service day when you do nice things for others for no reason other than you can and it feels good. Don’t expect anything in return and don’t hold it over another person’s head. You did it. Don’t talk about how you did it for them. Just do it.

What Goes Around Comes Around – Delight And Spread Goodwill 

Put out there the energy you hope to one day get back. Don’t want or expect it from the people you ‘help out’ or are nice to, let them have your gifts for free. No obligation. Just send out positive vibes, friendly, helpful, wonderful, attractive, positive vibes. Enjoy!

What goes around comes around. If not right away, eventually. Be what you want to attract to yourself. Go first. Enjoy people and putting smiles on their faces. Pay it forward. Feel grateful you are able to do this. Bask in the smiles and silently pat yourself on the back for helping to put those there. Celebrate them. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Fill your day with gratitude!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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