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“If you’ve been struggling with a problem all day without any progress, or wrestling with making an important decision. attempt to dismiss it from your mind. Put off making the decision until you’ve had some time to ‘sleep on it.’ Give yourself some time!

Knowing the benefits of a nap is worthwhile. Your inner resources, your non-conscious mind, the one that continues to look for a name or place when you have consciously forgotten it, works on your problems and decisions, while you sleep if you give them over to it.

During a nap, or sleep at night, your inner non-conscious brain has the opportunity to work independently of any conscious interference. Your conscious mind has struggled. You may be overwrought. Give it to your non-conscious mind while your rest.

You Have Brains In Your Head And Feet In Your Shoes …

Thomas Edison is said to have gone over in his mind the things he hoped to accomplish the next day. At times he’d make a list of the problems he hoped to solve or tasks he wanted to do and complete. Nap and sleep for the benefits. Sleep is not just sleep.

It is renewal, a time for healing; creativity and problem solving. It continues to make connections and learn without you interfering with it. Use it to refresh and renew. Sleep in the dark and cool room. Before sleep consider what you want done. Focus on it as described.

Think about it positively. Think in terms of solutions. What is it you want?  Clarify it and focus on that. Stop focusing on what is wrong or what you don’t want. Then let go of it. Trust yourself. Go to sleep and let your non-conscious work on it for you. Keep a notebook close.

… You Can Steer Yourself In Any Direction You Choose 

Edison was well-known for taking naps to figure things out. When something puzzled or stumped him he’d take a nap in his workshop. He’d doze and shortly awaken with an idea from a dream. Many writers claim they dream the story, wake up and do the polish.

When you awaken write down your first thoughts. Make this a habit. You may discover these are the answer you seek. Sir Walter Scott would often say when musing over issues ‘Never mind, I shall have it at seven o’clock tomorrow morning.’ Your mind delivers so use it!

Archbishop Temple of Canterbury said, ‘All decisive thinking goes on behind the scenes; I seldom know when it takes place . . . much of it certainly during sleep.’ Put your mind to positive productive use while you sleep. It is working anyway. Give it directions. Develop a positive working relationship. You will be glad you did. You can discover many wonderful things, solutions and insights. Celebrate everything! Rex Sikes

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