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horizons 2-in-the-beginning-phil-koch

“You know what you want and you really hope you get it. How come you are struggling so much? What isn’t working? What must you do to get ahead? Do you know? If you aren’t sure that is part of why you may be having a rough time. The answer is not working harder.

The answer IS work smarter. Success is a science, a formula, a system. If you follow it, as you do a recipe, you will be successful. Most people don’t do what is required.  They don’t learn the formula.  They try to do it on their own.  In a nutshell:

If you know what you want it must be more than a wish or a hope. It may start that way but it needs to be much more. It needs to become what Hill said, is a ‘white hot burning desire’. It should become your passion, your obsession. From there it becomes applied faith.

If You Really Want To Do Something You Will Find A Way

What is applied faith? It is the certainty that you will accomplish your definite purpose or goal. It is that inner knowing, that feeling that you are on the path and nothing can prevent you. Faith applied means you take action. You take the initiative and do what you must.

You work your plan and because you know one day you will arrive you never give up. Success begins with thought on the inside. It becomes a feeling. You feel successful. You act successful. You take action and you keep at it. Then, you become successful.

Sadly, many people wish, hope, want and desire but they never take the steps that make it happen. For most it is because their attitude is not correct. They don’t have a positive mental attitude to see them through. They believe their negative programming.

They listen to other people discourage them. They look to present conditions and circumstances instead of keeping their eye, their mind, their heart where they are headed to. They get distracted. They are hasty and it doesn’t happen fast enough, so they quit.

If You Don’t Want To Do Something You Will Find An Excuse

There are numerous reasons why people don’t make it. There is only one reason why people do succeed. That one reason is: they keep at it until they do succeed. They let nothing prevent them. Why? Because in their mind they are already a success!

I leave you with this poem:

“You can do as much as you think you can, But you’ll never accomplish more; If you’re afraid of yourself, young man, There’s little for you in store. For failure comes from the inside first, It’s there if we only knew it, And you can win, though you face the worst, If you feel that you’re going to do it.”  Edgar A. Guest  From A Heap o’ Livin’. The Reilly & Lee Co.

You Are Where Your Thoughts Take You

You can absolutely DO whatever you put your mind to. That is what Hill proved when he modeled 500 of the most successful people of his time. That is the result for those who have applied his philosophy fully. His works are responsible for millions of people from all walks of life becoming the success they want to be. You can too! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Be thankful for this day!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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