“It’s not about figuring out the how, which is where so many people spend their time. Instead, it’s making sure you want it enough. If it’s not an obsession, but merely a desire it’s unlikely. If you really, really want it, you’ll end up doing it. It starts with desire. Then you add faith and persistence. Napoleon Hill said, it starts as desire, but you must make it a white-hot obsession, add faith and then work it through until it is yours.
He also wrote, ‘Clearly define to yourself what you want to attain in life. Say to yourself: I can do it. I can do it now. Plan and chart the steps you must take to reach your goal. Take them one at a time, and you will find with each success the next step comes easier.’ Keep in mind, instead of saying ‘I want this’ because that demonstrates you don’t have it, say ‘I am making this happen,’ or ‘ I am manifesting __________.’
Forget trying to figure it all out. You can’t. There are just too many variables. Get this! Stop trying to figure out how things work out. You can’t control all the variables anyway. Instead make yourself feel certain you are making it happen. Invest in developing your passion and certainty. Make sure it excites you to think of making it come true. If you are eager for it, you’re likely not to get it.
Positive, powerful, optimistic emotions can fuel your quest and provide you the manifesting energy you need. Vibe high! White-hot! Put yourself in the driver’s seat and go where you want to go instead of being a passenger taken for a ride. The key is knowing what you want to create and then mentally programming yourself to successfully create it.
The Bible says, ‘Ask believing you shall receive, and you shall receive whatever you ask.’ ASK believing it is already yours AND it is yours. This makes a huge difference. Don’t beg. Instead, receive it in faith! Know it IS yours! The process is one based on intensity. I mean YOU really, really intend to do it. You decide to do it and then you do it. This brings about the result.
Imagine already being who you want to be, doing what you want to be doing and having what you want to have ALREADY! Feel yourself happy about it, delighted with it as if you already are doing it the way you want to be doing it AND nurture that. Keep nurturing it until it’s a reality in your behavior. It won’t happen without you doing it but when you act congruently and passionately everything lines up to help you. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
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Blog Article ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC